I'M ONLY POSTING BY ACCIDENT as I was stuck on a bus so desperate for a (cyder-induced) midday pee, I ended up jumping off here by the cybercaff instead of anywhere near home...
Now I had fantasized about posting something intellectual or sociologically meaningful today (but when has THAT ever happened?)...
So I shall keep this post mighty short and wish y'all (as per usual)
An exceedingly charming weekend!!!!
PS: Why is it, looking at a little boy peeing is somehow "cute" yet ogling a little girl doing the same might be equally well construed as faintly disgusting or even pervy..??
And now on to music. This first one reminds me of those summer evenings that seem to last for ever... reminds me of feeling genuinely happy ... (not drugged-up the way most "rave" music does...)
... isn't this one classic..?!?...
... The video's dated 1989... surely it came out in most Anglo-Saxon countries a long time after that..? I seem to remember it from the mid-1990s...
Those shots of kiddies dancing reminded me of this one... it's from a Spanish film called Cria Cuervos (Cry of the Crows)... this track was a hit all over Europe.
Father & Son
Saturday the weatherman had announced Sunshine and as usual he was wrong !
The sun was shi...
12 hours ago
I just found your comments on my blog and rushed back to your site for the chat thingy, but I think you've already gone.
Dear Gleds ~~ Thank you for posting an Accidental Post. And thanks for you visit to my blog and those birds are pretty well made and do look real
I hope you have a very charming weekend also. Take great care,
Love, Merle.
I just got back off holiday Gleds, hence the long absence.
Thanks for the comment on Sophie's birthday memory, I appreciate it. xx
NIcole: I'd probably gone because I was in a net caff only for 0.5 hrs.... also had to get in replies to all the comments which took up nearly all the other time apart from posting...
Merle: my weekend is going OK, ta (as it goes...)
Akelamalu: hope you had a cheery time!!!
I could get along with everyone extremely well in Scotland. Shop assistants were really helpful (my English is not good when i talk about foods) and they gladly helped. I ate a lot meat as usual.
Never been to a cybercaff.
Brussels is renowned for its pissing boy statue- apparently a wealthy citizen's son went missing and he promised to give the finder a statue showing the finding of the boy.
Which he had to do :)
mann...there is the difference right there...looking vs. ogling..answer is obvious.. :D
..nice song btw..its the first time I have heard them..!!
stumbled..! :)
OMG, that first song took me back years! Gled I haven't been around for awhile, just to let you know I have 3 hamsters now, (1 chinese, 2 russian) and I'm getting addicted to them! (okay they are the kids, not mine, lol)
Trix. (aka Vi)
(For what it's worth, I don't enjoy watching anybody pee, quite the contrary.)
Hope you had a great weekend, too. It's raining here now, which is fantastic, because nature, our garden included, was getting really dry.
Greetings from rainy, cloudy, wonderfully refreshed Finland!
I don't think peeing is cute; girl boy, or young old, or dog. But somebody seem to or there wouldn't be so much of it on the TV and movies let alone those little statues of little boys peeing.
Loved the Lambada...the real dirty dancing. Yes it did come out in 1989. I was still in New Zealand then and can remember it at the nightclubs.
I posted by accident when I clicked to send post instead of save.
I liked the music from the Spanish video. Glad you and your mum finally made it to the King Tut exhibition. Amazing drinking ability of the little Pen-tailed tree shrew, bet it walks better than your average wine drinker too ;)
aw, I am really cute when I pee, so much so, that I made a video.
not really
Ropi: ah but did they have VEGETABLES in Scotland?... I bet not!!
Crushed: ... hang on I don't get this: so they found the missing boy PISSING..??!??
ZBSX: that is a most exotic name you got there! Yeah looking/ogling: I kindov let myself fall into that one
Trixx: do the different hamsters play together? the most highly strung and the most laid back hamsters I have ever seen have been Chinese
also all my friends thought it was a deformed mouse..(!!)
Rita: so it's peeing from the clouds down your way~!!!
Janice: hmmm I know what you mean... if I were astonishingly rich I think I might WELL have a swimming pool with stone little boys constantly pissing into it each end...
Pussinboots: strange it wasn't as much of a hit in the UK and I'm pretty sure it didn't chart here till the mid-90s (I may be totally wrong: but 1989 was the year of Madonna's Like a Prayer and I certainly don't remember Lambada from THEN...)
Ropi: ur?
Bimbimbie: it's Brazillian Portuguese not Spanish! I would love to be able to speak Brazillian Portuguese it's like Spanish put through a funk-machine!
Mfiler: yeah but when I'm rich I'm still going to have a mansion like the Versace villa in Miami... a glory to OTT vulgarity in the most stylish of ways (not tacky, just over-garnished)... yes and I shall have boy statues peeing in my pool 24-7 most definitely
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