Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Things I Am Supposed To Do

AKH THERE'S so many things I'm supposed to do; I don't feel up to doing any of them. It's only because I'm such a misery, no real reason, no real excuse. And where does self-esteem come from? If anyone knows of any for sale I want to buy some. I think I was left with a short supply at birth

this is genuine East German pop music from the early 80s

This is the film I got that song from. Doesn't this tune start like an evil flower opening stealthily in the dark...? Then it sounds deadly sad.

I can't stay on long. I have been watching a film called The Lives of Others (Das Leben der Anderen) about the Staasi secret police. I have a thing about the cold war. I would have loved to visit East Berlin or Soviet Russia...

Illustrated: Martina Gedeck "the German Meryl Streep"...


  1. Hi,
    That cheered me up a little. We posted within 5 minutes of each other. You to say you're too miserable to do ote, me to say I'm too ill. Swap you a lung for some self esteem?
    My "Gledwood" Robo has got 5 pups!
    photos and news will follow as soon as I feel better. Always thought he was a bit feminine :-)
    Take care, with love

  2. I read a small but good book about self-esteem - I think it was "Hold you head high" but Paul Hauck - apologies if that is wrong.

    Whatever it was there or somewhere else I read this thing about "self-worth" vs "self-esteem". Esteem if you look in the dictionary says something like "to regard highly" - however also although not so commonly nowadays it also used to be used to mean "to set a value on"

    Indeed we still talk about estimation - which comes from the same derivation.

    So the argument went partly - think of self-worth not self-esteem as the latter is about rating (estimating) yourself against others. That is a pointless activity as you can always find another axis of measurement that will show that you are underneath some imagined suitability line.

    So I like to think of self-worth. Am I a worthy individual. I then am comparing myself only with the targets I set myself regarding moral, ethical and performance. I measure up just fine when I do that ;-)

    So no you can't buy any self-esteem anywhere but if you look inside you'll find all the self-worth you ever need

  3. Furtheron: I hope it's there when I look!

    Buggerlugs: I don't know if I'd swap a lung at the moment my throat is colonized by alien spawn and I feel ill too


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