Wednesday, September 07, 2011

AUTUMN is thick in the air. You can feel it everywhere. The leaves have fallen off the trees already in some places. Conkers are everywhere. Stormy weather is forecast. Already it's grey and cold.

The only good thing about autumn, if you're into drugs of all kinds, is that psychedelic mushrooms appear after the first rains.

I'm not into drugs and haven't taken a magic mushroom in well over a decade... I haven't used heroin since I can't remember when. But my brain's telling me it's about 10 days.

Time for all you cooks to make hearty stew and dumplings.


  1. It is a bit cooler here as well. Just got back from the morning walk. Beautiful! No mushrooms yet. We have the stink horns which give off such an odor that one would be crazy to get too close.

  2. nice tit picture... and the dumplings look great as well... Oh 1970s humour still alive and well ;-)

  3. Definitely you can fel autumn in the air. A god stew should get the serotonin pumping

  4. Well I thought Spring had sprung in Oz but nope, back to the rain and grey. Enjoy kicking a few fallen leaves about and stay off the shrooms

  5. Our fall is later than yours.

    It's still hot here in California. Well over a hundred over the last weekend. Suppose to be around 90 all this week.

    Yuck it hot. I can't wait till it fall and it finally gets cool.


  6. Shrooms . . .perish the thought. Used to take them by handful until I realised just how delicate my mental health was/is. Love autumn though . .smells gorgeous. Wish I could drive & had a camper van so could get another trip 2 wales in during autumn, so beautiful.
    Hammies all got sand baths so no greasy fur . .just the way he likes his hair I spose. He is defo a he though so had to move him out of his original flat that he shared with 2 females . . .and in with Laddio (his uncle). Hows the cigarette reduction going? Hope things are going your way :-)
    with love
    di x

  7. I wish it was autumn here, its been in the upper 90's lately.

    I'm catching up on your blog!

  8. I think our autumn comes so early because we are so further north. It's getting dark far earlier already.... Furtheron I didn't notice the rude implications in dumplings etc but do now!

    Buggerlugz I don't blame you for steering away from magic mushies. I used to think they were nature's cure for Seasonal Affective Disorder!!!!


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