I SPENT £10.20 on a pink and yellow bouncy ball and a bag of heroin. I got far more value out of the bouncy ball, which is fluorescent and bounces at least 20 feet high if you really slam it into the ground.
I was sat so still on the bench that the little birdies came up to me. A tiny flock of sparrows went for a sway in the bushes. Then one thrummed across the road and sat in the eves of a house.
A blackbird with a beakfull of worms ran right to my feet, then scurried off. A pair of bluetits came too.
Then my drug dealer phoned to say he was outside the local pub. I met him quickly and pinged home. The gear went cloudy in the works and I had to inject in the side of my right hand, just down from the little finger. My hand hurts a bit, but I got something of a high, so who cares.
I think the 20p bouncy ball and the birdies cheered me up more than the heroin ever could. Before them, my mind was fixated on the usual theme of these days: euthanasia, death penalty for heroin addicts, and suicide.
Anna Grace has gone straight back on the gear, right after spending four days of torment detoxing cold off the last lot. I know why she went back to it. Life seems terrifyingly bleak and empty without opiates. You wish you had never been born. The only remedy that seems viable is suicide ~ or to go back on opiates until death takes you anyhow.
I'm thinking of reaffirming my old "till death do us part~" commitment to heroin. Narcotics Anonymous say you must be willing to make any sacrifice in order to stay clean. Even if it means losing an arm, you must do it. I've been willing to commit everything to heroin in the past. If I could turn it around and commit everything to sobriety, I might succeed. And seeing as I break every resolution I've ever made (especially regarding my drug addiction) I think I should resolve most definitely to go on using until I die. Then I might break it by cleaning up. That's the only positive way I can phrase the actions of today.
Well I've got to go. I'm out of money now, so no cup a soup, no croutons, no corned beef. Just Greek pasty-shaped baps with cheese baked in the inside (2 at 50p each). And Mr Dippy 59p hummous. So I got dinner today for £1.59.
My weight has gone down to 13 stone 7 and 3/4lbs. Which works out at 190 lbs, meaning I've only lost 11 lbs in over a month! I'm going to really have to make this diet of mine more drastic still. And those antipsychotics are going to make me put on EVEN MORE weight. I keep getting Radio GaGa. Eg when I came home at midday my head was tuned into the Nonsense Channel. It was starting to irritate me.
I'm not happy with all the death talk in my recent blog; but that's what I've been thinking about.
I did get advised to go down the park, and I did go and got entertained by the tiny birdies trotting around the bushes. So that's one good thing.
I hope you all had a passable weekend XXXXXXX
One is not enough
And I'm not talking about Maltesers!
Not satisfied with one walk I went for another with Husband this afternoon,
a flatter shorter walk over Mumbles Hill...
9 hours ago
Hi Gled,
Your afternoon with the birds sounds so tranquil.
I don't know about heroin and maybe it's better than legal meds, maybe worse.
Your florescent ball sounds fun.
I met this guy who was crazy about balloons, really seriously into them,(it seemed to be almost sexual)
My sister is not doing well, she was knocked out in the truck and her bf wandering off drunk and I wondered do they get any pleasure at all living as they do.Just being passed out the entire day.
Oh well, I've been thinking too much.
I'm back and busy downloading the 400+ photos we took, which I hope to start sharing sometime this week. :)
I was really hoping to come back and read that you were off the heroin Gleds.
Taffeta: i was waiting for the dealer but it was more fun than taking the actual drugs
Akelamalu: i did stay off it for 4 or 5 or 6 days (I don't know how many; I didn't count... hang on 5 days it was) yeah I stayed off for 5 days but felt so lousy i used it again. It wasn't really any fun so I'm not sure its worth bothering with again
Oh Gleds, It`s been so long since I`ve visited and am so sorry to hear that this struggle is still such a fight for you :(
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