IVY said...
Okay GLED I left this comment on my blog on the entry entitled.. (you will NEVER guess, ohmylikegod!) "WITH HOLD."
22 January 2007 08:28
Okay, to Ivy and all of you attentionally challenged who have heard me mention Valium Marilyn: let me explain here who she is.
Marilyn is my dear friend. I only found out about a month ago that she actually is of pensionable age; ie well over 60. As I did say somewhere before: she takes her false teeth OUT and puts her reading glasses ON before toking a pipe of crack cocaine...
I call her Marilyn because if you imagined Marilyn Monroe, not dead, aged 60+ with the same blonde hair/ blue-green eyes - and yet transformed somehow into a London cockney with extraordinarily brash voice plus addicted to Valium, temazepam, anything else that knocks you out enough to have you wobbling this way and that across the London pavements... then you have Valium Marilyn. She can be VERY LOUD INDEED. 1. because she has an exceedingly loud voice and 2. because she is most probably half deaf.
Okay, Ivy. The Irish guy I mentioned in your comments box (we were talking about embarrassing behaviour) is one called Jimmy who used to hang out with me occasionally when I was a beggar. He took up spot begging for a week. Got loads of money (beginner's luck). I told him it wouldn't last. And sure enough, don't know what it is in that "profession"... do you lose your freshness? Don't know. But after about a week of daily doing this his earnings dried up from an easy £10-£20 in an hour or two to next to nothing so he gave up. But the specific embarrassing escapade in question involved him opening a black plastic-wrapped white rock of crack on the bus in full view of several scandalized of the travelling public. Upon pointing this out to said Irish Jimmy, he just said "Oh, [vulgar language] them." So there you have THAT.
On to dreams: dream 1: I dreamt I was in my blogger friend Ruth's garden. (See Ruth's garden - to the right.) It was an enormous park-sized garden, fabulously planted. Probably what Ruth would have if she were a billionaire. In the middle of said garden was a marquee, so sturdy that the central top "beam" of this tent contained a caffeteria IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCAFFOLING POLE... This coffeeshop was exceedingly popular, full of middle-aged couples having cream teas over the spectacularly planted endlessly rolling parkland of Ruth's garden below. (This is a dream, so you can be inside a tent and yet over the parkland at the same time, just gimme a break on that one, okay??!) I don't know what this dream could mean... Ruth? Anyone? Any ideas... Just my mind playing out in my sleep, I'd s'pose... And I do know quite a LOT about Ruth's garden. You can too, she's online in my links for all to see...
Dream #2 seems to be more meaningful. I seem to have had this dream possibly twice. In this dream I am in prison, but I am a bird (ie. a small seagull/arctic tern type of bird). The window of the prison is open, but there is someone standing by it half blocking the way... if only I wanted to get out. Eventually I do fly out of the window, only to be shot down in my left wing by a prison guard... I go circling down and down and eventually land on the heavily fortified PRISON BEACH. (I've dreamt more than a couple of times about a prison that encompasses a beach.) And then the dream ends with me walking across the sands... I seem to recollect, as a human being. But I'm still in prison...
Has anyone an interpretation for me?
Bearing in mind that I'm a hapless heroin junkie and have been for over seven years the symbolism of open window (easy escape) seems to me obvious... but the being shot down = the reality of my repeated relapse and failure. And human, during the waking day, I'm still in the prison of my addiction.
Comments? Anyone??
A little break
My plan to go for a walk before visiting Husband this morning was scuppered
when I looked out of the window and saw the pouring rain. The second part
of ...
20 hours ago
Marilyn sounds a character. I must agree with your own analysis of the second dream. Re; the one about my garden.....a garden is somewhere to escape to so that explains that as per your second dream; the fact it's MY garden.....you visit me on my blog and I'm a non-junkie....something you aspire to be?? The coffee shop...you probably fancy some of my good old fashioned home cooking? I'll go look in the book now and see what it really means.
Yes, the reason I so like visiting your blog is because it encapsulates a kind of "normality" that is really charming and lovely. And you work to achieve loveliness in your garden, your blog.
That's what I love about Mousie's blog too (have you seen her picture? She looks just like I'd have imagined...!)
When I was little my stepmum was well into gardening. Her mum, too. So it's always been around me. One time I remember sprinkling some "baby's breath" or similar (you know that 8" high cloudy flowery stuff: florists would use it as background padding maybe in bouquets). Anyhow I sprinkled it down beside some conifers, just left it there. No special compost. Never watered it. AND IT GREW!!!!
The older I get I now have dumped all "trendiness" type things behind me... I long to have a beautiful garden, too.
Yours was so amazing, as I say, you had a humungous tea-shoppe up high in that girder in the middle!! People came from far and wide to see it...
I am TOTALLY unqualified to interpret your dreams, Gledwood, but I might have an idea. I think that Ruth's garden is your longing fora new home, one where you feel comfortable and safe and secure. The popular place is just more of the same: the friends you'd have in this home, etc. I suggest this because I have similar dreams recurrently, and I have come to accept that what my subconscious wants is to settle down, be safe and happy, and stop all this turmoil. The peace of the garden and the comraderie of the people seem to fit that.
The other one -- not sure. But you are probably right. Dreamns where we're trying to escape (no matter what the circumstances) are supposed to mean that we feel trapped in life and incapable of freeing ourselves.
I've popped the interpretation of some of the key words on my "please read" blog...(it's one I pop things on as a link sometimes) You'll find it here;
See what you think
The Final Quest
The Call
both by Rick Joyner
the prison thing sounds similar to a vision he had. these two books are freaking awesome.
didn't feel like logging in,
Yes, Marilyn is a character and a half!!! Ruth I did look for what you said, but could not find it... I'm going to look again...
Okay, laters, ppl,
Sorry for my post .Where i can watch more info about?
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