I CAME HOME EXHAUSTED the other day. Late. I was meant to be doing three things at once and hadn't time for any of them. When I encountered a black man standing at our gate. It looked like the man downstairs who has only ever spoken to me to demand a cigarette, but I wasn't sure. Right height and all but this person was staring at me constantly, so I wasn't sure whether it was just someone who looked like him. My eyesight, bear in mind, is terrible, so I usually recognize people only by the characteristics of their blur. As I was about to walk past I mumbled "Alright mate," under my breath. And barely a second later this man, who I could now see WAS the cigarette-demander blurted belligerently, "A hello would have been nice!"
"I just DID say it!" I "retorted" (as writers of novels like to say).
"I do have ears!" he shot back.
"I just said 'Alright?' ~ right to your face!"
"Well I didn't hear anything," he said ~ and I thought how rude!
"Well I'm sorry maybe I mumbled it ~ no offence."
But he still wouldn't believe me and an altercation started in which he said "don't shout" (speaking too loud for you now, am I?" I thought, but kept my mouth shut. And this ignoramous, determined to take offence ranted on about how I obviously hadn't said anything. (Of course HE hadn't said hello either!)
"I thought you would have seen my LIPS MOVE," I said, circling them with a finger for added effect, but he kept on blathering and I went inside and let the door shut on his protestations. All I could think was WHO DOES THIS MAN THINK HE IS?
I mean what is this man's problem? Up until then I bore him no ill will at all. And yet he appears determined to find it in others (at least in me). Seek and ye shall find! says the proverb. Now when I go outside I quickly dash past his door (because he lives downstairs) hoping not to see him. And thankfully we have not met since that event about three days ago. I am not going to mention it if he doesn't. But I keep wondering:
What did I do wrong?
I am very tired, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Normally I'd work
through it but as we're still hoping that Husband will have his op in late
3 hours ago
I don't think you did anything wrong he's just odd!
Hi Gledwood:)
It looks like you have a difficult neighbor. If he is going to pick up a fight over nothing, then it is better to avoid him.
May be the next time you meet him you can smile at him and I mean an artificial smile and say hello to him. Some times we have to put up with nonsense from neighbors.
If you can't avoid him, then you have to change your residence for your peace of mind. If it your own house, then it is going to be a problem.
I wonder what will happen if you stare at him insolently and shout back at him if he talks to you?
The more you try to avoid him it will be a tension for you. It is better to walk before him with your head held high. What will happen if you TAKE THE BULL BY ITS HORNS?
Well I was thinking of the various alternatives.
When I don't like someone I just ignore him and walk away. But then there is always an unpleasant feeling inside me because we are taught from a young age to be nice to others.
Have a nice day:)
Sounds like the guy's just got a screw loose. I wouldn't worry about it.
Sending love,
Yikes, not a neighbor I'd want to have!
Sounds like your neighbor is a real douche Gledwood. Who does he think he is?... The Queen? If he keeps up, you may have no choice but to slap the silly off his face. Hopefully you will be able to avoid such unpleasantness though.
Maybe he had a bad day and was taking it out on you or the first person that passed by, which happened to be you. You were not in the wrong, just ignore him, but please be careful, you never know, I am not trying to scare you, but obviously you live alone. Thank you for coming by and commenting, have a great week.
Next time you see him give him a big wave *!*
Perhaps "Alright!" was lost in translation and he thought you were being a smart arse. Stick to Hello or say G'day!
Some people are just bored and need to make trouble so it seems like something is happening in their lives.
Next time you see him, demand "Aren't you going to say hello?"
He has a problem, doesn't he, Gleds. Never mind, ignore him and one day he may go away...
Thank y'all for all that. Next time I'm going to make sure I wave as he obviously cannot see lips move or hear my voice. But most of all I'll just make sure I avoid the bastard!
I really haven't got time for people like that.
Utter timewasters!!!
Gleds, I would just ignore. It is his problem and not yours. In Al-Anon, we pray for those with whom we have difficulty. Just sayin'.
At NA they spare a moment's silence for the "still-suffering addicts". I used to think of all those out there in the bad wide world poor lambs... only after a week in rehab did I realize "Still-suffering addicts" meant people like ME!!
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