SIR Alan Sugar is way scarier than his American counterpart, Donald Trump.
Have a look at this. These are "interviews from hell" and people were saying, "you'd never get a real job interview this confrontational". ~ But I heard the selection process for top-flight jobs in finance is exactly like this:
PS ~ Yasmina to win!!
The good, the bad, and the stupid
The ward is in lockdown until Monday when the situation will be
re-assessed. No visitors. Big sigh.
As if that wasn't bad enough, this afternoon Wales ta...
28 minutes ago
I haven't watched Apprentice. I simply find business scary. I'm not nearly ambitious enough
Who would want to work for Alan Sugar? He's sounds like a total wanker. I despise the Apprentice shows in all their forms. In the American version, Trump is a pinhead loser and anybody who does business with Trump is an even bigger loser. The only person who makes money in a Trump deal is Trump. I doubt Sir Alan is any different. The people who suck up to these losers do so only for the money which they will never see. Pathetic, soulless people. They probably deserve pity, but from me, they will have none. I know maybe Sir Alan and Trump should be sent somewhere where their money won't save them. Oh wait, we're all heading there someday.
Enough negativity... very bad for the soul. Now how are you doing Gledwood? Hopefully well.
Haha . . frankly I think the guy being interviewed is a prat! Fancy wrting that on your CV. I don't watch the show tho so can't really comment on their performances. Interesting to see ourselves as others see us tho . . I think I'm viewed as a bit bolshy!
Jeannie: If I only had the selfconfidence I'd probably have been really good in business as I 1. wouldn't lose sight of the bottom line 2. am pretty good at reading people and know what they like and 3. would be an innovator. O yeah and 4. I love flattering myself ;->...
Molson: Do you know anything about Sir Alan Sugar? I would have rated him in the 2nd tier of British businessmen. He's not actually the most accomplished by any means and Amstrad, his electronics company, was famous for knocking out cheap consumer "durables" that never lasted. My Amstrad telly did JUST over a year ~annoyingly out of the guarantee time~ then went blurry and red in the screen!!
As for Trump, his office is nominally more what I'd go for more than Sir Alan's ultra-modern look. Only I get the impression he's never read a single one of those books!!
Trump as we all know is a showman. I'm not sure what I think of him except his hairdresser probably only does women, except for him~haha!!
Baino: I'd have loved to do an interview like that ~ just for the experience. I'd like to see whether, with practice, I could handle myself in situations like that. I'm sure if I could only build the selfconfidence then I could ...
Yes James, as I think his name was, was a joker. Though the comments the interviewer calls "crass" etc were actually on the app. for the TV show ~ not his CV. That interviewer rubbished his CV as well, saying it was "nonsensical" (it was full of telecommunications jargon). Which I thought a fair point but very ignorantly put. Not understanding something doesn't make it nonsense!
how am I? "surviving" as well as I ever do... no I'm OK...
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