I DRAINED THE FOUR baby abscesses on my thighs the other day. I didn't even know anything was wrong until I clonked into something on the bus and went YAROOOO!! in full Billy Bunter fashion. Closer inspection later on revealed a lovely boil-sized hot-spot on my right thigh. A couple of celulitis attacks aside (and not to mention the great barbiturate burn of February that I thought was going to put my in hospital) I've been very lucky with abscesses. You have to realize these can get bad enough to hold literally 100s of mls of pus. I went to a draining session at my friend Rebsie's house and the abscess had burst already the night before: all over the carpet. It looked like somebody had been violently sick all over the place and that was the pus! Mother Hubbard did the kneeding and squeezing whilst I was the one who dashed to and from the kitchen boiling up sterile saline to "irrigate" the newly emptied cavity in Rebsie's thigh. She was lucky, for though it was big (like a packed-out wallet under the skin) it hadn't tunneled inwards towards the bone. I've seen one that had, both pre and post surgery. This had to be packed with tampon-like material and I saw for myself two pus-tunneled "fingers" (that you could literally have stuck your fingers down, had you felt so inclined)... stretching right into the flesh of the thighs and dangerously close to the bone. Bone infections are the very worst kind (apart from bacterial infection of the heart)... they really can call for amputation. And I've met anough people with missing legs in my time...
... yes this was all down to my "skinpopping" habit, which is what you do when you can't get a vein. The gear is injected under the skin rather than direct to the bloodstream, which gives any nasties a longer chance to fester, and just occasionally they do...
... do I drained all four of mine with a giant blue needle and got nowt more spectacular than a few beads of pus and some runny bloody weepiness, all of which I carefully mopped up with alcoholic swabs and lots of tissue paper...
... Hmmm.
Poor Baby Bashful's still lost and peering fruitlessly in the dark. Makes me want to cry...
I've been researching my new literary project. My longest cherished ambition in life has always been to be a writer of fiction. My trouble has been that as a youngster I just didn't have the inspiration of anything much to say. Now I'm older (though I won't claim to be wiser) I do feel I have a certain grasp of human nature. This I shall apply to my story (an historical tale)... and let's see where it takes us!
I was inspired today to dig out my old poem tome and if you click herebelow you can read three of my works on Gledwood's new Poetry Blog!
Please comment profusely under each "work".. many thanks!...
All this talk of pomes and tomes has made me starving hungry for cod in batter with intellectual tomatoes and oven chips, so I really must dash now...
I had been wondering for AGES what on earth this tune was called. It sounds fantastic when played any way except in that dirgy off-key cello style (which I think it was written for) but really ruins the potential of the tune...
This is well worth some moments of your time...
BACH'S PRELUDE played by the most sublime guitar...
Father & Son
Saturday the weatherman had announced Sunshine and as usual he was wrong !
The sun was shi...
13 hours ago
I suggest you buy a small bottle of Australian Tea Tree Oil. It's the most amazing disinfectant and wound healer. It doesn't sting like alcohol does. When I had my operation and they left the cut around my belly button open, so it could heal itself from the inside (because there was a lot of wound moisture), I used tea tree oil. I'd dip a cotton ear bud into the oil and then swab gently around and over the wound. It accelerated healing and kept the wound beautifully clean and disinfected.
Okay Gled I just had to skim, I can't stand even thinking about pus and skinpopping etc. *shivers* Hope you are okay though sweetie!
I couldn't read all that Gleds I was feeling decidedly queasy within the first paragraph!
I can vouch for Tea Tree Oil too, but only the Australian stuff, it's the best.
Skin popping, boils, and pus. Not pleasant to contemplate at all. Go with the OZ tea tree oil. Sounds much better.
Blind robo-trotters? Aren't you're robos approaching senior status? I would guess loss of eyesight that probably wasn't all too good to begin with wouldn't be out of the norm.
People go to great lenghts for their addictions huh? I was barely able to read the portion of your post about the boils and such because I found it so disconcerting.
Poor wee hamster :(
Stop skin popping! God Gleds, talk about gory detail. Interesting in a macabre kinda way. God I hope your needles are sterilised! Get on with the book and hopefully it'll form some sort of diststraction. I'll visit the poems on the weekend. I have to go to work *sigh* but at least it's Friday. Wahey! Oh, I had a cold sore under my nose and tea tree oil cured it in a couple of days. Brilliant stuff!
Ugh, abscesses, yeah, I wasn't even skin popping and I got one. Those are nasty, but I've already told you about that whole deal. I can't imagine draining it on my own, though I did stick a needle through mine to shoot up... haha, yeah, not so brilliant. My aunt died of an infected heart, it basically had been so chewed up by the bacteria that it just collapsed (it made for uncomfortable dinner conversation, as any family conversation about addiction will do). I hope that you don't get any more (though I guess that's kind of ridiculous), but I really hope that you don't. There is nothing fun about an abscess, but, again, I don't need to tell you that. For me, it was more out of youth and stupidity (no duh you shouldn't lick your needles, haha, it's common sense to me now).
Haven't seen you on my blog lately, come by any time! = )
goldenseal root powder is great for filling infected areas. It dries the wound and kills the infection.
I buy the capsules and break them open and pour them into any open wound. The teatree oil is good too sometimes I mix them.
All I can say is eeeeuw! at your too graphic descriptions of what came out of the boil.
I tell you something though, Gleds, if I ever felt the desire to do drugs...you've put me off that for good. Not that I've ever had the thought...all I've done is had a joint when I was young and silly. That was enough for me.
Hope your leg heals cleanly. Take care.
You ARE turning into a Dr Gleds and yes get a bottle of Oz Tea Tree Oil*!*
OK I promise no more stuff about boils (for now)... I'm presently on a teetree hunt. And I'm pretty sure Bashful IS blind...
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