IT'S QUARTER TO FOUR IN THE MORNING. I've been up since 1:30. I went to bed at three in the afternoon because I was so tired but my body refused to sleep through. I woke up feeling like a block of ice.
Drank that nasty poisonous methadone syrup as soon as I got up. It still took a good 90 minutes to actually work. I absolutely loathe methadone. Whenever I think about it I wish I was dead. I'm not joking either. I think junkies should be shot through the brains. It would probably take a specialist marksman to actually have the accuracy to hit what scant brains most addicts have got. That would be a far better treatment than methadone prescription (not to mention cheaper).
If you think that's drastic, then make death by firing squad voluntary. Loads of addicts would volunteer. Once you've got addicted to heroin you see how useless life actually is and the only thing to look forward to apart from another dose of heroin, is death.
I don't know why I'm giving up heroin, I can't explain it to anyone. Heroin was the only thing that ever made life seem worth living. Take it away and you see things for what they actually are. Unspeakably bleak and worthless. Dark and empty. And unbearable.
Well I'm having another chicken and veg cup a soup with croutons. It's no substitute for heroin, but it's better than methadone as far as getting a high goes. I can't drink coffee because that has yet more drugs in it and I'm trying to go drugs free. One day, when I was having a nervous breakdown, I drank a few cups of coffee in a row. This made me go so out of it I felt like a television when the aerial falls out the back. My brains were full of racing black and white dots, pinging so quickly, hissing so loud that all I felt and all I was was utter insanity. That happened to me every day for five days in a row. Now I keep having flashbacks about it. It was one of the most traumatic things that has ever happened to me.
I really wish I had killed myself when I was deranged enough to actually do it. I can't believe I'm actually living on methadone, the ultimate in mediocre compromise. Why do they give IV drug addicts an ORAL medication? That's just a way of torturing the sick. I hate doctors for doing this.
I'm like those old ladies addicted to Valium. The Valium is doing them no harm, except that they know they're addicted to it. Because they don't like the feeling of depending on something chemical, they decide they must stop taking it. That's me and heroin. I don't like relying on anything outside myself. I don't even like eating. When those idiotic halfbrained criminals droughted the UK heroin market last autumn it really rubbed into me how much I relied on those bastards for my peace of mind. Now I don't ever want to rely on those people again.
I don't think I'll ever have any wellbeing without heroin, or that there will ever be any point to being alive. But I'm trying not to think about that. It's supposed to be better not to be on heroin than to be on it. I'm not actually sure that's true. But I do know I want to be off heroin for good. But I want to do it for me. I don't care what anyone else thinks.
Well I've got to go; I can't think up anything positive or informative to say. The only good thing that's happening to me is I keep getting "mental health" symptoms back. I quite like my brainbox going all bizarre on me. It's like free entertainment. I mean, there's nothing I can do about that anyway, if it happens it happens. So I might as well have some fun out of it.
I've been reading the AA Big Book. It makes me want to go to AA. I relate to about 50% of what I read in there. Although I drink every day I never got confidence from alcohol. It never felt like the missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle called me. That missing piece is called Heroin. Alcohol was only ever something cheap and easy to get hold of that potentiated heroin's effects and gave Dutch Courage for begging up cash on the streets. I don't take one drink and have to take endless more until I pass out. I have binged on alcohol ~ I went up to 4 litres 7.5% cyder last autumn when there was no decent heroin to buy. That's slightly more than one bottle of whisky per day. I only drank that heavily for a very short while. But I do relate to the AA stories about blackouts. I lost days on end. I literally could not remember anything I'd done. Probably nothing worth remembering anyhow.
So that's my life: I'm off heroin, I'm going off alcohol ~ I'm down to one can of cyder a day now. And I don't even like drinking that. The taste is absolutely foul.
None of this feels at all worthwhile. The idea of not taking drugs and not drinking just makes me want to go to bed for ever.
Well that's that. I hope you're either stoned on hard drugs or really happy, wherever you are. Take care :-)
One is not enough
And I'm not talking about Maltesers!
Not satisfied with one walk I went for another with Husband this afternoon,
a flatter shorter walk over Mumbles Hill...
8 hours ago
Alright possum, it's the naggy Bainster here . .if you're giving up everything and feel like shit, you need a substitute. I've been thinking about you and frankly, you spend too much time inside the house, in bed and cogitating in front of the computer. You need a routine that gets you outside. Go research free stuff . . museums, galleries, parks, whatever and have an excursion a day, something to get out of bed for. Or volunteer or something.
To answer your question about the NHS, yes, it's better than here. But mental health is a problem here, very difficult to get free assistance without being checked into a hospital. Although there are some good voluntary organisations like Beyond Blue etc.
Anyway, get out of the house, summer's coming and it's amazing how a good dose of sunshine can make things seem better.
Have a tops weekend.
i need to go down st james's park, they have nice shyte down there
i'm doing the laundry on monday, so i can go down there without gumming up the tube train with all the stale sweat on me ha ha!
Baino has a very good point. There's lots that life has to offer, you're just not seeing it right now because kicking the habit is all you think about. Once you've kicked it you can enjoy life again: Yourself, your family, your friends, make new friends, nature, hobbies, writing, do any kind of work you like, travel, improve your skills, find new skills, help others, inspire others.
Lots of things you could be doing mate, lots of things...
as you give up, I take up as far as heroin goes. When your down, I'm up mood wise. I see your not feeling like doing anything, and I wrote the introduction to my book myself. I was just so scared yesterday that I wouldn't be able to do it. I got thru it, I listened to some music, and it inspired me. I had to take extra Adderal to keep me up on this damned heroin.
I see that as a user I am damned, and being shot by a fireing squad would do me more good than harm. If you get what I'm saying.
Oh well, what can I do? Nothing.
I like what Baino said too. Get out and do something. Go to a museum,library, go to school, study Chinese or German. Enjoy life because it is good.
Fuck life isn't good. Try being bi polar with horriable depression.
Gled & Anna,
I think life can never ever be one great happy time with a fairy tale ending. There are many, many sufferings in life. I've never taken a pill that made me happy despite the rounds of unfortunate circumstances that is life.
If one ever does get created and it's legal, the whole world would take it and stay on it.
Take care guys,
i went out down the park on sunday and the hour waiting for my dealer to get up in the morning was actually the most fun i'd had in weeks..! watching the tiny tits and sparrows fluttering about...
Anna... how come our moods are at constant odds like that?..?? it's not fair. i wish we could both be manic enough to feel really good at the same time, and for months and months on end if not years.......???!!!
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