MY THROAT has been colonized by alien spawn I have been sleeping half the time. Why my throat should affect the man in the moon I've no idea but it does. I'm really tired.
The bug killers came by today. We still have cockroaches in our house. The extermination man came at about 10:45 when I had just woken up. He puts this gel down that kills nearly all of them.
I don't feel as depressed as I did before. I've seen some light.
Tonight I have a stop smoking appointment at 5, so I should come out of it with a free prescription for nicotine gum. You have to choose what kind of NRT you would like and I decided the gums would be best: you use it only when you feel you need it; and chewing gives you something to do which might substitute for the action of smoking.
I'm kind of dreading giving up but I don't want to be an old smoker. I'm scared of hospitals more because of the thought of being forced to give up than anything else. I need a new life and I don't envisage cigarettes in that life.
I have to go now and buy a cream tart from Morrissons.
A little break
My plan to go for a walk before visiting Husband this morning was scuppered
when I looked out of the window and saw the pouring rain. The second part
of ...
19 hours ago
Sorry to hear you're not well Gleds. Good luck with the smoking cessation, I gave up 14 years ago. My Dad smoked from the age of 12 and his lungs were shot at but he didn't have cancer thank goodness. Read my post today for a laugh about my Dad and smoking. x
I gave up 5 years ago, so its not impossible. I found the book by alan Carr very helpful, it was called 'The Easy Way to Give Up Smoking', or something very similar!
And I always marvel at old smokers, wondering how they are still alive!
If you have a throat, or any other, infection you will feel tired while your body fights it.
Those little fake ciggys that you put the nicotine cartridge in are pretty good, as it occupies hands, mouth and gives you the nicotine hit . . . can you only choose one?
Were allowed as many as it takes. I've got a cupboard full and then the real thing of course. I hope you do well with it. Its a crazy habit. Hope you feel better soon
with love
Eye ~~HATE~~ roaches.
Good luck with the gum! Eye had an oral fixation Long before smoking ever started, m'eye whole life have been chewing on pens, pencils, straws, and the like. Not sure if that would make it harder or easier to quit smoking.
You need a prescription for Nicobate? Weird you can buy it in the supermarket's here. Good luck. I'm about to have a crack since cigs are $15 a packet here!
Happy birthday possum
Akelamalu: that is a mad story!
Kiwigirl: I have flicked through that book it's quite good. We have a comedian here called Alan Carr but it's a different Alan Carr...
Eyelick: roaches are horrible I nearly jumped out of my skin when I first saw one I'm just glad the stuff they are using works.
I used to bite my nails really bad so I thought chewing would replace smoking quite nicely....(?)
Buggerlugz: you explained it very nicely I can be a bit SCHOOPiD sometimes...
Baino: you don't need a prescription for Nicorette but it's free on prescription (for certain people)... see what I mean.
las night, laid down and caught sight of a roachi roach roach on the edge of the pillow! Shined phone light on it & it scampered away. Turned on regular light, found it under the pillow on the other side of the pillow. Threw the pillow on the ground, then it scurried away where it couldn't be squished. Made it VERY difficult to fall asleep, and woke up around 5. Ugh.
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