IT COULD ONLY HAPPEN TO ME... but I got quite swirlingly stoned the other night without even realizing it until it had, well... happened...
It's all my fault for running out of tobacco and indulging in my bad habit, acquired in my days as a homeless or semi-homeless street addict, of picking up dog-ends from the bus-stop and re-rolling them into fresh cigs of my own.
So I was smoking away, distantly musing, "this is a bit 'herbal'" ~ but thinking no more of it until the stream of my thoughts seemed to break off and swirl round my brains in a constant circle...
Then I heard a voice saying random words... yet nobody else was in the room...
I spent a couple of hours feeling very merry, then thought, "I'm not doing that again".
I gave up cannabis many years ago (so long ago it was just before the current craze for superstrength grass kicked in: I always smoked hash back then...) I gave up because it played havoc with my memory and has, in the past, induced very severe paranoia complete with "voices" ("real" voices you actually hear, only nobody's physically speaking to you...)
... and got clean of all drugs for a while. Then somehow heroin crept in and the rest, as they say, is history...
Father & Son
Saturday the weatherman had announced Sunshine and as usual he was wrong !
The sun was shi...
9 hours ago
Apparently it induces psychosis in those prone to depression. Frankly I don't do it for vanity reasons, makes my eyes puffy and gives me an overwhelming urge to eat toasted cheese and gherkin sandwiches!
Now forgive my ignorance here, but wouldn't a half burned J you picked up off the ground look like a half burned J and not a cigarette? Well I guess you could have a hand rolled tobacco cigarette which is not something you really see in the States. Too bad burning one down makes you feel a little paranoid, otherwise I would think it a better alternative to H. Again I'm no expert here and plan on staying that way. Maybe when I get really old if I make it that long, I could consider burning a daily J... for medicinal purposes of course.
You need to be a bit more discerning about what you pick up off the floor methinks m'deario.
I touch it ones or twice a year..thankfully I've not been hearing any voices.
I think alcohol is probably a bigger demon to me, not addicted but if you pull out the 'healthy consumption list' I probably overstep it on a regular basis.
Yes, I have a brother who smoked the stuff the way others smoked cigarettes and ended up with a drug induced psychosis. The poor bugger was in a bad way for some years but thanks to mum's dogged determination to get him help, he's ok now, but is a changed personality...not in a bad way, just a different person from whom he used to be.
Baino: it's for that reason that I cannot go along with the crowd who say "so what? it's harmless!" because I know it is NOT harmless. It gets me just as out of it as ketamine, only the effect's not as nice!
Molson: that was the thing: it was NOT half-burned it looked just like a dropped unsmoked roll-up cig. Lots of people roll their own here bc cigs are so v expensive ($10 for a pack of 20!)
Akelamalu: I know I've accidentally smoked little bits before but never enough to put myself in a real daze like that...
Arjan: cannabis is probably theeee most pernicious drug to my system... strange because everyone else thinks it's the "softest". I can hear voices on as little as half a spliff. It never used to happen in the beginning but I just think my brain got tired of it and intolerant...
Pussinboots: see I rest my case I think cannabis is NASTY
Hi Gleds ~~ Sorry you had a bad experience, not good for you to feel that way.
Many thankd for the Christmas wishes and I hope you also have a great Christmas and that 2009 will be your best year yet.
Very best wishes, Merle.
10 bucks a pack???? Ouch. You can get cigarettes in the States for 5 bucks a pack and I thought that was ridiculous. I'm glad I never got started on that activity either. I know of no one rolling their own cigarettes here. Probably best not to do in public given the law enforcement's paranoia over anything cannabis looking.
A strange thought popped into my head. Hopefully those voices you hear after burning a J don't say kill all Yanks ;-)
Merle: Thanks for your message:... it wasn't so horrible THAT time but has been in the past... not sure what I'm sposed to be doing for Xmas but always end up doing SOMETING...
Molson: the exchange rate has changed so they are probably a bit cheaper now... to put it another way, when you buy cigs in england you ask for 20 marlboro meaning one pack of 20 (you can also get packs of 10)... 20 marlboro might easily cost you £4.80... dunhill could easily be more than a £5er... that is STEEP!... isn't it true in America you can buy unbranded and get them really cheap? I mean about half the price of marlboros? you can't do that here. marlboros are only about 20% more than the cheapest, if that
also they've taken up picturing the worst examples of lung cancer right on the back of packs... ridiculous
no i've never heard a voice saying kill the yanks... usually they just talk rubbish
or I mistake it for a real person who's going to break my door down... (long story)...
I haven't smoked weed in a few weeks, and I got so stoned yesterday it was ridiculous. I was also being pressured into drinking a bit of beer. I became so out of it that I could barely sit there and close my eyes without hysterically laughing... man, and I was the most sane of the bunch... scary, right?
I wanted to go on the nod tonight, but I'm so tired I'm just going to pass out instead. I figure tomorrow might be a nice day, to write some essays between some sweet dreams.
I haven't been on in a while, I hope you're doing well!
= )
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