I CAUGHT MY ROBOS in chaos this morning. Not only have they chewed an entire issue of the Sun newspaper to squiggles in the past couple of days, creating bedding so deep it has combed their fur into frosted white colour matching the weather. But when I disturbed them today they quickly dropped all they were doing: the loud gnawing from the toilet tube ceased; the scratching and scrabbling from the outer corners stopped ~ and three tiny faces staring at me as if to say, "what do YOU want..?"
They ran out of hamster food over a month ago ~ by that I mean "hamster food in a glossy labelled packet"... meanwhile they've been living on breakfast cereals, granary bread and kitchen scraps, so they've hardly starved. Anyway they got really excited when I presented them with a courgette ("zucchini") top and what I call a "pumblechook" ~ that being the inner seed head of a red pepper with all the lovely crunchy bits pinging out... a pumblechook is only a red pepper's, however. You get a bumblechook from a green one; yellow's is a tumblechook and green with yellow flecks is a ker-mumblechook. And if you believe that you'll believe anything.
I did sleep last night and woke up very early indeed (well: 8am). Drank 4 cups of tea and methadone (I'm being so good). I'd like to say I'll be doing no heroin next week when a bit more money comes, but that really remains to be seen. Getting DSS money is linked so intimately with scoring (not spending the entire lot on drugs but a bit of it) that it's tended to confound past resolutions to take a break... but hey, as NA say: you can only do it one day at a time...
And on that note I'd better go. Tapping that out took ages because I'd squiggled it out in shorthand first and my net-time account's running low so I'm running against the clock which is highly stressful. I need to make sure this gets safely posted. OK have a cheery weekend y'all!
And I hope Xmas was nice to you...
Father & Son
Saturday the weatherman had announced Sunshine and as usual he was wrong !
The sun was shi...
10 hours ago
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that when the DSS money arrives you don't spend any of it on heroin. x
That might be the cutest picture of a hamster I have ever seen.
Keep being good!
Pumblechook...you're mad, Gleds, hehe. Although I must admit, I quite like that name. Our chooks don't like those seeds and membranes from the capsicums, though.
I hope you're feeling a bit better than you were a couple of days ago, Gleds. Keep well.
Love your 'chooks' although that means 'chicken' over here! As in "May your Chooks turn into Emus and knock yer dunny down!"
Gleds, one day at a time is all you can do. Great resolution. It's a real shame that you don't have internet at home because then you could join a forum and keep in touch with others trying to do the same or with someone who can offer you online encouragement. Can you get internet at home and maybe borrow someone's laptop? I'm off all week and would be happy to be 'support' if you needed it.
Right thank you for these messages, folks. I DID try and reply to them the day after, only for the computer to crash shut on me, all credits spent!
AKELAMALU: mmmm it's been an up-&-down weekend...
MEGAN: that's just what they look like but someone else took that of someone else's pinging little hammy...
PUSS-IN-BOOTS: yeah I do really call a pepper-inside a pumblechook; it's just the colour-variety designations I don't do... hey I'd 4gotten about Aussie "chooks" meaning... don't they mean clucky lil hens and ducks..?? I know Dame Edna brings them up frequently in conversation...
BAINO: ey ~ see! Just as I was saying. But this is a PUMBLECHOOK: compound noun. The appellation comes originally, so it seems, from Mr Charles Dickens's "Mr Pumblechook" in David Copperfield or something like that...
4ums etc: o no I have annoyance enough just signing IN to stuff like that... I do see what you mean as much as anyone who CANNOT use such things ever can though.... righty
no i cannot get internet at home
cable tv are doing a v whizzy deal for broadband on top of all the tellychannels... if ONLY I HAD A LAPTOP...
many thanxx for the offer though ;->...
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