TOMORROW I'M GETTING AN E-CIGARETTE (as illustrated ~ don't they look real?!) I'm DETERMINED TO GIVE UP SMOKING!!
I'M FEELING WAY BETTER than yesterday and the previous few days. I think finally I have caught up on my lost sleep.
I have been eating microwave cheeseburgers that are so addictive. Seriously you want to try one. Use all the relish and extra relish (and extra cheese) if so desired. And mound it up with salad and I promise you that just like with mama heroin you'll be crawling back for more.
I did have a tiny bit of gear last night but I couldn't even feel it. It just made me sleep through till morning without waking every hour (like I normally do). I also realized my methadone isn't actually holding me properly as I'm getting bad sweats from my heater. Then I get bad sweats again by venturing outside into the freezing cold! I won't promise never to touch the "B" again as y'all know I will. But I'm determined to get my methadone dose cut down to nothing as quick as poss. I can't wait till I get to the magic 20mg. That means, to my mind, that I'm not a raving addict any more.
I saw a funky SQUARE satellite dish this morning. Just like one of those BSB Squariels (remember them) ~ but massive. BSB who went against Sky's (then) 30+ channels with SIX of their own and expected to win the war! In the end the 2 companies merged into "BSkyB". Freesat is operated by the BBC and ITV (the main terrestrial TV companies) but they use the same satellites as Sky. Anyone who stops subscribing to Sky automatically gets Freesat but lots of people don't seem to realize that. 100+ channels FREE. And supposedly 200 more if you tune them in manually.
What was I talking about? O, the weather. Yes it's FREEEZING COLD and yet I've had terrible sweats when walking to the chemist. O yeah and HERE'S THE NEWS.
TOMORROW I'M BUYING AN ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE. They cost £8 for a nonrechargable disposable one that contains as many blasts on the nicotine as 30 real fags. I'm determined to get my absolute money's worth by holding in the nicotine as if it's crack smoke. £8 is $12 and almost as much as real fags cost anyhow but I'm determined to give these electronic ones a whirl. I've seen people use them and they look so funky. The rechargable ones used to cost £40 ~ then you have to hunt down a supplier of refill cartridges and of course I'd only want maximum strength ones. I'll let you know how it goes...
A(nother) new beginning
New year, new start. A bit belatedly but I'm having a good day today, doing
big things, and little things that only take a minute but that 'I'll do
23 hours ago
Good to hear your "natural enthusiasm" returning ;-)
I get those sweats too . . . but never sure if its methadone or menopause. Each one as evil as the other.
Well done on reducing the meth so much (that'll defo be what the sweating is). Hope the e-fags work, look forward to hearing whether they do or not. It's gotta be worth a try.
We had snow this morning but it's all melted away now. Take care. With love as always.
Di x
word verify . . . Shott!
Better too hot then too cold ! I hope these cigarettes will help you, Mr. G. tried to give up smoking with them, but unfortunately it didn't work and now a few are still laying around unused ! I asked him why, and he can't find an answer !
Is better then real cigarette. I think you have good idea.
Good luck with giving up smoking Gleds, just wish you could give up the other stuff too. Have a good Christmas m'deario. xx
regarding quitting smoking... in australia we can get prescribed a couple months of Champix tablets for $5.00. you gotta smoke for the first couple weeks even though you really dont want to and most people quit using them. you could probably get them over the net but they are worth the effort for such a cheap quitting option.... xo Lilly
Good to hear you are feeling better.
Saw someone with those e-ciggy thing - bonkers I stopped smoking in 1983 but I wanted to try one of them to see what it was like... once an addict always an addict... :-)
Champix is good re Lilly comment... I have to say that I worked on the product in a previous job! Can make you possibly depressed though so be careful
Buggerlugz: I think I must be a menopausal woman too!
Gattina: there is something less satisfying about the artificial cigs. I think they give out less and less nicotine the more you smoke. That wouldn't surprise me. Whereas a real cig gets stronger.
Adriana: grazie
Akelamalu: thanks. I wish I could give up all nefarious activities too...
Lilly: I'd like to try Champix
Furtheron: Champix can make you depressed? O shit!
From memory... Champix attaches itself to receptors in the brain in a special way - this stops you getting the "rush" when you smoke, so reduces the cravings and the feelings... however depression has been seen as an adverse reaction
I tried buproprion/Zyban which makes ciggies taste like old tyres and that's an ANTIdepressant with smoking cessation as an off-label use...
It is a very good electronic cigarette online
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