NOTHING GOT POSTED YESTERDAY because the internet shop was shut at midday. How unforgivable! Also I'm not posting the "thoughtful" piece mentioned last time as it's not completed yet. I've been having lots of rodent dreams.
One dream in particular is based on a joke I ridiculed my good friend from Wiltshire, Parsnipetta, with. I informed her that creamy cheesecakes re more expensive than plain because the piggles round the side are a rare kind of mouse milk only ordinarily available from Harrods' deli. And she believed me!
Then I either saw on telly or read on the internet or had a vivid dream ~ I'm assuming it must have been the dream ~ that there really are mice from the mouse dairy on teeny-weeny milking machines and the cream they produce is a true international delicacy..(!)
Surely it was a dream? You don't actually get dairy mice, do you? My robbies do like it when I coo such crap at them. They gaze up at me all beady-eyed and adoringly... But maybe it's just the sound of my voice...
The neighbours must surely believe I am going crazy. "Have you got perky little petal ones? Yes you have!" (Petal ears: bonsai roses.) Or "glittery little beady ones!" (Eyes.) I wonder if next doors have any idea what I'm talking about?.. Or who I'm talking to?
See! No mention of death, despair or heroin needles! Have a fine weekend, y'all!
G xx
PS My Dairy Mice have nibbled an entire 1/2 of a chalk stick (cobalt blue).
PPS My friend Pascal is no longer taking my calls after I dared feel too ill to ride the back of a motorbike in ill-fitting helmet carrying outsized mirror in pukeworthy condition (the Night of the Vomiting...)
All Saints: Pure Shores
Official soundtrack to the Leonardo DiCaprio/Cate Blanchett film, The Beach:
Black Coffee
This is classic. Hear this one 2nd
I despair
I kept hearing about chia seeds being beneficial so I bought some and am
sprinkling them on my weetabix. It's been three days now and I'm not
superwoman ...
2 hours ago
You'd never catch me in a mouse dairy. They'd have to pay me WAY MORE than $10,000 a quart, whatever one of those is...
I'm sure they would, Mrs Tubbymouse
Mouse dairy is certainly a novel idea, ha.
Hey do you think the dairy mice will keep a dairy diary and let Simon & Schuster publish it for a $10 million advance? I'd be well up for that.>!!
A mouse dairy, eh? Who'd actually have fingers small enough to manipulate something like that, I wonder. Maybe there are miniature mice farmers who get up and herd their respective mice into a dairy shed...and...
At least someone else talks to their pets in a wuffly snuffly way. I'm chronic! Fear not Gleds, I have a Skype conversation with an Irish kid most weekends and he plays around on a voice moderator and sings blue football songs to me . .God knows what his flatmates think he's up to!
Pascal will get over it, you had a legit excuse!
I must be rubbing off on you- you said y'all!!! *smile*
I can not imagine mouse milk anything! I talk to my pets too and they seem to enjoy it so who cares what anyone else thinks!
BTW .. I do have wireless at the KC but no time to be using it! I will be mostly absent from blogland for a few weeks while we pack and move ... then I will be back posting and visiting again. Stay well while I am away please! 8-)
Mouse milk? Surely not?
Hiya Gleds
Great to hear from you. Mice milk eh? lol
Hope you`re feeling better!
I hope the dairy mice thoughts were a dream. ewwww.
Milking Mice sure, if they can milk snakes why not a mouse ;)
I'm sure Pascal will be back in touch, when he wants another favour most likely *!*
I talk to my dog all the time. He's really chill, he sleeps in my bathroom (we constantly crack jokes about him being a drunk waking up on the bathroom floor), he's also a vegetarian. He's just like a person, only he can't speak, which is kinda nice. Haha, he's a 90 lb., golden retriever, named Aden.
Mouse milking wouldn't bother me. I wouldn't partake it in, but if someone else wanted to that's cool. Whatever floats the farmers' boats.
The beach is a great film...
But it isn't Cate Blanchett it's the Queen out of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Who's name I can't remember. But I can see why you confused them.
Rodent milk IS a real delicacy--especially if it's imported from Hamsterdam.
(I apologize in advance for that one--the only other thing I had was an observation of Mighty Mouse's girlfriend's breasts--not the blonde one; the Spanish one--and it was not fit for a family page...)
Pussinboots: and imagine how many you'd have to milk to get even a tiny bottlefull..!
Baino: how do you know this Irish kid? I'm very nosily intrigued now!!
Monogram: hey he's finally started talking to me again after about 4 days. Silly burke!
Kahshe: your cottage sounds glorious!
Is it true in N America you can get Cable TV even in remote places? ... or are they talking about satellite?
Akelamalu: !
Tea&margaritas: ta! I am
Rhea: you look like somebody famous... or is your avatar some famous person..?
Bimbimbie: surely they don't milk snakes. Hang on they CAN'T: the definition of MAMMAL is ONE WITH 'MAMARY GLANDS'! cOME ON!!
Lucinda: yeah but could you get fingers round the mouse's teets..??!!?????
Crushed: you serious? not Cate Blanchett? I can never tell who is and who isn't Cate Blanchett ~ she's so good at accents
Zenwizz: Hamsterdam ~ wah~wah~waaaah!!
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