IT'S HALF PAST ELEVEN. I got up dead early this morning and drank methadone. Watched the Royle Family and met a friend who owed me money. I got paid in gear which ****ed my resolve up not to use. The gear was crap anyway. Then I went up the chemists, got methadone. This methadone is for the early hours when I'm knocking back the lot so I can face the day with no cravings at all. I'm hoping the huge dose will put me in a good mood. Fat chance of that probably but you can but try.
I've been doing a spot of cleaning every single day. The full sacks are piled on a chair. I daren't put them out until the binmen come round. Otherwise some wild animal or scavenging human will tear them open revealing my cyder-drinking and other sins to the world.
Our local charity shop sold me a hardback copy of the Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book for £1. It's the fourth edition. Like the NA book, the second half is packed with personal stories how I took up and gave up drinking. Surprisingly I found the stories more informative than the Narcotics Anonymous ones. When I read the NA ones I keep wondering how white the heroin was, how much they paid for it, what type of needle they used, and which vein. Junkie questions. In the AA book I focus more on the point.
My concentration span is going downhill (again). But it means I get more value from the book. I can read the best bits over again and it's all new every time.
I went to bed at 4pm from sheer exhaustion and slept till 8. That means I've slept 12 hours today. I woke up with my head going everywhere. 12 people have voted in my hearing voices poll so far and most people say they have heard them at some point. Which doesn't surprise me. According to the Voice Hearers Movement 2/3 of those who regularly hear voices have no psychiatric diagnosis. I was crossing the road today when I heard Jim Royle say "bloody hell!". I nearly got hit by a VW Beetle. A red one. Now that I know that I'm not mad I'm much happier about it.
I've had corned beef and a bag of chips. Couldn't finish the chips. I don't know why I'm still so fat. It was only one tin. I did give up corned beef for a few days but the craving gets so intense it's too much to bear. Far worse than the craving for heroin.
Anna Grace has posted nothing since Friday. She might be sicking out her habit. I hope she does get clean. She said she was going all manic. Having an elevated mood is really helpful for coming off drugs, well I think so. Why on earth would you want drugs when you feel fantastic anyhow? Only drugs I was glad of when I went hyper were zopiclone sleeping pills. I got some sleep every single night. Even though it was only 2 and a half hours, it's better than nothing. That line drs like to spin about your body getting the sleep it needs is a lie by the way. I've gone 4 days on no sleep at all and I've heard stories of people going 7 days. All that happens is you go more mad and hallucinate floridly. And when you do sleep after all that time, it's usually only for a few hours. And then you're awake for days on end again. This is in mania by the way. So all that stuff spouted by doctors is just crap. I hope Anna isn't too manic, it really melts the brains does mania. She might be in hospital. I hope she's OK.
I need to do some voluntary work, but who would have me? Need to finish clearing my house first. What shall I do work-wise? I don't know...
One is not enough
And I'm not talking about Maltesers!
Not satisfied with one walk I went for another with Husband this afternoon,
a flatter shorter walk over Mumbles Hill...
9 hours ago
you don't talk about your past before drugs, not that i have found. Have you resolved all of your issues, if you have any from that time in your life? Do you have a philosophy on this? Have done, don't need to, next question, that kind of thing.
I'm okay, just manic. Nobody to monitor how I'm doing, so no hospital for me. I haven't used drugs since Sunday. I used Methadone. I'm no longer dope sick. Just happy to be alive. Feeling great. I haven't posted because I've been busy cleaning. I mean deep cleaning. I haven't slept since I took the Methadone on Sunday.
I got to go, my favorite morning TV show is on. I don't know if I can totally focus on it, but I'm gonna try. I'll post later on today.
All my love to you. I missed you. My dearest husband.
Hin Anna, Hi Gledwood,
Glad you're alright.
I've nee exhausted myself too. I just doze off watching tv.
I been an early bird lately, up at between 5_6:30 am tops.
Wish you well,
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