STILL UNWELL... yes, Rip van Gledwood II. Yesterday, I slept literally 20 hours with only piss-breaks.
I can't even talk about going to bed last night, because it wasn't last night, it was yesterday daytime and I wasn't in bed. I slumped in an armchair at 11am and slept all afternoon and evening through and stirred myself at some point in the early hours around 2am, when I peed like Niagara falls. Then immediately back to sleep. And sleep. And deeper sleep. My phone was full of missed calls so I know I slept very deeply indeed. Finally, around 5am I woke up. Urinated again. Slept two hours more.
Then, after 7am Friday morn, I considered myself "up", so I wandered to my bedroom and lay down in bed, where I slept "properly" (ie not hunched over) till after 8:30.
All in all that's past 20 hours' sleep. 22 hours perhaps.
This is what I hate about my sleep: it strikes me down like some manner of disease and I wake up not refreshed but sluggish and unwell and wishing I had not bothered getting up at all.
Well I'm awake now. And I survived. And a new day dawned 16 hours ago, meaning I missed Chogstable's dawn chirping, though a bird whose chirrups and trills bore striking resemblance to Chogstable's melodic twirly-whirling was trilling its head off earlier when I went off for methadone and sweet chili chicken pizza. Chogstable is my personal nightingale. He's not, of course, my pet, because he doesn't live with me. But he chirps his feathery little head off just for me every night, the tiny entertainer!
Now I'm weary once more and for lack of anything more inspiring to post thought I'd brocade you with this dullardly tale. I hope your last couple of days were a little more inspiring plus ~ of course ~ I wish THE CHEERIEST WEEKEND TO Y'ALL..!
I have never payed attention to tattoos for the simple reason that it
wasn't very well seen in Belgium or in Germany and a tattooed person was
1 day ago
Methadone makes me sleep like that too. Now that I have the Ritalin it dosen't do it so much, but before the Ritalin I could sleep two days through.
I miss you. What do you look like while you sleep?
Aww . . sometimes I wish I could sleep. five hours and I'm up like a shot.
Gledwood, thanks for your comments on my blog. I do visit quite a few German blogs but I need a translator to understand them. You're right. There aren't a lot of German speakers in Australia but we do have many people with German/Austrian/Swiss heritage here who may speak it.
All that sleep does seem excessive Gleds. :(
You make me think about my cat Arthur, only he sleeps 24 h every day, lol !
My Grandma used to say : Wer schläft sündigt nicht " !
Good night
ANNA G: I still don't understand how/why they're giving you methadone and ritalin, esp. when they know you're bipolar. Surely it risks sending you sky high?
You miss me? That's sweet.
What do I look like when I sleep?... Erm probably v gormless with my mouth wide open catching flies and snoring!!
Also I've been told I often sleeep with my eyes open!!!!
BAINO: I do know how you feel. In the past I have had very extreme insomnia. This hypersomnia is relatively new
J BAR: do you use the grey toolbar on internet explorer? I have to admit, sometimes I cheat and use that when I'm tired!
Also I've got a function thing, I think it's from internet explorer too, or possibly windows 7, where you pass the cursor over any word and it automatically translates to the language of your choice (German to English in my case)
AKELAMALU: it feels ridiculously excessive. I'm seriously not happy about it but don't know what to do. It's hardly life threatening and I can just imagine the patronizing advice a GP would give, assuming I'm not really unconscious all that time, just lazing in bed not wanting to get up, which is NOT what happened. I really WAS asleep ALL that time, barring pee breaks...
GATTINA: "he who sleeps sins not" ~ that's a pretty cool proverb. And I'm flattered to be compared to Arthur, the Furry Entertainer!
I hope that you have a good weekend too. It is our fourth of July holiday here. We are glad to have independence and look how we tuned out??
Hi Gleds ~~ You must have needed the sleep and it would do you some good perhaps. Your body decided to rest.
Don't knock it. Regards, Merle.
Syd: happy Independence Day!
It's strange, America seems to be suffering the same manner of national low self-esteem us Brits have been afflicted with for years.
It reveals itself partly in a dry, self-deprecatory sense of humour.
But in many other ways too. It's really depressing.
Merle: 20 hours with only a break to pee is a bit excessive though, Merle!
I could sleep that long, no problem. If sleeping were an Olympic sport, I'd take the gold. Laugh.
I wish I were home sleeping right now, instead of here at work.
You might want to have your thyroid levels checked. I slept for 3 days straight before being diagnosed with hypothyroidism. It can cause mood swings and weight problems too!
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