Thursday, July 07, 2011

Sun is shining.... expensive new optical wear required...!

YOU KNOW if I deleted everything that might embarrass me at some time afterwards, I'd barely have any blog left.

What was all this crap about me being pushed into lying in front of a train by the bitchy Buta? Ridiculous!

I was in a right tizzy earlier. Then I spoke to somebody else from the clinic, who calmed me down.

Now my mood has switched and I've been feeling slightly manic all afternoon. And it definitely is mania (or hypomania, to be precise). I feel like I've drunk an enormous amount of black coffee and it's kicked in all at once. Or I've taken a tiny dose of speed and it's there, perking me up all the time like a hamster's perky ears... I'm also having mood swings. One minute I'm high, next I have an unaccountable sinking feeling. Then I'm hyper. Then I want to cry. Exactly what happened before when the mood went UP!

I'm quite happy being UP. It's FAR better than being down. I was reflecting on how this is supposed to be a mental illness and thinking what a crazy place is this world we live in. I hope I stay up like this. I think I deserve it. I've been depressed for far too long. I also want some Transitions or Reactions lenses for my glasses. I didn't want photochromic lenses in my only pair of glasses, as they always darken when you go outside, no matter what the weather and I'd only want that in summertime. So I'm saving another £69 to get the trendy frames everyone says suits me in Reactions brown. To be frank, I prefer grey-black to brown, but my frames are bronze so grey would look like a mistake at the factory. What do YOU think?

I was going to get contact lenses (mostly so I could wear sunglasses) but I'm too old for contacts these days...

Ukh you know what, I wish that Buta woman hadn't put pressure on me the way she did. I'm now fantasizing about going into rehab. And to do that I need the rehab seminar. See this is what happens when you cajole and coerce against people's will. They wont' even do what they WANT to do, because you're forcing the point. I would have thought Buta, being a mental health nurse, would understand that aspect of human nature. But then again, she does seem a bit stupid, so who knows....

20:30 hrs The News of the World, Britain's most salacious tabloid is to go out of production as of next Sunday. The 168 year old publication, which sold 5 million copies in its heyday had become mired in a giant phone hacking scandal. Royals, celebrities and even murder victims' families' mobile phones were hacked into resulting in a scandal so great that the newspaper lost nearly all their advertisers ...


  1. Come on you orrible lot!! ~ have you nothing to say? POST SOMETHING FASCINATING, PLEASE!... and if it can't be fascinating, make it entertaining... if it can't be entertaining, make it witty... if it can't be witty, make it fun. If it can't be fun (or funny) JUST SAY WHATEVER CRAP POPS INTO YOUR BRAINBOX!!!

  2. I'm on day 3 of not using so I have absolutely nothing chipper or witty to bring to the table :-( However, I do have experience with Transitions lenses. IMHO, big waste of $$. I wish I had purchased one pair of regular glasses and one pair of Rx sunglasses.

    To explain, I got my first pair of glasses when I was 24, and I was so swept with in the idea of getting nice ones, I got sucked into buying all the bells and whistles thinking that they would be more flattering. With transitions, I thought I'd only need one pair so $450 seemed like a bargain at the time. since it was my first pair of glasses I had no point of reference for cost.

    The first problem with the transitions, is that they do not darken in the car so I had to choose between reading the street signs or getting blinded by glare. 2nd, it's great have dark glasses (and see distance) at the beach. Unfortunately, my lenses weren't big enough to really block out the sun while reading a book. Nor were the lenses big enough to protect my tiny Korean eyes from the harmful UVA/UVB rays. 3rd, it takes several minutes for the lenses to go from dark to light so when i was working in a big office with backstabbing suits and went out for a square, when I came back in, everyone would know I was just outside instead of working.

    Again, that's my 2 cents -- free advice ;-). Good luck to you, what ever glasses you decide to purchase :-)

  3. My Mum used to have transitions all the time and the lenses were invariably dark which made her look blind. When I was working I invariably went for the designer frames when choosing my glasses, since I retire I go for the cheaper frames - they're just as good and if you get the right pair they look great!

  4. Nice to read that you are feeling "up" (for once !)try to stay there ! I never supported contact lenses, I prefer my good old glasses !


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