THE SIZZLING'S GONE DOWN on my pre-heated brains, but they are still the texture of mashed potatoes. And the cold went away only for a "secondary infection" to set up home in its place. I am lucky: I have lots of hot, sweet tea. And vanilla creme Hobnobs.
I don't have a lot to say. All the time I feel behind time and needing to catch up on sleep I somehow lost... When I do sleep I dream. One of my last dreams was of rainbow fishes ~ which scuppers that theory that we only dream in black-&-white.
I have been at the drug service trying to put myself together. Or more to the point trying to learn ways of putting myself back together. All leading up to the inevitable day when I take a deep breath and finally take that plunge leaving heroin far behind...
The drug service say I look very "tired". I feel it as well!
I had a good rant and told them how I really feel. Barely treading water a lot of the time, not too much better than drowning. So I'm to go to some dual-diagnosis appointment or meating. I'm not sure when.
I haven't smoked cannabis-spliff in years and yet whenever I get these colds lately my head goes all a-curly, swirly round-round, a-stoned-like. How can this be when I avoid nasty THC like the plague? Well mashed potatoes to the lot of it. I've got to go I'm exhausted!
Fluffy-bozed airedale blog of the day:
Bea Bea the white dwarf hamster's blog...
AARGH!!: I really am LOSING IT! My favourite television programme these days is turning into Hollyoaks!
How times have changed. In my day dance music very very rarely had slick videos like this... unless the artists happened to know underground filmmakers who'd knock out imagery on the cheap...
Father & Son
Saturday the weatherman had announced Sunshine and as usual he was wrong !
The sun was shi...
9 hours ago
Hiya Gleds~Good that you had a chat and told them how you've been feeling. They can't help if you don't let em know! I hope the dual-diagnosis meeting goes well. Sometimes we (I know I belong to this club)need treatment in addition to drugs. Dual is where its at-the other illnesses we have are probably the reason we picked up and ran with it in the first place. Oh and thanks for your support on my end lately as well. Its much appreciated.
you're welcome
I'm in trepidation on what on earth they're going to say re this dual diagnosis thing...
I hope that the meeting goes well. I've read that about 50% of alcoholics/addicts are bi-polar. Hang in there.
I once read in a self-diagnostic test thing that I was on a "bipolar spectrum" thing...
My counselor told me that bi-polar has become a very popular term and that sometimes psychs use it for lack of anything else or because they're too lazy to dig deeper.
I suppose all you can do is try and get the best evaluation possible, incorrect meds are a nightmare.
My psych is useless but I go see a new one today, hopefully this one won't be a condescending ass.
Psych AND counselor yay!
I hope you feel better....damn that's sounds generic.
~Melody Lee
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Good luck with your appointment and I hope you feel better.
Peace to you.
Ah every little bit helps I guess Gleds, nothing ventured and all that. Sorry about the chest infection, make sure you finish your course of antibiotics!
They even featured on wun of my videos- here! Have a look!
Oops I didn't embed that very well. Never mind. Have a look, it's worth it!
BOY was I glad when they brought the Dark Chocolate Hobnobs back!!!
Hullo, by the way.
Your ears look nice an rownd, like mine.
Hollyoaks?!! You need help, gleds! I thought Neighbours was bad enough ...
Gday Gleds,,Its a start talking about drugs so hopefully your on the road to recovery.I hope the dual-diagnosis meeting goes well.
Get well soon make sure you continue to take the full course of antibotics.. take care Gleds .... Jen
Melody: I think bipolar is used as something of a catch-all diagnosis nowadays, too. On an internet self-diagnose thing I came out as easily "bipolar spectrum". I don't know about clinically bipolar but I do have and, specially before the opiates, did have quite pronounced moodswings like ligh and low tides. Up as well as down. Also I've tended to hyper-respond to antidepressants in a "hypomanic" type way. The people who say "you're bipolar" or "acting manic" have all been either bipolar themselves or had close family members~~ which I found faintly "worrying"
The last antidepressant I took~mirtazapine~really did make me feel ILL...
I hope YOU feel better soon too!
CelticSpirit: cheers. the appt is next week now...
Baino: aye!
The Bear: I'm thinking of forming an "anti brown coloured things that don't really taste chocholatey" society and chocolate hobnob creams would be a prime target~~ they are the reason I go for vanilla ones. Vanilla ones actually are a (bit) vanillarey. "Chocolate" ones are barely chocolatey at all! Dark chocolate normal hobnobs rule!
Liz: oh come on Liz. Hollyoaks is great British pornocentric programming at its best. Hey they even cast the extras from model agencies... it's TV at it's beautiful, tawdry best!
Jan: hey long time no hear I'm glad you're OK having escaped the fires... how dreadful.
That meeting is next week now after probably I messed it up turning up at the wrong time, though it felt like a mindgame on their part at the time.
I shall post how it goes...
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