The abscess on my other leg (did I mention that one?) exploded with the help of a pair of sterilized nail scissors. Strawberry milkshake pus blobbering out. In the middle was a snotty green "eye". Now it's just running with a bit of fluid and closed over. It doesn't hurt nearly as bad as it did when it was full to bursting...
... ukh. I know I might sometimes give the impression that I love pus and abscesses, but I don't. What I love about them is squeezing them dry and cleaning them out. I don't like pus at all. Especially blocked-drain-stenching dribbles ~ as were running out of my left leg.
My left leg has healed very well after I "accidentally" picked the old scab #2 off, which had repeatedly been stuck back down (by me). Then I'd have a good peer into the pustulating catacombs of near-death that lay beneath... I noticed it always had a drop of something that looked like snot on the reverse side, which I was assuming was necessary in order to get the thing to re-stick to my leg. The scab really reeked of rotten chicken fillets that have been a week too long in the fridge...
Then I realized the focus of the infection might actually BE on this scab, so I got rid of it and ... TADAAA! Thank you God. It has eventually sealed and dried over and no longer stinks bad and is getting smaller. So I'm on the road to recovery.
My back is also better. I can walk more than 10 paces without having to rest on a garden wall or street railings. When I found myself in places with nothing to lean upon I was utterly helpless and stuck. I wasn't so much in terrible pain as the utter exhaustion of my muscles pulled all out of shape...
I'm gonna have to run, else I get terminated again, but thanks for all your good wishes. I would have gone hospital if it had got really bad, but I started feeling better and am clearly over the worst.
(Found the picture online, my wounds are a bit like those ...)
That is a really gross photo, gledwood! And the words aren't much better: my stomach is turning just reading them!!
I hope the doctor has given you some strong antibiotics or whatever it will take to get this cleared up.
we miss you in neverland.
Gleds, get those wounds taken care of. You could develop cellulitis which is really dangerous. Such wounds really need professional care.
Yuck! You need a doctor and meds now.
Please post that you went. This isn't something to mess with.
YOu really are disgusting sometimes. You should have gone long ago you twit before this muck gets into your bloodstream. One word for you 'antiseptic'! GAH you drive me crazy.
good thing my mum is a nurse and therefore I'm used to these kind of things during dinner..or else I wouldn't have been able to finish my lunch.
Good luck. How's the staying off the needle going?
Wow, Gledds. I was having brekkie, and that picture made me ill.
Glad you are on the mend.
You really shouldn't have left it so long Gleds. I hope you've actually been to the doctor and got some antibiotics. I wouldn't be surprised to hear if he sent you to the hospital!
God, hope everything is ok!? As everyone else already said: i hope you really went to the doc as well. Because i know people that lost an arm or leg over that kind of thing...
Buy an antiseptic to disinfect your injection site every time. Let the antiseptic dry a bit and then shoot up (It takes a few seconds for the antiseptic to kill the germs). I did it like that all the time, and never had a problem. Just telling you that because you wrote that you don't have an antiseptic. But you probably know all that anyway :)
Really hope you're ok!
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