I DON'T KNOW WHY IT SHOULD BE that I cannot maintain any "normal" or healthy level of enthusiasm for anything. I go from feeling over-confident to not confident at all. And feel like a fool for ever believing in myself. So I am slogging on with this writing basically. I don't have much belief in it. I press on because I cannot not finish it ~ I hate being in the middle of anything. And of course there's the hope that I might have some success and wave bye-bye to Brown's Britain. Oh by the way I found out there are several states in the world where you don't pay
any income tax ~ Monaco, Andorra and the Bahamas being the most attractive three. I wouldn't mind the Bahamas at all. But are there poisonous spiders everywhere? I saw an Australian murder drama last night and whenever they went delving about in bushes etc all I could think was "beware of the funnelwebs!" I don't know about the other places but you don't have to be super rich to live in Monte Carlo. They've a permanent lack of grocer's and other small shop owners and put out a shout on BBC World Service Radio saying ~ come and start your small business here! Which is what I would do, if I got the chance... Anyway must dash I'm about to be timed out, as per usual...
Illustrated: a manuscript page ~ guess whose handwriting...!
Kindly thanks to Aftermathnews for the image link...
I hope all of your dreams come true, Gledds. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
Love you,
Just think, if you didn't pay tax, you wouldn't be getting all the support and services you enjoy.
Monte Carlo is fabulous but very expensive.
I recognised the handwriting on the manuscript even before I read it's content. I still say she was murdered!
bahamas are very nice, but a playground for the rich. No poisonous spiders, though!
Dude, you can make it! Here's some info on How to Quit Heroin.
Good luck man, be strong!
SB: I hope I am nice!
Baino:... that's what I was thinking... however much private healthcare costs for residents of those countries I hesitate to contemplate!!
I don't mind paying tax per se ~ it's shelling out money you know is going to be shamelessly SQUANDERED that gets me!
Akelamalu: Murdered? I'm not sure about that. Paranoid? Intensely paranoid, yes ~ note she puts the blame on Tiggy Legge Bourke, the NANNY, not Camilla!!
J: sounds nicer than I'd expected?... What about hurricanes though??
Treatment: cheers!
Gleds, I hope that some hope and enthusiasm comes your way. Hang in there.
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