No other news except I think my middle roborovski hamster Baby Bashful has a genetic fault! Don't cackle at this, but when I coo her name from on high she peers up at me craning her neck back and back and back... until she literally falls over backwards! She has done this several times and it looks hilarious. I know that roborovskis are prone to a breeding fault where, due to faulty balance, they spin furiously round and round in a tight circle. I wonder whether Bashful doesn't have a shade of this... it's a shame as I won't be able to breed her now and had always thought it might be fun one day to have an entire basketful of rambling roborovski pups...
And that was MY day: how was yours?
I could have sold you some real nice fresh fish from my counter at work.... athough it does seem to be getting very expensive these days.
Well that's a good start to healthy eating Gleds.
I wasn't laughing at your hamster honest. :)
Healhy version for ya, just buy cod fillets (frozen is cheaper) thaw out, dip in a beaten egg, and place in a bag of crushed cornflakes for the 'batter'. Bake on a tray in the oven for 20 minutes, along side some spuds cut into chips, sprayed with Fry light (spray oil). Low fat and cheap!
Sally: I know the prices of even industrially crumbed frozen has shot up... scandalous fault of the EU and other international treaty persons causing fishermen to THROW BACK DEAD FISH by the tonne instead of SELLING IT FOR FOOD I mean how ridiculous is that? Everyone knows it's mad but because the vast majority of us don't SEE this going on every day we don't CARE enough to demand something's done...
Akelamalu: but I was!
Trixie: o yeah I have to try that... I'm also up for making home made pizza bases out of plain flower, sugar and water and yeast (aparently you need a bit of sugar to feed the yeast into rising...)
then again my Mum said you can just use French stick as base: far easier!!!!
Somehow Fish 'n Chips out of a box doesn't seem right. It needs to be freshly cooked, wrapped in newspaper and eaten on a wharf somewhere . . .I'ts prolly cheaper to buy untopped pizza bases and put your own stuff on them . . .I had a bash at pasta making and it cost three times as much as buying fresh pasta from the deli! Have fun experimenting!
genetic fault huh? unable to do a backflip...
Ha. I have no fish in the freezer, but fish swim in my backyard. Sorry I've been absent, but been very busy trying to sell my house and the fishy backyard. Time to get some pikas in the backyard. It may not happen anytime soon though.
i <3 fish-n-chips drenched in malt vinegar
I've just started checking in on your blog. Such fun. Love the hamster stuff. I'm a huge animal fan and a junkie. Ever think about going vegan?
I had the American version of that today... chicken strips and fries. Haha, it's my favorite comfort food. Something fried with fries, is always tasty! = )
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I like fish'n'chips and we have large warehouses, I suppose you'd call them, on the bay where you can buy fish, shellfish and crustaceans straight off the trawlers...so fresh...yummmm. Unfortunately, the nearest one is about an hour's drive away, but that's ok...I still go and get my fresh fish.
Are you sure little Baby Bashful isn't short sighted and she was just simply peering adoringly your way and forgot to straighten up in time ... poor thing it does sound very funny though.
We visited Paris in '90 and got to see the Mona Lisa, just, thanks to the hundreds of pushy Japanese tourists. It's funny because of it's fame I was expecting to see a huge painting and almost walked past it but for the hundreds of Japanese tourists *!*
Hi Gleds ~~ You did well with the fish, chips and tomatoes. You used to cook more at the old place didn't you? Bashful might just be over excited and not have anything wrong.
Did you get your bird feeders up yet?
Thanks for your comments and I pay my friend when she helps in the garden etc. Take care, Regards, Merle.
I think your rolly polly critters are adorable and sound entertaining as well. sorry for my not dropping by for some time, just experiencing computer burn-out and havent been to any of my fave sites this summer. I'll pop by for some yummy fish n fries when the days are cooler and the nights are longer. be well.
i would try the fish, anyways.
You are quite the cook! Mmmmm.....
your hammies are too funny (and oh so cute!)
My favorite chip shop in Toronto is called "Chippy's", however, it does not compare to my Gran's homemade which she serves in a "poke".
Oh, Gleds, you are quite the chef these days! What a kind man you are and your Robbie-hammmie knows she has a good billet! Love from Sicily xx
hey thanks for all those answers i'm breezing through here on thursday afternoon and time's nearly GONE as per usual so i'm away in a sec... cannot reply individually till next time (sorry!)... take care everyone...
I think it's funny/cute that she falls over like that. AW!
I know sad but true!
everyone else: I will get back to yous all just time is running FAR TOO SHORT!!
Who is Bob Dylan as in bloggeur?
Marion: you're talking about those "better sight without glasses" pinhole-mc-thingies I've seen? Yeah definitely, if you send me a pair...
Hi Anonymous: you going to tell me anything about who you are/where you are...?? .. ??? {;->...
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