THE CLOCKS went back last night so it's 7pm where it would have been 8pm before. I've taken my pill. There's nothing doing tonight except Downton Abbey in an hour or two.
My computer is kaputt! The hard drive has gone so I'm *****d; only God can help me now. I believe in God. All things are possible. I suspect it's actually the cable not the drive that's gone but that still necessitates a change of drive at £50 for 160GB + £60 workmanship ie £110 or about $170 US.
The stopping smoking is going crap basically. I am cutting down on my ciggies before switching to that gum. The gum does work but I smoked near-constantly without really realizing it... I need to cut down to 12 a day then 8 a day and then 4. I was on about 25 (own rolled) before I tried to quit on Friday things swiftly went pear shaped. Maybe I'm trying to cut down too many things but I don't think so...
I have to go now before I get terminated. Hope you all had a good weekend!
PS I've been watching some horrible films: I didn't know La Reine Margot was so "lusty" or disgusting, Elizabeth shows folks being burned at the stake; Hell lived up to its name... ukh.
Viper: Hard Techno Anthem
This poor mouse doesn't know quite where to go so he just settles down and washes his ears...

I've been watching Elizabeth The Golden Age, it's much nicer than the first film about Elizabeth, far less gory. The director said he filmed inside cathedrals because stone is permanent blah blah going down the generations etc. But Elizabethan houses were wooden! So I kept wondering why the Queen was at church... I would love to be able to go back in time and tell her "m'lady you shouldn't worry too much about that Spanish Armada ~ they'll get beaten back by the weather"... etc.
I'm wearing Opium perfume that I got at £25 for 50mls about a month ago and I've already used half a bottle. I don't think I'll be getting that one again. One person told me I "smell like a French tart's boudoir" ~ and this is the pour homme version... My favourite fragrance is Chanel's Antaeus it smells like incence...
Now I have to go else I'll get terminated. Take care everyone...
why worry about being boring... have you ever stayed away during one of my posts? Has anyone? ;-)
Knock the YSL on the head - go for authentic male musk - it is supposed to attract the females... BOLLOX!
Our Daylight Savings isn't til this coming Sunday.
Cigarettes have a way of weaving into so many aspects of your life, that's the reason they're so difficult to quit, feels like there's something missing without them. Quitting too many things? Eh, all or nothing's the best.
Eye could NOT wear a perfume called Opium, eye would laugh too much every time eye put it on, every time someone told me that they liked it, every time eye smelled it.
Boring, whatever. Everyone can't be exciting all of the time. People's blogs have different flavors, like Melody's adventuresome and amusing. Yours is random. Eye like it.
Forget the pong and save your pennies for a new PC
I'm not so sure its bollox. If you get a "real" musk oil it can have some effect. I don't generally like perfume and throughout my life have only worn musk. Both musks that I got addicted to have been discontinued. So annoying. I found one 10 ml bottle of one of them on E-bay for £54. I was tempted but thought what if its not the real thing after I've bought it. Good luck with stopping cigs. I'm waiting for my appointment with "No smoking nurse" for another try.
With Love
Happy xmas!!!! i miss u
Annie x
@bugerlugs - I meant by "real musk" not using anything - i.e. good old honest sweat! Trust me you wouldn't find that attractive ;-)
Also - where are you Gled? Hope this is just computer connectivity issues and all is well in your world
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