Friday, July 08, 2011


This is a picture inside my manic brain.

I'm feeling a little manic as we speak. I love the spectacular energy. The razzle-dazzle. The excitement.

My life is like a work of art.

I am a work of art.

I love living like this.

Here you see the meaning of life ~ which is but a dream... Truly wondrous, astonishing, a neverending phantasmagoria of amazingness...

I hope life is beautiful to you, too...


  1. wonder people don't wanna go on drugs that will make them more "even" or whatever ...whoa... :) so, is the crazy, psychedelic visual stuff on the upper-right (oh, i hope it's really there and i'm not hallucinating, lol) of your blog also your brain on Mania? i dig deejay kitty too :) my cat wants his (her?) skills...

  2. JJ: aye

    Tatyana: that's the thing, heroin DID make me very stable and I had only the vaguest tinges of hyperosity on it (though I could feel the tides changing even on heroin)... OFF heroin my moods swing far more. I've had mood swings for years and have had people telling me I'm "hypomanic" as far back as 15 years ago (I knew hypomania was mild bipolar mania and frankly didn't believe them)... ever since I came off gear last December my moods have been very volatile indeed so I feel a bit manic now. Haven't slept all last night; it's just after 7am now and I'm just not tired.

    I'm REALLY looking forward to today's Group Therapy. Said I'd be into it if I was a bit manic didn't I.

    It's group therapy when depressed I can't handle. Feeling shitty and paranoid like I've got dog turd dripping down my head. No thanks!

  3. Really hope 2days group therapy goes well.
    nice to see life is beautiful for you (at last) and long may it remain :-)
    Got a bit of hamper-tale to tell . . .but it can wait.
    Enjoy it while its good . . .jhope you have a truly amazing, uplifting and encouraging day.
    much love
    wv; beardsly (sly beard?) ;-)

  4. Hi thanks for visiting my blog and your comments. Interesting. I may come back to it again on my blog if it doesn't bore my other readers to death. :D I could talk about music all day long. :D

    Now I need to read it bit more here to get to know you better.

  5. I get something a little bit like this when I forget to take my anti depressants.

  6. Buggerlugz: tell me this robo story then!

    Hey if I wanted some tame babies would you be able to send me some (at some point)? I'm not asking for now, it's just something I was thinking about when I nearly bought that "robin" yesterday...

    The group was BRILLIANT. Organized chaos. Like you'd expect group therapy to be like in prison. It was fantastic!

    LL: you definitely should open a debate on whose voice is best. It's a contentious subject of our times! And also the kids of today don't even know who Streisand and Whitney really ARE. Beyonce just is not in the same league. She has some power, but not the colour. It's tone-colour that distinguishes a good voice from a really superb one and that's what Whitney had and Barbra Streisand had. Even Celine Dion has something special. I'm NOT talking about choice of material btw, purely voice-as-instrument.

    Taffeta: I'll try!

    Jams: what? Hyper? Or angry?... Hang on how was I? This was the day before yesterday, I've forgotten... O dur. Fireworks. See I can't see what I'm commenting on bc of this pop up window. How does forgetting antidepressants do that for you?

    You do know that ceasing antidepressants suddenly can kick of mania in susceptible individuals. Also taking anti Ds can make you manic if you're bipolar or bipolar-sensitive. Which explains all the agitation, insomnia and hyper stuff I used to go through on the blighters!


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