Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hardcore Hebrew. Because I'm Really Depressed...

I'VE FOUND A COPY OF THE MOST hardcore Hebrew course you can get. I want to learn the same language carved out by the finger of God on those 10 Commandment stones.

It's the now out-of-print Linguaphone course with cassettes. Of the three textbooks, two are exclusively in Hebrew print. The tapes are exclusively in Hebrew. No prompts or explanations in English.

The Handbook explains in English supposedly all you need to know.

I'm glad I troubled to learn the alphabet beforehand; otherwise it'd all be:
השם עבר מופיע בתנ"ך כשמו של סבו של אברהם אבינו. המושג "עברי" נזכר בתנ"ך פעמים רבות
to me ...

Now I just need to get a working cassette player so I can use the thing ..!

Yeah I'm tired and depressed but what's new? I'm psyching myself up for spending the rest of my forseeable life on methadone without any freedom OR a lovely hit of "B" on the horizon ...

Back to the faintly religious theme, I do believe this is what "faith" is about. The willingness to take a leap into seeming hopelessness of pitch dark, knowing it's the best thing and trusting all will come out right in the end...

Where or when-ever "the end" might be. That's what I've always found so hard about methadone, as I posted the other day. The whole experience feels like an endless pointless drag with no hope in view.

I don't know quite what else to say, but I'm giving it a shot ...


Linguaphone, Rosetta stone and other language methods compared, homepage ...

Rosetta Stone review ...

Top illustration: Dead Sea scrolls fragment ...


Here's a 50 Cent track about heroin. Thanks to Clarity In Muddy Waters who listed the words ...


  1. You're amazing with all the languages you learn. Good for you.

  2. Aye I'd be bored ****less if I didn't.

    Also it was one thing I promised myself aged about 7, to learn how to speak "foreign" ...

  3. You really are torturing yourself aren't you......(pictures) Hope you're feeling a bit better soon.

  4. I always wanted to learn Hebrew as well - was very disappointed when we went to see the Dead Sea Scrolls - many Jewish people were reading them! but not me.

    So is there no end for you? You need either heroine or methadone forever? Or is it actually possible to get off the methadone too eventually?

  5. Hey stick with the methadone. Think of all the money you'll save then you can go to Israel and speaka da lingo with the natives.

  6. I'm glad to hear you've giving it a shot! :)

  7. I'm really depressed, too, right now, Gleddy. Not sure why. It's nothing I can point to specifically. My life is going fairly well. I never know when the black dog is going to visit. I just try to sleep more and ride it out.

    Sending love. You are not alone.


  8. CHIC MAMA: oh ~ the funny writing? Yeah but I just remind myself how many millions of Hebrew speakers just glance at that and it's probaby as banal to them as one of my shopping lists ... know what I mean ..?

    BAINO: ken! ("Aye!" in Hebrew...)

    JEANNIE: oh yes. I'd only take methadone to get off it. Don't understand people who want to remain forever on a flat dose. And I don't see why methadone reduction should ever be painful. Surely if you got 1mg short you'd not notice. So why not reduce at 1mg per week? That's what I say ...

    AKELAMALU: indeedy!

    SB: I know exactly how you feel. Get well soon ...


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