THIS IS MY FRIEND WELSHCAKES' DOG SIMI taking a rest after an exhausting fur-cut. Isn't she the cutest little trotterdonkey you've ever seen? Her coat is spun of pure gold. I hope Welshkcakes keeps the cuttings. Perhaps if you plant them, they'll grow into a gold-tree...
Now Simi is barking at me: woof-woof-groany-bone-a-doodle. She is saying: please drop by and leave me a message telling me how beautiful I am, the link is here.
HIER ist das Hündchen von meiner Freundin Welshcakes Limoncello in Sicily, das Simi (kurz für Simone) heißt. Hier, nach einem ermüdenden Pelzschnitt, spannt der flauschige Teddybär aus. Sein Fell ist unvermischt reingesponnenes Gold, nicht wahr? Vielleicht falls Welshcakes die Schnippel in einem Topf anpflanzt, würde ein Goldbaum daraus wachsen??! Nun kläfft Simi: woof-woof-murren-i-gurren-i-knochen-pochen-dudeln. Sie sagt: bitte mal komm' vorbei und erzähle wie schön ich bin! Hier ist das Link.
(Simi spricht Englisch, Italienisch und Französisch und natürlich Doggie, aber leider kein Deutsch...)
Good news!
1. Husband has a date for his operation! Friday 7th February. Provisional
of course but it's a start.
2. There is heating in Zac's!
If I were a drinker ...
9 hours ago
Simi is a little darling!
She's a sweetheart for sure - but really - there's few dogs I don't fall in love with.
Simi says: Hi, Uncle Gleds! Fancy finding ME on your bloggie! I am very flattered and I'm in German too! Lots of kissies and wags, Simi xxxx woof!
Jeannie: isn't Simi the best?!
Simi: :-)
Yes, she is very cute. Now, with that out of the way, why is it you have no Asian spammers leaving messages. Am I THAT special? I think not.
hi "there"...
mad at me? you shouldn't be. i just convinced that you're a very special person, not someone to leave aside just whishing you to get beeter soon.
and believe me, i know what i'm talking about. i had years of therapy behind me. i know very well how depressions do feel like.
i'm still getting times, when i almost loose the battle.
keep your chin up! i'm thinking fo you!
AR: have you got that word recognition thing? I did start getting spam but that stopped it. It wasn't as good as your spam though, not by a long way
It's the comments like "I love your blog please come and read mine" and theirs is in friggin' Chinese anyway. Those ones get me %-/...{}
Ela: Mad at you?! Did you really think that? Or were you joking, I can't tell... I'm not even mildly annoyed.
I tried antidepressants. Every time ~ side effects. That got worse and worse, so I would be scared to take them now.
I tried counselling. I think it is down to how good your counsellor is.
I found one really good one, who as far as I know only works voluntarily one day a week. I don't think she's a professional counsellor.
Her specialty was psychodynamic counselling. If you're going to do it go the "whole hog" ~ definitely! That's my way...
My feelings to counselling are v mixed. It is bc of counselling that I am able to reden on and on here. If I'd never had it I think I'd be closed up still.
My problem is I can go in the room and talk talk talk and it seems pertinent but I'm dancing round the issue
Thanks v much for the good wishes :-)
Herrlich! Ich mag Deine Geschichten und Dein Deutsch.
Und Simi! :-)
Herzlichst und mit Grüessli
Franziska Sternenzauber
Gledwood, ein wirklich wunderschöner Hund und in der Tat: Das Fell sieht aus wie gesponnenes Gold.
Lieb Grüße
Franziska: Simi ist am schönsten, nicht wahr? :-)
Irmi: sehr gut! Schande, dass Simi ein Mischlinghündchen ist ~ halb Yorkshire Terrier; halb wer wisst was? Anderfalls könnte es viele goldenen läffenden Simi-Babies geben!
Der Hund ist süss, aber meine Katzen sind noch süsser (hehehe)
Was für eine Katze kann besser als ein goldener Hund sein? Ein Diamantmoire?!? Vielleicht ist Arthur ein Platinkatze..?
PS (note to self)
Bachelor: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Leipzig
Gimme some more Simi!
ok: see what I just posted
Very cute dog, Gledds.
simi has the following comment:
I like the color of the fur. Very cute.
Pure gold!
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