IT WAS A GENERAL ANAESTHETIC of a weekend. All I seemed to do was sleep wake up for more oven chips and chicken pies (upturned, cut open, piled in with buttery mixed vegetables and showered with gravy)... then sleep once more. Once all this sleeping finished I was convinced I would be left wide awake all Sunday night and unable to sleep till too late Monday morning when I was due to be up anyway... but no! General anaesthesia took me yet again and I sloomed blissful as a baby till my alarm clock (yet another function of my mobile phone) intruded ungraciously at 08:44am.
No news of any tubby critters. I was heartily depressed when conscious and too leaden to do very much of anything. I didn't want to do anything and spent some gloomy minutes wondering how on earth "normal" people manage to work, have any semblance of lives plus do all the sleeping I have to do (which I don't want to do yet have to, simply to restore sanity...)
... and so I despaired ~ and slept once more.
Pingpong the Chinese hammy plus my robos urgently need cleaning out because they smell of wee-wees (too much scent-marking on the newspapers...)
I've had a skinpop of heroin so I'm feeling far better than yesterday. Also a drink down my throat did a similar trick...
At Mother Hubbard's there's a film on UKTV History about "the Forgotten Prince"... one of the Edwardian era's royal children who was epileptic. I do not know the names of any of the sonorous Shakespearean actors cast in this costume masterpiece (each shot framed like a Victorian oil painting)... yet Miranda Richardson appears to play the role of Queen...
PS: Does anyone know of any better clips of the 2008 Opening Ceremony to the 29th Olympiad at Beijing? Serves me right for posting without viewing all the way through: I had assumed my own clip (see next below) would progress beyond two metallic gentlemen in their underpants ... sadly not so!
PPS: Have a clickonthis: Sparkle Seahorse Shining :: a fantastic arty blog!
NOT FROM ANY OLYMPICS... yet surely worthy of the greatest opening ceremony of all... this the THOUSAND HAND CHINESE DANCE ~ from my Random Vid Clips Blog is AMAZING... have a look:~
Father & Son
Saturday the weatherman had announced Sunshine and as usual he was wrong !
The sun was shi...
13 hours ago
Fwooar! I get so frustrated with your skin pops of heroin! Clean out your hammies (trust me I've had mice and know the wee wee smell to well). I'm boycotting the Olympics well until I have a moment of weakness and the three day eventing starts. Top little 'armie' clip by the way. The Chinese are extremely disciplined when it comes to this sort of thing. Sleep? Perchance to dream . . .I envy your ability to sleep, bugger the dreaming! (sorry bit of a cranky pants tonight)
another very cool video but still the gold blokes in their undies amazed me more.
I love that hands dance. I have it bookmarked as a favourite on my YouTube channel.
Regarding how do "normal" people wake up every morning, go to work and do everything that needs doing? With great difficulty. Waking up at 7am, going to work and coming home after 6pm sucks the life out of me. I look forward to each weekend like it were Christmas.
Yeah, I don't know how anyone functions without sleep. I have found myself sleep most of the day away, waking up at 11 and then taking an afternoon nap for 4 hours and then going back to sleep that night. I would never be able to deal with insomnia, I really do need sleep.
Cleaning out cages has to be the worst part of owning rodents, but it must be done.
Skin popping... all I can think is owww... that must really hurt. I don't think I could do that, actually I probably could, but I'm hoping I never do.
Sleep is something that I don't get enough of. It doesn't matter what time I go to sleep, my 9-5 work a day world consistently sets my internal clock to waking up at 7am. Grrrrrrrrrr.
Baino: I get frustrated with heroin too. It seems to dispensable... till I dispense with it. Then I just want it back. Sad I know...
Lime: really?
Nicole: I know. I bet you're cream crackered most of the time. I would be in your shoes...
What I remember most about sleep cycles and working was how I still woke at 7am even on Saturday when I really didn't need to %-/...
Lucinda: Tearing the newspaper into the bowed shape of the robbies' fish tank is one of the greatest inconveniences. It has to be torn or cut right otherwise it rides up right at the front and you can barely see their nocturnal scuttlings... skinpopping: yeah I bought really skinpoppy gear ~ you can barely feel the "rush" from IVing though it's really gauwchy once you do get it in the system. Aparently it's "9/10" good. But I'm the worst judge of that. My body is an opiate-sponge it just sucks up all opiates and I get the most stinking tolerance like you would not believe...
Eileen: hey! just like I just said... I used to have that 7am syndrome really badly...
Yes I hope you cleaned, that is a stinky smell from such small critters! I haven't watched a bit of the olympics. Not going to say a word about the skin pops of heroin.....
haven't cleaned yet... been totally waylaid online..!!
Are you sure you're OK Gleds, you seem to be sleeping an awful lot?
i think i'm ok, thanks
no idea at all why all that sleep
guess i must have been tired
also am on the go all day all the time and whenever stop unconsciousness seems to grab me like a disease...
Helloo! Thanks for all the nice comments, Gled. How did you manage to get an account? Prop yourself up and give the hamsters a swish.
Hi Gleds. Sounds like a little bit of depression...sleeping like that. Pity about the skinpop.
Loved that video of the hand dance...what great synchronisation, but the Chinese seem to be rather good at that sort of thing.
Hope the "sleepies" wear off and you get back to a normal wake/sleep cycle.
Sleep is really marvelous. I have a plan to get extra sleep this week--we'll see how that pans out.
Take care of yourself, Gledwood...
As for your question about Amouage, it's OK's about the same price as some of Guerlain's pure extraits. Plenty of good stuff around.
They claim with pride to still use stuff painfully squeezed from anal glands of small frightened caged animals. Most perfume houses stopped that squeezing animals butts business many decades ago.
The Amouage people still squeeze--
Guerlain stopped in 1900 or so.
Just to let you know I'm alive and well. Not blogging for the forseeable future. If my pc does turn on it blocks most things and too boracic to get anything done about it. Passed all my college course and hoping to go to Uni in September if I can get a part time job to fit in with it and keep my head above water...glug glug..LOL Love & Hugs
Ruth (me, my life, my garden)
TutTut: an a/c on the computer? By going far from home and closer to Mother Hubbard's house! None of the ones near my place seem to do anything better than computing by the hour, which really doesn't suit my style... I feel constantly pressed for time and have to ensure I log out properly before their system logs me out, which I really do not like
Pussinboots: the Chinese: they always have been good at all things mystical and illusionary...
I don't feel that depressed (well OK I did on Sunday)... it just seems that every time I stop and have nothing to do (ie weekends) I flake out for hours and hours and for ridiculous lengths of time...
D Chedwick: anal glands of frightened animals? o dear. having said that I would love to get my hands on some real musk. i've heard that one drop dripped into a wooden box and it STILL smells sweet 40, 50 years afterwards! is that true? also surely musk doesn't have to involve cruelty to be extracted? doesn't the male dear have a ball of it in his pubes?
Ruth: glad you = ok. college: excellent! ... what were you going to do at uni..??
Rodent pee is the worst smelling pee I've ever smelled! (I had 3 rats and a hamster, once upon a time.) Having said that, cat pee is preyty dire too.
As for the skinpop....who am I to judge? We do what we feel we have to...or what we feel we have no choice in doing.
Take Care.
Roborovski pee is all right... quite harvesty in scent, and Chinese hamster pee smells of Herbal Essences shampoos!
House mouse piss is by far the worst!
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