Man I've had SUCH TROUBLE with such an EMINENTLY SIMPLE task as JUST TRANSFERRING MY OLD BLOG in its entirety to blogspot I've given up. If you're reading this, you're reading the right blog. Please tell anybody stuck on the other blogspot one that it's merely an archive, that's right I'm not going through some dumb-bottomed security procedure of typing in a word from the Czech dictionary only for it not to log me back in... don't ask, my friends, just don't don't ask...
As for what have I been doing. Nothing except toiling with these new blogs. Posting old rubbish on the other of these new blogs (go in my profile if you want to see it). Thinking about toiling on these blogs. Thinking about not being able to toil on these new blogs. Hitting the roof because of GOOGLE or whatever they call themselves "Beta" Blogger Blogspot. I don't know. I don't care. I just wish one of their executives had passed me by on my furious jaunt to the cyder shop when I'd just been compulsorily logged out for "dumping" too much. A double-entendre well-put, I hear you say.
Okay it's a drab sunny Sunday. I'm off round Mother Hubbard's for lunch in a minute. Gotta get a cyder before then. I'm parched as the Gobi, man.
Oh look I gotta go, gotta, go my head is spinning from blogs...
I'm falling over...
PS The comment box ought to be up and running. Don't be shy now. Roll up! Come on! Let's be 'aving yer!
Still don't know about the colour scheme by the way......
OK L8Rs...
A little break
My plan to go for a walk before visiting Husband this morning was scuppered
when I looked out of the window and saw the pouring rain. The second part
of ...
20 hours ago
Congratulations, Gledwood, for finding a solution! I hope you still have some hair left, because you've certainly been tearing it out lately, toiling on these blogs and such. I shall update my link to Gledwood2.
Hmmm ... your mention of lunch over at Mother Hubbard's has reminded me that I'm overdue for sustenance myself. I've got a nice pork stir-fry to warm up; it's not as luscious as those junky sausages of yours sound, but it'll do for now.
I've been thru a hitting up next to a bacon sandwich stage (for instant yumyums) but can't do pork... never ate it as a kid... love beef/lamb/chicken/fish...
(But not all at once).
Hi Gledwood!
Thank for letting me know where you are now! If I had to move my blog I wouldn't have the slightest clue how to go about it...I didn't even put mine up!
Thanks and God bless you...
Okay. I am hoping you get more than a blank message from this comment. It has never occurred to me that my past messages--which appeared blank but were actually pleas for help on how to do this stunt-- might have appeared blank because of a technical SNAFU and not just my own ignorance. Still, I would need to be informed to know the difference or how else would i complain.
Have you written Google? Those dudes respond man. Blogger is only owned by them and not necessarily managed by them. I have found that not all of their companies have the same MO as they... at least not at this point in time. Don't write Blogger, write Google.
I'm lovin the colors my friend. I am all about tonal when it works and it does.It's not so easy to do on the Web.
I'm glad you've landed here. I'll be following along with your posse of readers.
Hi GW Welcome again!
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