I STILL HAVE THAT INFERNAL MUSIC from The Hoobs whizzing round in my head ... I have asked myself how on earth such a show got commissioned. Full of baby language. It makes sense once you know it but still, I can envision a telly exec cackling at the screenplay and tossing its confetti over his left shoulder. The Hoobs are the aliens. Peeps are people. Tiddlypeeps are the little peeps, the children. Wrinklypeeps are old pensioners like Ruth... okay; sorry Ruth, more like 107 year-old Aussie Olive then. And the peeps are just normal people like me and you. The Hoobopaedia is the great book Hubba-Hubba is working upon. Hoobnet is their internet. Roma, the upperclass one, invades the galaxy on her roving motorbike to interview gentlemen stiltwalkers etcetera... Tula, the pink hippo, looks like the gay one on Rainbow, is the bossy girl. The other Hoobs are Groove, the green one and Ivor (purple). And the Motorettes, who sing songs about "Who? What? Where? Why? Etc?" resemble something you might encounter nibbling mercilessly upon your soul in a terrifying mad LSD-trip ...!! Not to mention the rest of their vocabulary: hubacious=groovy ... hoobledoobleDOO!!=goodbye /&c/&c/&c ...
And trust me to wake up this morning in the mournful dark, shivering and freezing, to turn on the telly and who should show immediately upon my screen but Hubba-Hubba singing songs from Hoobland... honestly...! I'm not talking about the Hoobs from now on... Honestly I'm not ...
The good, the bad, and the stupid
The ward is in lockdown until Monday when the situation will be
re-assessed. No visitors. Big sigh.
As if that wasn't bad enough, this afternoon Wales ta...
16 hours ago
As you apologised on my blog I'll forgive you for calling me an old age pensioner.......for any visitors from abroad who are reading this......I am in fact 54 and not eligible for retirement in the UK YET!!! In fact I am 6 years younger than Cher;-)
I'll have to go back and reread...is this animated? Sounds like Tellatubbies to me.
The Hoobs is Puppets. It's done by the Jim Henson company who did the Muppets and Sesame street. Best TV puppetteers in the business (if not the only ones...)
The Hoobs is Puppets. It's done by the Jim Henson company who did the Muppets and Sesame street. Best TV puppetteers in the business (if not the only ones...)
Why the hell did that come out x2x2?? I hate it when it does that. Makes me look even crazier than I actually am than I actually am ...
Oh well, I love Sesame Street. I can do a wicked Cookie Monster. And you'll notice on my profile that it's listed as some of my favorite music too..."C is for Cookie, good enough for me".
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