I AM COUNTING EACH AND EVERY CIGARETTE I smoke in preparation to cut that number down down down... then out. To Zero. I am thinking of going on Nicotine Replacement Therapy when I've got down to five a day. I have no idea how many I currently smoke as I roll my own. I have had six so far today. It's 1:30. I have been up since about 9 or 9:30 which means 6 in 4 hours. Which is not that good.
I take back everything I have said about giving up fags being easy. I only said that in exasperation at cigarette smoking being compared to heroin. Interestingly only in smoking cessation clinics. Not heroin cessation clinics. Because smoking a fag is nothing like hitting up some "pukka B".
An addict cycled past me, saying he is running for a dealer I know and his gear is "old school". Ie good. I'm over heroin now. Like I said I've only used once a week, and looking back it's the change in routine on a Sunday that prompts me to do it. (I've only ever used on a Sunday for weeks now. When I have used extra it was on Monday. Because Sunday sparked me off to do it.)
With that nasty nauseating blood test fresh in my mind, I'm determined to hold on to a negative image of needles and keep myself reverse-fixated that way. I'm so over heroin. Yes the methadone is helping a LOT. Never thought I'd say that, but anything that makes heroin feel not worthwhile has to be good.
And here endeth my thoughts for today. Happy thoughts! (Wow.)
Chinese whispers
According to the label it's a traffic counting camera. This is interesting
for two reasons:
it's in the middle of the woods;
it's pointing up into the tre...
7 hours ago
happy thoughts - good thoughts - good direction
After a severe bronchitis I gave up smoking, i.e I still smoke 10 per day but I don't inhale, I just keep the smoke in my mouth and then blow it out. It's wasted money I know, but it's also psychological,lol !
Re holdays in Belgium you can't compare a little country of 11 million people to the UK, we are less than London has inhabitants.
The whole day on TV news you see kids going to school for the first time or to secondary school for the first time and the teachers starting a new year ! They even forget the world News with that !
I gave up smoking 13 years ago. It's not easy but it's worth it. Good luck with it Gleds.
This an inspiring post Gledwood. Even though you have had a great many difficulties, over time I have seen you learn so much as you progress with your life on your terms. Once you have got a control on your addictions and your mental health is managed you'll be able to wholly and solely concentrate on writing those best sellers. Keep it up. Paul
Funny, I made the above and then later saw my word verification is "pygmis" :-)
i really want to give up cigs i've had enough of them.
i want to give up methadone just as much, or at least get the dose down to 10mg
that's my goal: 10mg then 5mg then to reduce over a year from 5mg methadone to nothing.
Still struggling with the smokes myself and they're $18 a packet here so sheer economy of scale is enough motivation .. .harder than heroin sometimes.
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