Sunday, October 09, 2011

Ordinary People Having Extraordinary Experiences

ECSTASY, as longterm readers of my blog will know, is the only drug I ever considered truly AMAZING. It was the brightest light in a trinity of MDMA, mushrooms and ketamine. But I loved MDMA the most because on MDMA you can dance for hours. Forget the touchy-feely stuff. I danced on E. I had experiences like the one Ruth has here by wandering outside house parties on my own and finding myself in grasslands at dawn, haloed by rainbows. At one such party a white Barbadian girl named Summer Rain was meditating 6 feet high on a wall.

Nate on Ecstasy (screen 2: Nate): yes this is the sort of rubbish I have twaddled too.

I think we all have.

Mania reminded me of ecstasy because of the bright lights, enhanced appreciation of sound and colour, hallucinations (which you get at high doses) and the rushing feeling, leading to "peak experiences". I got higher on E than I ever did on cocaine, including crack. Yes crack was more intense, but Ecstasy was several clouds higher (cloud 9, 10, 11, 12 and counting...) The most intense high known to man is said to be that of heroin and cocaine taken intravenously together, the socalled snowball or speedball. This reminded me of MDMA. On Ecastasy I was frequently the highest person in the room. When I danced I would come out of my trance now and then to realize I was surrounded by people vibing off my energy. On my best nights I was constantly pestered by people wanting to know if I had pills to sell. To use the NA phrase "they wanted what I had".

If you're wondering how Ruth got E'd up on a camping trip and how Nate got there at a family dinner, it's because his brother David idiotically dumped some Ecstasy pills in the aspirin bottle. Excellent TV if not entirely believable.

If I could take ecstasy once more I'd get ten good pills and do a session with my mother.


  1. Can you believe I've never seen the show Six Feet Under? I did used to watch one called 'Family Plots' which was about a family-run mortuary in California.
    I never did Ecstasy so I can't really comment on that.

    I hope you will come to some balance with the extremes of moods. Not easy, I imagine, but not impossible either. Keep trying.

    Thanks for coming by my blog for a visit. Good to see ya!

  2. I've never seen six feet under either . .I have taken a few hundred E's though.
    Loved the dancing. Hated the come-down. E's are what led me to Heroin. To "help" with the last 5 hours, when you're all danced out but still grinding your teeth looking like a demon. Yuk the thought of them. I can now comment at mine . .and I have. I've commented on the comments under the post they were written under (if that makes sense). Thanks for advice on Blog-hops and finding readers . .but at the minute I am feeling quite overwhelmed with my hundred odd pageviews!! this must sound very few to you :-)
    catch you later.
    With love

  3. When you tell it, it almost sounds fun..but I have to believe it's rough on the old brain cells.

    Hang in there, Gleds, you've made a lot of progress.

  4. I join the others in not having viewed "Six Feet Under."

    I have had similar experiences, not via drugs but meditation.

    Blessings to you, Gleds, my dear friend.

  5. Only ever tried mushrooms. I will never be trying them again and so it is a racing cert I will never try Ketamine or E now.

    Great to see six feet under clips A top show!

  6. Can't see your vids, they mustn't be available down under. Never done any drugs other than alcohol so no comment. Guess I'm naturally high. Are you crazier than a year ago. Not really just talk about it more I think.

  7. Never was alll that impressed by ecstasy - perhaps eye didn't take a high enough dose? But then again, prefer dxm & ketamine - love that whole death/afterlife effect, & the floaty after-effects. Favorite combo was acid/dxm:
    "See those clouds up there?"
    "That's how high we are right now."

    Was your favorite combo e&shrooms?

  8. Thank you so so so much for the link under "some addicts blogs" (those pesky rabbit ears again :-)propa appreciate it. And hope you feeling more in tune with the moon ie. up & almost peaking . ..
    love comme toujours

  9. ps. Does one pageview mean one reader? I'm confused as adding up the page views on each post does not equal the over all amount of views. Sorry this is nothing to do with your post :-\ I'm not becoming obsessed with stats, am I?
    No I thought not . . .just dont get it when things dont add up.
    Hope u feeling somewhere in the middle ish.
    With Love

  10. I love this blog...havent checked in for a long while. Love where you are at and your writing.....M-Filer

  11. Sorry I haven't seen anyone: computer and me down both at once :-(


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