I used to take heroin at every opportunity, for over 10 years, now I just take methadone which supposedly "stabilizes" me though I feel more destabilized than ever before despite having been relatively well behaved since late November/early December 2010... and VERY ANGRY about this when I let it get to me so I try not to.
I was told by a mental health nurse that my heroin addiction was "self medication" for a mood disorder that has recently become severe enough to cause psychotic episodes. As well as methadone I take antipsychotics daily. Despite my problems I consider myself a very sane person. My priority is to attain stability. I go to Narcotics Anonymous because I "want what they have" ~ Serenity.
My old blog used to say "candid confessions of a heroin and crack cocaine addict" how come that one comes up when I google "heroin blog" and not this one. THIS IS MY BLOG. I don't flatter myself that every reader knows everything about me and follows closely every single word every day which is why I repeat myself. Most of that is for your benefit not mine.
This is my own private diary, my journal. It is aimed at impressing no-one. It is kept for my own benefit to show where I have been and hopefully to put off somebody somewhere from ever getting into the awful mess I did and still cannot crawl out of. Despite no drugs. I still drink, I'm currently working on reducing my alcohol intake to zero.
If you have something to say you are welcome to comment. Frankness I can handle. Timewasters should try their own suggestions on themselves before wasting time thinking of ME.
PS After years of waxing and waning "mental" symptoms that made me think I had depression and possibly mild bipolar I now have found out I'm schizoaffective. My mood has been constantly "cycling" since December 2010. Mostly towards mania (an excited non-druggy "high"). For me, schizoaffective means bipolar with (sometimes severe) mania and flashes of depression (occasionally severe) with bits of schizophrenia chucked on top. You could see it as bipolar manic-depression with sparkly knobs on ... I'm on antipsychotic pills but currently no mood stabilizer. I quite enjoy being a bit manic it gives the feelings of confidence and excitement people say they use cocaine for. But this is natural and it's free, so I don't see my "illness" as a downer. It does, however, make life exceedingly hard to engage with...
PPS The "elevated mood" is long gone. Now I'm depressed. Forget any ideas of "happiness" I have given up heroin and want OFF methadone as quick as humanly possible. I'm fed up of being a drug addict. Sick to death of it. I wanna be CLEAN!!!
Attack of the Furry Entertainers!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
5am Heroine.
IT IS 05:48 HOURS as I start writing, though I have been musing on what I might say since long back. Outside, on my Turkish Chocolate Biscuit Trip, Flapper, my Giant Tubby Pie Pigeon (who I now know for sure is a wood pigeon, as opposed to the feral town bird, which is a species of rock dove ~ rock doves have iridescent scarves thrown over their shoulders; wood pigeons are clad in matte pastel tones and, as I said before, wear a tiny white cravat. Unlike the plucky rock dove, who we've all seen eating from the hands of French tourists he doesn't even know, I know Flapper, my Pie Dove will never become hand tame. Temperamentally they are the roborovskis of the pigeon world. Untrusting and flighty. Talking of roborovskis, I remember spotting my late three furry pingpong balls asleep in their toothpaste box nest at the time, all looking cute in a row. Unlike other hamsters, who curl into a ball sideways, like a dog or a cat might, robos nearly always sleep on their feet. So that if they are startled they can ping without delay! Anyway I saw the furry swines sleeping peacefully and thought I might surprise them with a tasty nibble for their rodent monoteeth (apparently they only have ONE tooth, top and bottom) so in I poked a "lady's finger" ~ that is a piece of okra or gumbo. O man ~ the commotion! Three tiny balls of fur pinged out the other end of that tube in a furry explosion. You'd think I'd pushed a needle-toothed baby crocodile in after them, snapping at their tubby bums. If they could have done, they'd have waved their hands in the air in horror and cheered, three little drama queens that they were. The reason I've not got any new hammies (apart from that roborovski hamsters are so very hard to find when you want them) is that I'm so terrified of them escaping again. The door to the hallway has a half-inch gap under it. To a little robbie this is as High as the Fourth Road Bridge. In my old house they would go missing for two and three days at a time. Only when I had given up hope of ever seeing each escapee alive again would I suddenly, usually far after midnight, see a furry hallucination silently whizzing across the floor. The ONLY way I ever successfully caught them was by 1. coaxing them into a box or something I could then pick up and deposit back into the robo-tank or 2. throwing a teeshirt or something over them. Even then, if I got my aim spot-on, the tiny terror would be half-over the edge, bulgy-eyed and frozen with fear. Of course, in a situation like that they think a predator has them. Another unique behaviour of robo-hamsters as opposed to "normal" ones was frequent playing dead at times of high stress. Which did look funny sometimes. So from a constantly moving, pinging jamboree of furriness, suddenly the hamster-tank turned into a Madame Tussauds of frozen furry astonishment. Hamsters are exceptionally good at looking surprised.
Now enough about furries. Except to say I actually saw a Norwich terrier yesterday! For the first time in my life. The tiny doggie trotted past me, then away. It was almost like being in the presence of The Queen...
Well it is now a good seventeen hours later. Should I have taken that hit, dripping with syrupy-golden poppy-juice? All it did was make me sleep. And sleep again... My feelings towards this drug ~ heroin ~ and my addiction are split and mixed.
On the one hand I hear my own voice, blithely prattling out the name of the hardest drug known to man. HEROIN. Without saviour of a final softening respectable letter e it's a dirty word, evoking misery, gloom, grunge and despair. Wasted days, wasted years, wasted lives.
And yet Heroin, as trademarked by the German pharmaceuticals firm Bayer in 1898, means strong and brave and heroisch and noble. The fine white lady. My saviour.
My reasons for taking heroin ~ and I mean, for ever wanting to try it, for keeping on trying it. For being attracted to it in the first place. The reasons I was drawn to its narcotic black hole that radiates the glamour of transgression ~ these are all so complicated, I only recently realized I have told myself a Received Version of my own Truth. A convenient Edited Highlights Version, snipped free of inconvenient contradictions and inconsistencies.
It's not so much that Truth Hurts; my truth is very, very complicated.
Heroin saved me. Or I certainly thought it had, for a long time. When I was on heroin I at last had confidence and joy and the love of a relationship with the drug and a human soul-mate.
Years of inadequacy and misery. Years of being someone who never quite fit anywhere, never fitted with himself ~ these dissolved like drops of bright rain streaming down my window. Nothing in the past ever seemed to matter any more. As a druggie high on drugs I was actually able to live in the moment. Past and future were confined to the trash. Little did I realize my life was heading for the garbage can, too.
The most striking difference between me On Heroin and me Before Heroin was, that on heroin I no longer daydreamed at all. The drug was enough of a living daydream. Heroin enlivens and dulls at the same time. It cured all my pain ~ mental, physical ~ everything, for a while. Having endured years of what doctors called Chronic Fatigue and Depression I now felt free.
The last psychiatrist I saw said I was... still AM self-medicating.
He implied that, unlike many other users who use to escape boredom or many other things I wasn't using to escape. I was using as someone incomplete, who with heroin suddenly felt whole. These are my words for his expressions. I think he was right.
From the beginning my interest never was in getting "out of it", being wiped out, unconscious. Heroin gave me an accelerated, brighter better version of me, full of confidence that felt real. Not a jittery turbo-charge like cocaine's counterfeit security. The heroin-state felt totally and utterly real to me. And of course I only wished I could be like that all the time.
In the beginning I WAS like that all the time.
I have been musing deeper and deeper on ... what am I doing? Where shall I go? How did I ever get like this? And how will I ever get out? Do I want to get out?
One thing I've come to accept: methadone treatment is NOT working for me. It is not making me feel OK. Physically (mostly) perhaps, but not mentally. On methadone the depression is so intense sometimes it is unbearable. Methadone is supposed to give addicts a shot at normality. theoretically a well-functioning addict could even hold down a job on methadone. I have never, EVER willingly done ANYTHING on methadone. I sit and sit. i look around at the mess that desperately needs fixing and have no energy for any of it. Nothing changes. Nothing gets done. Since methadone, nothing has improved, except that I have stopped going out making money to pay for gear. But my non-life has slipped into a black hole. Anything I need to do: a dentist appointment, a trip to see my mum, a trip into town ~ I have tried doing these things on methadone, they are heavy, burdensome chores. No matter how much I might "want" to get them done. I very much want to see my Mum, but the process of getting there entails extreme stress. I have tried living on methadone and it just does not work for me.
Now I am realizing there ARE other treatments out there, ones that work. Yet they always seem to be for someone else.
I think I told the story of when someone gave me a bottle of morphine syrup which I drank instead of methadone. I was amazed at how good I felt. I felt absolutely OK and fine. The life-defying dolour of methadone was gone. I am now researching whether my addiction could not be treated perhaps with direct heroin or morphine therapy. The heroin would be injectable or smokeable, morphine would probably come in long-release pills. The deeper I dig, the more disappointed I am, that therapy I know would at least give me a chance has so far been denied me.
I have been on various methadone scripts for over TEN years, I have gone to two detox units but couldn't handle even medication-assisted detox. I have tried Subutex. I have gone cold turkey. The ONLY improvements over ten years have been: 1. I no longer go out "grafting" ~ begging money to get my hit and 2. I now pay bills on time and get in weekly shopping. Not every single penny goes on drugs as it used to. But every spare one still DOES and that's the point.
I used to think and it has been levelled at me, both expressly and in many snidey ways, that I was somehow weak for not being able to go through with, for example a detox where every care was taken to make clients as comfortable as possible. You'll hear the whining junkies in there state "we're all in the same boat"...
But I look back and realize we were NOT all in the same boat. I was the ONLY person awake ALL NIGHT at that place. Nobody else lost half their days a gibbering emotional wreck in the 1-2-1 counselling room. No we weren't in the same boat, not at all. Nobody else I know seems literally to have gone crazy doing cold turkey detox. I was horrified years later to see I had met diagnostic criteria for "mixed bipolar episode" when I tried to come off heroin. Only when I heard repeated stories of people lying in bed for a week, sick, did I realize my experience was totally different. Far from lying down, I couldn't keep still for more than 2 seconds. In both detoxes I got extra meds, which is about as commonplace as a Norwich terrier with wings. I could go on and on. I'm not saying my problems are insurmountable. I'm just saying I feel that STILL ~ after all this time, they have not been properly addressed.
If I felt I could deal with this situation myself, trust me I would just go away and sick it out. but all that is likely to do, in all honesty is put me in a mental hospital if not a morgue. Because I will kill myself. If life is hopeless on drugs, imagine how bleak it feels with no drugs at all?
I can't believe I ever got so dependent. I hate it.
I feel desperate and angry. With myself. With the "system" I've got wrapped up in. With methadone, which I absolutely loathe ~ no question about that. I wish I could actually envision life clean, like those smiling characters who adorn American websites offering high-priced clinic facilities. But I honestly do not see it.
I could talk on and on but I'll only talk round more circles. I have just had enough. But WHAT NOW?
WAT THAM KRABOK MONASTERY Famous Thai vomiting and bitter herbs detox among monks...
NEW FULL-LENGTH DOCUMENTARY at my Random Video Blog: Afghanistan's Fateful Harvest... CLICK TO SEE.
Although methadone is a life saver for many, it can come with some god awful side effects. You describe the 2 most common symptoms - depression and being lethargic.
Every task is like a major event and going out becomes such a burden. Managing the depression requires a delicate balance where every thought and action has to be carefully controlled so as not to bring on an avalanche of deep despair. Simple things like when to have a shower, when to do the dishes or whether to answer the phone can upset your day so easily. This is the reality of methadone for many people. No wonder they continue to use heroin as well.
You are spot on about needing alternatives to methadone. Slow Release Oral Morphine (SROM), hydromorphone, diamorphine etc would solve so many problems for those who do not take to methadone very well.
Why aren't the facts explained to the public more often? Longer term addicts keep relapsing because they have been born with physical conditions like chemical imbalances in the brain and up to 66 know genes that encourage drug use. Like your doctor said ... you are self medicating. Most addicts like you (and me) have been searching for something. We don't what or even that we are actually searching. Then we stumble onto heroin and bawolf!!! The missing link in our life.
When the public question why some addicts kick heroin within a year or two but others keep using for decades, they usually conclude it's because some addicts are piss weak junkies and don't want to get better. And there are those who want methadone treatment removed because it's just free drugs for addicts. Yes, of course we all love the massive depression, wasting thousands on scoring and the risk of being jailed. I don't want to have all my old friends around anymore and I just love fighting with my family. What a joke!
I often wonder where I would be if I was still on methadone instead of SROM? ALthough I take over 700mg daily, it is so much "lighter" than methadone with almost none of the side effects. There's still some depression and I use heroin sometimes but it's far superior to methadone. Also, I only have to go once a week to the chemist and I can administer my own dose to suit my situation. I also wonder how I would be if I could take diamorphine pills instead? No need to inject or smoke. I can only wonder I suppose.
Diamorphine used to be prescribed as little 10mg pills called jacks in London (and most of the addicts were in London at the time) in the 1960s. They were designed to be injected.
I'm not sure whether it's possible, or more to the point worthwhile prescribing oral heroin I heard it metabolizes to morphine in the body and has a low "bioavailability" ...
One reason diamorphine prescription is controversial is it costs three times as much per addict treatment. Though figures of £10-15,000 are nearly all for clinic staff, not the actual medication.
The govt. is paying too much for freeze-dried heroin amps. As of a couple of years ago 100mg cost £4.50 ~ this against a £10 bag containing 200mg powder of 35-50% purity ~ ie the govt. is paying HALF the street value. Hardly a good deal. But those costs are the amps used in pain management.
The RIOTT Heroin Assisted Therapy scheme used specially acquired diamorphine that was cheaper.
In Switzerland they made up 10g bottles with 100mls sterile water to measure out to addicts at 100mg/1ml strength; all injections were supervised (twice a day). Such a mixture couldn't be taken home and kept for any length of time without it turning into 6MAM, a degraded byproduct of diamorphine, which is no weaker, but different. Mexican "tar" heroin, so I hear, can be 50% or more 6MAM. The Bayer heroin linctus would have been 6MAM within a month or so of manufacture... It's because diamorphine degrades in this way that it nearly always comes as dry amps or in another dry format...
I'm collecting some v good links on all this I'll sort through and put up soon
All the stuff you were saying echoes what I have read and come to realize is probably true in my case.
I used to have all sorts of ideas of how things "should" be. I thought I suffered so much on methadone because I was sulking for want of heroin, that if I changed my attitude I would feel fine. But I never have been any more than nominally OK on it. Never "well". Methadone was never intended for long-term use in multihundred milligram doses for years on end... God knows what it is doing to people's brains. Surely the simple fact it is that much more addictive should set alarm bells ringing... I hate to think what it has done to me
Obviously, you ARE different - and self-medicating - so the issue is that when you go for treatment, they really need to treat the underlyng issue before or at the same time as the addiction. I hope you find a worker or psychiatrist or someone who can get you in a real individualized program. You coming off heroin would be like a depressed person giving up their meds - a very dangerous thing to do.
Would it be possible to check yourself into a mental hospital to treat both?
Ah, I did ask about that the dr said best go professional rehab (though they will detox you if you had a complete breakdown and wanted to come off drugs as well)
I've been looking into a type of rehab called a Therapeutic Community where all types of people go who need recovery from some aspect of life that has gone wrong, it's not always addiction, you might just as likely be in with anorexics, all sorts of people. I would find that far more tolerable.
While I'm basically using eroin as an antidepressant I don't know what I'm going to do. I was considering trying to stop it altogether just to prove how bad it was, but I'm scared
SARCBAST i don't think those goats would do that well round here then...
AKKA not really, but i'm taking a "hiatus from bullshit" and re-evaluating my situation, and that doesn't just mean pondering it and doing nothing i mean, surely there has to be a better way. SURELY!!
Gleds, I hope that you can find a better way that doesn't involve drugs. There are many who do find a way to detox and find something else in their lives besides heroin. Please take care.
Hi Gleds, is there any chance of getting to see the last pyschiatrist you saw who told you why he thought you were self medicating? Sounds like he and you are in agreement, that has to be a good place to start.
This blog stuck a chord with me. What if I get depressed more often because of the Methadone. Your right, when I was using Heroin and Hydromorphone I was never depressed. I took showers everyday, and got out of the house, and didn't hate people so much. I didn't hate myself so much. They do have Heroin maintaince clinics in Amsterdam, correct? If I could get myself over there, and get permenat residancy, I would learn the language and treat my addiction with Heroin Maintaince. Even Slow Release Morphine sounds better than the Methadone. I haven't showered in a week, and the only reason I bother to wake up is to go to the Methadone clinic in hopes that one of these days I will actaully get high. You know what would be really great, is if they would put a cathatder in my vein so I wouldn't have to wast two hours on finding a vein. Or even if they had a nurse who would inject the Heroin for me. Leave a dot on the vein so I could find it later on and I could hit again for the next three shots I would have to do in a day. I herd you have to be dieing to get into those Heroin clinics in Amsterdam. Is this true? I have more questions, but I'll end this comment now. K. Talk to you later.
I'm very touched by this. So often I forget that you're even on the stuff but your writing's changed lately, you're more profuse, more explanatory. You have to start somewhere, I agree that a group that focuses on other issues not just addiction might be helpful if you can find them. Or the old psych. Give both a go if you can.
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Heroin Shortage: News
If you are looking for the British Heroin Drought post, click here; the latest word is in the comments.
Christiane F
"Wir, Kinder vom Bahnhoff Zoo" by "Christiane F", memoir of a teenage heroin addict and prostitute, was a massive bestseller in Europe and is now a set text in German schools.
Bahnhoff Zoo was, until recently, Berlin's central railway station. A kind of equivalent (in more ways than one) to London's King's Cross...
Of course my local library doesn't have it. So I'm going to have to order it through a bookshop and plough through the text in German. I asked my druggieworker Maple Syrup, who is Italiana how she learned English and she said reading books is the best way.CHRISTIANE F:
You can watch the entire 120-min movie in 12 parts at my Random blog. Every section EXCEPT part one is subtitled in English (sorry: but if you skip past you still get the gist) ~ to watch it all click HERE.
To See Gledwood's Entire Blog...
DID you find my blog via a Google or other search? Are you stuck on a post dated some time ago? Do you want to read Gledwood Volume 2 right from "the top" ~ ie from today? If so click here and you'll get to the most recent post immediately!
Drugs Videos
Most of these come from my Random blog, which is an electronic scrapbook of stuff I thought I might like to view at some time or other. For those who want to view stuff on drugs I've collected the very best links here. Unless otherwise stated these are full-length features, usually an hour or more.
If you have a slow connexion and are unused to viewing multiscreen films on Youtube here's what to do: click the first one and play on mute, stopping and starting as it does. Then, when it's done, click on Repeat Play and you get the full entertainment without interruption. While you watch screen one, do the same to screens 2, 3 and so on. So as each bit finishes, the next part's ready and waiting.
Khun Sa, whose name meant Prince Prosperous, had been, before his death in the mid 2000s, the world's biggest dealer in China White Heroin: "Lord of the Golden Triangle"
In-depth portrait of the Afghan heroin trade at its very height. Includes heroin-lab bust. "Afghanistan's Fateful Harvest"
Classic miniseries whose title became a catchphrase for the misery of life in East Asian prison. Nicole Kidman plays a privileged middle-class girl set up to mule heroin through Thai customs with the inevitable consequences. This is so long it had to be posted in two parts. "Bangkok Hilton 1" (first 2 hours or so); "Bangkok Hilton 2" (last couple of hours).
Short film: from tapwater-clear H4 in the USA to murky black Afghan brown in Norway: "Heroin Addicts Speak"
Before his untimely death this guy kept a video diary. Here's the hour-long highlights as broadcast on BBC TV: "Ben: Diary of a Heroin Addict". Thanks to Noah for the original link.
Some of the most entertaining scenes from Britain's top soap (as much for the poor research as anything else). Not even Phil Mitchell would go from nought to multi-hundred pound binges this fast: "Phil Mitchell on Crack" (just over 5 minutes).
Scientist lady shows us how to cook up gear: "How Much Citric?" Lucky cow: her brown is 70% purity! Oddly we never see her actually do her hit... maybe she got camera shy...
And lastly:
German documentary following a life from teenage addiction to untimely death before the age of 30. The decline in this girl's appearance is truly shocking. "Süchtig: Protokoll einer Hilflosigkeit". Sorry no subtitles; this is here for anyone learning German who's after practice material a little more gripping than Lindenstraße!
Nosey Quiz! Have you ever heard voices when you weren't high on drugs?
Here's the 4-methylmethcathinone molecule. This is the "cocaine plus ecstasy"-style "legal high" I took that time and didn't even know what it was... After a brief but intense craze for meow, it was eventually banned in the UK in April 2010
If you wanna see what manic looks like, watch this. If this is the mood she stayed in all day she'd be moderately manic (severely manic is literally all over the place verging into complete incoherence)... I have been known to yell the same stuff over and over, which is why I like this:
Ferry Corsten remix. William Orbit performance. Samuel Barber's Adagio
DJ Seduction: Starlight August 1992
I love this style of music and WHY do kidz today call it OLD SCHOOL? MAKE ME FEEL ANCIENT WHY DONCHA! I really like that ting-ting-tong tune that comes into it about 3 mins in "release the spirit" yeah....! Respect goin' out LizzyD Yeah ;-)
Angelina Joelie: Crazy Chic
Girl Interrupted: best scenes
Mozart's Requiem Tranced Up
I like danced-up tunes now that I'm "OLD". Like this one... The actual name of the tune is "lacrimosa" which means sad. Which is weird it actually sounds uplifting. but there ya go:~~~~~~~~
Click herefor the Drought Post, news is in the comments.
Because there's more than 200 comments, look closely at the bottom of the form for for "Newer/Newest" - THAT is where you click to find most recent comments.
Good news!
1. Husband has a date for his operation! Friday 7th February. Provisional
of course but it's a start.
2. There is heating in Zac's!
If I were a drinker ...
Blog Updates
To all my faithful readers:
It's been a while since I posted a new essay. However, I still check and
read any new comments. Plus, I know people still fin...
Father & Son
Saturday the weatherman had announced Sunshine and as usual he was wrong !
The sun was shi...
Blogging Break
I'm taking a break from blogging, for two major reasons :a. I find it
hard to concentrate on chosen topics, while there's war and tragedy going
on in m...
Dying Independently.....
I just finished working with a woman for the past 6 weeks, who was dying
from a vicious form of cancer.
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Just a Thought for the HBO Execs
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check, motherfuckers! Actually three crazy-assed bitches if you count
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the heat. It was everywhere, stuffy and humid and crucifying even at that
No, I am not returning, just updating out of boredom. Plus writing on my
phone sucks, so it won't be a long post.
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The (complete) rainbowrain
Today is the last time I'll post blog-photos from my work as tomorrow, the
last day of this blog is a Saturday. So you can enjoy this view one more
time ...
Twelve Months
I can't believe it's almost 12 months since I posted anything on my blog!
I confess I've been spending a lot of time on Facebook - I know you think
I'm a t...
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organ otak mengalami penyumbatan atau gangguan. Penyakit Stroke ini adalah
Iboga- A Magic Bullet?
Thoughts and random musings
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The People You Meet
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darling friend Jeffrey today, I felt the overwhelming need to blog. Met a
weird Japan...
Despair and Dissolution
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ages just to get to my blog. Frustration.
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A long time coming....
I cannot believe I have neglected this blog for so long.
Just to let you know I will be uploading a post in the next couple of days.
Things are good.
My hea...
Gone but never forgotten
Hello everyone....
Saturday the 24th May would of been Merle's 80th birthday...
Unfortunately she is gone, but never forgotten...
I just thought I would...
Everything in it's place
Yum.That people are reading this in Israel and Indonesia, as well as so
many other places around the world that I never would've expected is pretty
How to Negotiate With Used Cars Dealers
Car traders have excellent discussing abilities. They know how to deal with
their clients with their methods and methods to make sure that they shop.
starry starry night…
Ho Ho Ho! Hope everyone had a merry fucking Christmas and will enjoy a
drunken orgy of pleasure on New Years Eve. I had a nice Christmas Day with
.....I think the time has come to acknowledge that I'm not actually
blogging any more.....
I'm off on Sunday for a Big Adventure Down Under, with L...
Drug Law Reform - NZ Show Australia How it's Done
It seems that our New Zealand cousins are finally taking some much needed
action on drug law reform. Australia should take note of this and consider
Daze of Summer
Her mentor is one of the most gentle people on the planet. He catches flies
in his hands and sets them free outside his studio, and he flicks
mosquitoes a...
A week has passed since my last post and it's been a week of contrasts.
Right smack bang in the middle of week, Wednesday, was Australia Day, a
public holi...
Who buys CRACK without Brown ?
See these F.cking dealers up here they cant get the brown sold cause its
shite so lots of people are just buying Whisky and im thinking to myself No
For Me...
Would you trust someone who was never sure if they loved you?
I want to be held (or posses a large amount of drugs)
I want to be skinny and pretty
I want...
The Neighbour's Gun
I remember those lazy summer nights. In my light, light dress, I would open
the window and gaze at the moon in the night. I would look and almost feel
THIS is classic slice-of-life video; filmed from a sushibar conveyor belt in Japan. You don't need sound for this one (unless you speak Japanese...)
Never Mind The Balearics...
LOST WEEKENDS... Lost weeks... Lost lives...
THE SPANISH ISLE of Ibiza is the "spiritual home" of much British dance music...
Eva Cassidy: Autumn Leaves
I wonder if Autumn is as miserable your end as it is here..? This song wonderfully reinterpreted by Eva Cassidy (I think) brought tears to my eyes when I first heard it. See what you think ...
Christiane F
Christiane F
("Wir Kinder vom Bahnhoff Zoo")
Berlin has long been a centre of "alternative" living, attracting the artistic and dejected. And of course heroin rushes into such a void:
You can see the film in its entirety by clicking HERE.
These are my 3 roborovski hamsters!
(And now there is one...) Itchy, Bashful and Spherical... Itchy, the scruffy, dopey (and tamest one) died a few weeks ago. I was very ****** off (no swearing on this blog (or I'd be effing and blinding all the time...)). Spherical and Bashful were the remaining "Trotters" aka Hamsta MCs, Carrot Nose and Trotter Donkey ... until Trotterdonkey died and now poor Spherical Carrot Nose remains alone ...
What name should I give to my fictional slavering English mastiff hellhound..??
Name the Uncooth Doggie...
NOW I'M PUTTING UP A NEW POLL...My forthcoming fiction shall feature a giant, ill-tempered slavering hellhound of an English Mastiff who spends her time savaging pram wheels, dolls, etc; pulling soft toys apart... growling at houseguests, baying at the light fittings etc etc. She has a total personality change, however, when she gets "raped" down the park by a local rottweiler... leading to a howling, baying, snaggle-toothed litter of puppies!Anyway, which of these three names do you think fits best?(In alphabetical order)GwendolinaPansyTinkerbelle???Vote now ...!!
London Time
GMT (aka "Universal Standard Time"):
ahead of the Americas; behind everywhere else...
Trisch & Jen on the phone
Real life spooky phone call. Trisch Li is speaking to her friend Jen, who has a stalker sneaking round the side of her house. I Love the film exposure. I love the funky background. And I love Trisch. She had bipolar. She died. She left some amazing stuff behind ...You can see Trisch manic here.
Moby: Go
Anyone who was a Twin Peaks fan will know this tune: the in-sequence floaty tune played in-episode (not the theme tune) that made that tellyprog so dreamy.
This tune is something else:~~~~~~~
Future Sound of London: Papua New Guinea
THIS tune is transcendently beautiful.
Thank you to Lizzy who reminded me:~~~~~~~
The Orb: Little Fluffy Clouds (Danny Tengalia)
Archetypal triphead/herb-tokers' tune ...
Urban Shakedown: Some Justice
One of my all time favourite "hardcore" rave tunes. The "woman" singing "we live as one family" is actually a man speeded up. The primal line "Now eeeee-yeah-oh-eeeee-yeah we live as one family," sounded to me like the sun rising at psychedelic dawn. For a long time there was forever a part of me left from this 1991-1992 era, still out there, tripping in a certain corn-on-the-cob field at dawn...
Praga Khan: Injected with a Poison
Sums up what my attitude used to be and is once again to gear. That because, "There's a rainbow inside your mind ... Injected with a poison.... we don't need that any more."
Scott McKenzie: San Francisco
I really used to believe all this crap with all my heart. Peace and love and chemical dreams. If you've ever tripped out high upon higher and sublime upon sublime there is no way of bringing the beauty of the experience back with you... I once had a friend down who brought some cocaine. I did some lines and was soon stuck to the ceiling. I had tickets for a rave in south London. He was too wasted to go. So I had to negotiate an hour and a half nightbus ride all the way down. By Trafalgar Square I was eeing out on 2 pills as well and my eyes such massive discs I couldn't read the bus time tables and had to tell passers-by I'd "forgotten my reading glasses" (how embarrassing)... then I arrived around 3pm. DUR! Not pm (wasn't THAT late 3AM): though these pills didn't wear off till well after 11am which made them superstrong... anyhow... Security let me straight in I'd obviously taken all my drugs (indeed I had: felt like I was flying by this point)... first person I encountered was a middle-aged woman in a ball gown swaying back and forth in the foyer (Brixton Academy: a venue for 5000) I told her: "you are so cool". We subsequently made friends. Watching this video and seeing how stuck in the neverending moment of bliss some "flower kids" are I remember this lady having to tell me: "there's the party. Then the party's over. You have to accept that." But I never could. I wanted happiness to last for ever...
SCOTT MACKENZIE HAS GONE (copyright reasons)
Who is the superior writer? (From... in no particular order...)
Itchy's "Windy" Face
Not because she has the "farts" but because she "runs like the wind on a windy day" this is Itchy's look when she is nervous...
Bashful and Spherical look like this
(Itchy is a bit smaller)
Bashful's Lookie-Lykie
Hello you Tiny Tubby! Roborovskis are the tiniest of all hamsters, being a mere 5cm/2" fully grown... "Bashful" is pulling a bit of a grumpy face here; but hey!
Should my daily videos stay giant on the top or go mini on my sidebar? (You can only vote once.)
Doggie or Kittie?
You Are: 50% Dog, 50% Cat
You are a nice blend of cat and dog.
You're playful but not too needy. And you're friendly but careful.
And while you have your moody moments, you're too happy to stay upset for long.
38 year-old guy, 6 blogs (the main one is gledwood vol 2 so go there for new postings: blogs are linked via my sidebars), I also have 3 video blogs. One mainly music vids, the other random "novelty" clips from Youtube/etc. The third is my Fabulous Celebrity Blog for fans of trash culture. Unfortunately addicted to drugs - yes it was my own fault but what can I do about it now? Addicted means trapped & can't stop. That's how addicted I am. But that's not ALL I blog about. Apart from drugs I love drink. Apart from drink I'm into little furry animals like Pingpong, my Chinese hamster, and my 3 roborovski hamsters: Itchy, Bashful and Spherical... and ... er, food. Lately there has been a drought of the substance that enslaved me for so long. Will I clean up? Only time will tell...
Fun, comforting, and friendly.
You are a true classic, and while you're not super cutting edge, you're high quality.
People love your company - and have even been known to get addicted to you.
Hey there Gleds.
Although methadone is a life saver for many, it can come with some god awful side effects. You describe the 2 most common symptoms - depression and being lethargic.
Every task is like a major event and going out becomes such a burden. Managing the depression requires a delicate balance where every thought and action has to be carefully controlled so as not to bring on an avalanche of deep despair. Simple things like when to have a shower, when to do the dishes or whether to answer the phone can upset your day so easily. This is the reality of methadone for many people. No wonder they continue to use heroin as well.
You are spot on about needing alternatives to methadone. Slow Release Oral Morphine (SROM), hydromorphone, diamorphine etc would solve so many problems for those who do not take to methadone very well.
Why aren't the facts explained to the public more often? Longer term addicts keep relapsing because they have been born with physical conditions like chemical imbalances in the brain and up to 66 know genes that encourage drug use. Like your doctor said ... you are self medicating. Most addicts like you (and me) have been searching for something. We don't what or even that we are actually searching. Then we stumble onto heroin and bawolf!!! The missing link in our life.
When the public question why some addicts kick heroin within a year or two but others keep using for decades, they usually conclude it's because some addicts are piss weak junkies and don't want to get better. And there are those who want methadone treatment removed because it's just free drugs for addicts. Yes, of course we all love the massive depression, wasting thousands on scoring and the risk of being jailed. I don't want to have all my old friends around anymore and I just love fighting with my family. What a joke!
I often wonder where I would be if I was still on methadone instead of SROM? ALthough I take over 700mg daily, it is so much "lighter" than methadone with almost none of the side effects. There's still some depression and I use heroin sometimes but it's far superior to methadone. Also, I only have to go once a week to the chemist and I can administer my own dose to suit my situation. I also wonder how I would be if I could take diamorphine pills instead? No need to inject or smoke. I can only wonder I suppose.
Diamorphine used to be prescribed as little 10mg pills called jacks in London (and most of the addicts were in London at the time) in the 1960s. They were designed to be injected.
I'm not sure whether it's possible, or more to the point worthwhile prescribing oral heroin I heard it metabolizes to morphine in the body and has a low "bioavailability" ...
One reason diamorphine prescription is controversial is it costs three times as much per addict treatment. Though figures of £10-15,000 are nearly all for clinic staff, not the actual medication.
The govt. is paying too much for freeze-dried heroin amps. As of a couple of years ago 100mg cost £4.50 ~ this against a £10 bag containing 200mg powder of 35-50% purity ~ ie the govt. is paying HALF the street value. Hardly a good deal. But those costs are the amps used in pain management.
The RIOTT Heroin Assisted Therapy scheme used specially acquired diamorphine that was cheaper.
In Switzerland they made up 10g bottles with 100mls sterile water to measure out to addicts at 100mg/1ml strength; all injections were supervised (twice a day). Such a mixture couldn't be taken home and kept for any length of time without it turning into 6MAM, a degraded byproduct of diamorphine, which is no weaker, but different. Mexican "tar" heroin, so I hear, can be 50% or more 6MAM. The Bayer heroin linctus would have been 6MAM within a month or so of manufacture... It's because diamorphine degrades in this way that it nearly always comes as dry amps or in another dry format...
I'm collecting some v good links on all this I'll sort through and put up soon
All the stuff you were saying echoes what I have read and come to realize is probably true in my case.
I used to have all sorts of ideas of how things "should" be. I thought I suffered so much on methadone because I was sulking for want of heroin, that if I changed my attitude I would feel fine. But I never have been any more than nominally OK on it. Never "well". Methadone was never intended for long-term use in multihundred milligram doses for years on end... God knows what it is doing to people's brains. Surely the simple fact it is that much more addictive should set alarm bells ringing... I hate to think what it has done to me
Obviously, you ARE different - and self-medicating - so the issue is that when you go for treatment, they really need to treat the underlyng issue before or at the same time as the addiction. I hope you find a worker or psychiatrist or someone who can get you in a real individualized program. You coming off heroin would be like a depressed person giving up their meds - a very dangerous thing to do.
Would it be possible to check yourself into a mental hospital to treat both?
Ah, I did ask about that the dr said best go professional rehab (though they will detox you if you had a complete breakdown and wanted to come off drugs as well)
I've been looking into a type of rehab called a Therapeutic Community where all types of people go who need recovery from some aspect of life that has gone wrong, it's not always addiction, you might just as likely be in with anorexics, all sorts of people. I would find that far more tolerable.
While I'm basically using eroin as an antidepressant I don't know what I'm going to do. I was considering trying to stop it altogether just to prove how bad it was, but I'm scared
I didn't know that Roborovskis play dead. I want a miniature goat. They play dead, when scared, too. They faint. How cute is that?
Are they equally terrified of okra?
Sounds like you have given up trying to get off the drugs. :(
There must be a way, if you really want to. That's the crux of the matter isn't it? Do you want to?
SARCBAST i don't think those goats would do that well round here then...
AKKA not really, but i'm taking a "hiatus from bullshit"
and re-evaluating my situation, and that doesn't just mean pondering it and doing nothing
i mean, surely there has to be a better way. SURELY!!
Gleds, I hope that you can find a better way that doesn't involve drugs. There are many who do find a way to detox and find something else in their lives besides heroin. Please take care.
I wish I could find the way there. And a way to stay there. I am sure there is a way. I just haven't found it yet...
Hi Gleds, is there any chance of getting to see the last pyschiatrist you saw who told you why he thought you were self medicating? Sounds like he and you are in agreement, that has to be a good place to start.
This blog stuck a chord with me. What if I get depressed more often because of the Methadone. Your right, when I was using Heroin and Hydromorphone I was never depressed. I took showers everyday, and got out of the house, and didn't hate people so much. I didn't hate myself so much.
They do have Heroin maintaince clinics in Amsterdam, correct? If I could get myself over there, and get permenat residancy, I would learn the language and treat my addiction with Heroin Maintaince. Even Slow Release Morphine sounds better than the Methadone.
I haven't showered in a week, and the only reason I bother to wake up is to go to the Methadone clinic in hopes that one of these days I will actaully get high.
You know what would be really great, is if they would put a cathatder in my vein so I wouldn't have to wast two hours on finding a vein. Or even if they had a nurse who would inject the Heroin for me. Leave a dot on the vein so I could find it later on and I could hit again for the next three shots I would have to do in a day.
I herd you have to be dieing to get into those Heroin clinics in Amsterdam. Is this true?
I have more questions, but I'll end this comment now. K. Talk to you later.
I'm very touched by this. So often I forget that you're even on the stuff but your writing's changed lately, you're more profuse, more explanatory. You have to start somewhere, I agree that a group that focuses on other issues not just addiction might be helpful if you can find them. Or the old psych. Give both a go if you can.
You honesty regarding heroin and stuff is amazing.
Thanks for sharing. Quite interesting and powerful stuff.
Love from across the pond...
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