...AS DAME EDNA WOULD SAY... Yes g'day to y'all. Today our furriness descends to the humble possum. Australia's finest. Yes I am plumbing an Australian "vein" (so to speak) because I nearly was born in Adelaide! How cool is THAT!! And if I'd been born in Adelaide, I surely would have harped on about how I "nearly was born in London". Yes the glass is greener in the Land of Gled.
Yeah man: it's a robo-possum!!
And don't you think their faces look like robos anyway?... at least a bit? I do...
PS This (do clickonit!)is why I want my bumbling fat-bum roborovskis to wear radio-controlled bumble-bee wings harnesses, to be set furrily bumbling about the great Blue Yonder... (how cute would THAT be..??!?)
And over the year's end
As we'd had separate Christmases because of the uncertainty over Husband's
operation timing we i.e. the local family, gathered for an Italian style
11 hours ago
Gleds, that's an American Opossum. Aussie Possums are much more attractive and look like huge bush babies (http://www.tvwc.org/Assets/BrushtailPossum_1.jpg). . .wow had you been born in Adelaide, you certainly wouldn't have got into the trance scene . . .but you would have gone to Church and appreciated fine wine! And possibly had possums in your roof!
Years ago, we had a chimney and the pigmy possums (actually they were sugar gliders - half the size) nested in it. We cleaned the chimmney one Saturday and five of them flew out of the flu! Sadly we weren't able to hand rear them as they'd been hybernating and the whole experience was too much for them. They were so, so cute.
Those little hamsters are cute, but they move as if they're permanently on fast forward...
We have possums in our roof in the winter. In the summer they're out and about in the trees going haaaahahaha.k.k.k.k, as they do very asthmatically.
Yeesh, the one on the left is an American possem.
We're had them here, their bite has killed our chickens.
My daughter was involved with the Ag farm at school. One got in there and bit a friend of hers, and he had to have shots. There is something in the saliva that's leathal. Bacteria or some such.
No, their not cute at all.
Baino: an American "oppossum"? I do recall that nature-programmistic monika from childhood days of naturalistic obsessionality, know what I mean..??!?
I shall have a good view of that link, thanks... those lil furry swines didn't get BURNED or smoked out when up ye olde flue did they..? (Hope not!!)
Puss-in-Boots: which hamsters? oh you mean the roborovskis from the link? oh yeah!! I love them!!
possums in the water tank?!? oh if only !!! and far better than funnel webs in yer funnel and red backs under yer dunny seat!!
Janice: aye you're not wrong, Janice..!! how can they kill a chicken with ONE BITE?? they DO look a bit demoniacal...!!?!
oh right, salyva. they sound a bit like British pygmy shrews then??!? they have poisonous saliva and were in Shakespeare's day considered venomous in league with vipers etc...(!!aye you're not wrong!!) ;->...
Dame Edna... jeez, that's the last face I thought I'd see. Now I do need a fix!
I thought I'd signed up as a follower last week... must have started nodding at the wrong moment. My keyboard is littered with cigarette burns. Anyway, I've remedied the situation now... you're up to 51 followers!
Take care Gledwood... I'llbe back soon. Shane
Dame Edna... jeez, that's the last face I thought I'd see. Now I do need a fix!
I thought I'd signed up as a follower last week... must have started nodding at the wrong moment. My keyboard is littered with cigarette burns. Anyway, I've remedied the situation now... you're up to 51 followers!
Take care Gledwood... I'llbe back soon. Shane
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