GOOD MORNING GOOD MORNING GOOD MORNING. Finally I have got on a (public) computer that works because the mad woman who's always hogging it isn't here today. That kebab I had yesterday had way more salad than in the picture by the way. I woke up at 7am-ish so I'm already craving a lie-down. But no! Dishes have to be washed. I have purchased brand new Alpine flavour washing up liquid just for the occasion. Also I am dead set on FINALLY EMPTYING OUT THE COLLECTED ASSORTED RUBBISH MY HOUSE IS FULL OF. I have found out I am a compulsive hoarder of spectacular proportions. Eg I have at least 4 if not 5 televisions. I haven't a clue whether any bar the one I use actually work. I threw out 3 dining chairs earlier in the year. Clutter clutter. Endless pears of jeans with busted pockets. Or huge holes in them. Or too small. Or too big. Or just wrong. Endless clothes with fag burns and holes and motorbike-repair-style oil stains upon them. No! Life is going out of control. And I missed Jeremy Kyle (stuck record talk show host who "resolves" loud lower class people's problems and is 100% likely to criticize anybody who dares not to have a job!) because I was glugging my methadone. I did drink a can of cyder this morning, but my alcohol is less than half the govt's recommended weekly limits, meaning NO DOCTORLY PERSON CAN CRITICIZE ME for the odd drink. I was never into AA type meetings because everybody seems to say "I'd have one drink then I couldn't stop" whereas I always could stop after one. I'd space my drinks throughout the day to achieve a mild but constant intoxication. I never liked the taste of booze. And I never liked feeling drunk and out of control. Ironically it was a feeling of being IN control that hard drugs, specifically heroin, gave me. Confidence. Energy. Antidepressant effect. My problems were over! (So it seeeeeemed, ahem.) Oh cripes I had better ping off now else I'll only get terminated mid-sentence. Take care y'all!
Illustrated: A a hearty breakfast; B Jeremy Kyle (looks just like my brother!!!)
Father & Son
Saturday the weatherman had announced Sunshine and as usual he was wrong !
The sun was shi...
16 hours ago
You sound very upbeat today Gleds - that's great! :)
Aye!!! I'm chirpy as a parrot with a kilo of fresh brazil nuts!
exactly where can I get a breakfast served like that... I think I need to become part of the regular customers :-)
:) you got to post.
When eye went to required AA meetings for the DUI, it was so silly, people suggesting to me that eye needed to search within myself with honesty to determine eye may very well have an alcohol problem, because of their whole thought of "Well, if you end up here, it has to be 'for a reason.'" HA - the only time eye drink too much is when eye DECIDE that eye want to. If eye want to have One drink, eye will have one, and that's the end of it. And there's nothing else that seems to make pretty much EVERYONE out of control, once they drink past a certain point.
Cheers gleds. Stopping at 1 is something I struggle to do. Better not to start at all.
Gleds, glad that you are doing okay. It was a nice Turkey Day over here.
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