HAH! THAT MIGHT well have been a title for me some months back in that old house with no hot water, yes a bath (full of a gnome's beard shavings) and no way of plugging it except with flannels and old socks (so I barely ever took a bath...)
Actually I was thinking of my Tiny Trotters yesterday with that Minty Corridor plunked in their midst and how within 30 seconds Itchy and Bashful were investigating in the most highly-strung way (one behind the other), cautiously creeping up to the garage-door style cardboard flap opening at one end only to spring back in amazement as the entire structure took to feverish vibrating ~ because Big Momma Spherical had thundered in blithely at the other side and was duly stomping through it...
But really it has to do with those strange "memory" flashes I mentioned yesterday. They come in aromatic form, but are actually windows into a lost world of stately halls with long oaken libraries full of musting books ~ the world of my old imagination, before it got gutted by a life where I ceased to daydream for years at a time (except for craving more you-know-what...)
Now I even have aromatic flashes from this book I'm intending to write. The only downside is that much research needs to be done before I can even start it, as it's not set in the present day. I have given up on the idea of writing about drugs: I don't think it's a popular subject and I've always said I want to write for the entire world ~ not the tiniest section of it that doesn't even buy books anyway (it only shoplifts them!!)
That is what I meant by the scent of freedom... see I'm sniffing out the future...
(but have yet to find it...)
PS: Do you like the golden hammy picture, top left? I was thinking of using that as my new "avatar"...
Good news!
1. Husband has a date for his operation! Friday 7th February. Provisional
of course but it's a start.
2. There is heating in Zac's!
If I were a drinker ...
9 hours ago
Yes to the avatar . .she is sooooo cuuute. And yes to the book. Were you high when you wrote this post? If not, you seriously are a cunning linguist . .start it! I dare you.
That's a cute hammy to have for your avatar...go for it!
Ooh, research for your book. Sounds like hard work but I bet it'd be worth it...can't wait to read this new book...sounds as if it could be very interesting.
Baino: I can't use the avatar "invalid image url"...
high when I wrote that post..? distinctly not! so that is a good sign then..? good!
Pussinboots: it's way more interesting than anything about drugs could ever be, I can tell you that!!
Hamsters are cute and look like popcorn with eyes. Hope you are keeping well!
popcorn with eyes... never heard THAT one b4...
a LOT BETTER than in some times previously, a LOT better ~ thanxx!!
I love the hamster pic. It makes for a great avatar indeed.
Some gentleman I met at the bar last night said that heroin can keep someone looking young! I thought for sure he was insane!
A book? I should write one someday. But then again I also wanna do a screenplay. And go back to writing/recording songs. So many things I'd like to do but never get around to like the procrastinating fool that I am.
"Than in sometimes previously" - Did I previously insult your hamsters. I think I have made reference to angry love in the past but...
Hi Gleds, golden hammie would be a perfect new avatar for your journey to freedom. It's good to see your creative urges are back, you always paint vivid images that transport the reader ...
"They come in aromatic form, but are actually windows into a lost world of stately halls with long oaken libraries full of musting books ~ the world of my old imagination, before it got gutted by a life where I ceased to daydream for years at a time"
Is that true about the gang of ringnecked parrakeets ... little hooligans *!*
Your golden hammy is veryyyy posh!
OOHHHH love the idea of aromatic flashes! I have sinus and can hardly remember smell at all right now. You are very lucky to have that gift - so use it!!!! I'm sure another usable Golden Hammie will appear for you :)
OOOHHHH forgot to mention I have posted an 'English Garden' found in Australia on my photo site ;) There's a little poetry in the comment too!
Love the hamster avatar!
I'm so very sorry I haven't visited you recently - I've been a horrible blogger as of late.
It does sound as though your lot in life has improved and for that, I'm very happy!!!
If you have a book in you, you should pursue it, by all means!
Hi Gleds ~~ The hammie is cute, so I hope you can get one similar and be able to use it. Do start on the book ~ it sounds like a new start for you and maybe easier than the book on drug use to research and write. At a later time the drug one may help others decide not to get on to Heroin. But for now, go for the other one. Glad you liked my bird feeder and one would look nice at a window now you have a better placed one. The birds are artificial on mine. I hope you can get a feeder - there are plastic ones which the birds would come to.
Take care of yourself, Gleds, and look to the future. Love, Merle.
Wat: heroin can only keep anyone young from a botoxing kind of effect where junkies keep more of a deadpan face than ordinary people. this is supposedly true and might be a side-effect of heroin flattening out emotions of all kinds (it doesn't paralyse any muscles) whatever; it only lasts a short time, maybe 5 years then all the abuse really catches up and you definitely look older!
Eileen: no! I meant I was doing better than at some times previously (like last week in fact!!)
Bimbimbie: thank you yes they pecked a church spire to bits and now a £5000 repair bill!!!
Monogram: that is a v posh photo. i just wish blogger would let me hijack it (unfortunately not as of yesterday eve...)
Anonymous: I am coming to that garden...
I used to get mild but persistent sinus all the time I expect you've tried all the sprays etc
o yeah here's a tip that did work for me: juice of a lime drunk (or eaten) in whatever form does go some way to decongesting, it works about x10 stronger than lemon & might be worth trying
Gracie: hi and how are YOU it's been ages... now that random blog button doesn't seem to work any more I have barely been by either
Merle: I thought those birds looked suspiciously static... then again we used to have a feathery fake bird on a light shade and it really did look real
books: memoirs I never wanted NOT to write them it was more the thought of the entire world potentially reading them that scared me off... maybe they ought to get published privately or something, I don't know!
this other book was more mainstream I thought it would be easier to focus on and also I want to get AWAY from drugs not be thinking of them even more!!!
Yes, I like that hammy pic. Yes to the book also. But what happened to your Guide to London venture?
Guide to London venture... that one never yet got off the ground. The new book does need some research, but once I get the hang of the historical/social stuff it should go pretty easy...
It's a shame I couldn't use that hammy pic as Blogger claimed "invalid picture url" when I tried to purloin it...
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