Last summer I turned my radiators off with a giant iron wrench anyhow, and have yet to reset them. And of course, with the recent dip in temperature, I've been thoroughly enjoying feeling cold.
Every night, when I do go to bed, I sleep the entire time under the duvet. It is far too chilly ever to emerge.
But things came to a head this morning, when I was supposed to be at a counselling session. I woke up so icy, frozen and underslept (why on earth did I ever agree to go to an appointment that early? Wanted to get it over and done with and have the day free, I spose. But it doesn't work that way. Not any more)... I just couldn't move.
And did not move for hours and hours.
And I find it incredibly difficult to get moving in the mornings without "grains in my veins" (you know the type of grains I mean). Methadone ~ except in stonkingly high 150mg+ doses ~ just does not do it. I'm not saying I feel dying sick; I just don't feel very nice at all. And the only way I've cured this for years is with a mahogany-brown shot of heroin.
So I think I had a LONG WAY TO GO until I can call myself even vaguely "recovered" ...
CILLA BLACK was on TV last night, interviewed by Piers Morgan (former red-top newspaper editor). Now in case you come from far-away shores and don't know her, Cilla Black was a shrill (but powerfully) voiced 1960s pop singer ~ the only female star in Brian Epstein's "stable" ... yes, Brian Epstein of Beetles fame.
In the 1970s she did something on TV, but whatever it was passed me by.
In the 1980s she ran a reunion show called Surprise Surprise "you haven't seen him for 50 years ... here he is your longlost brother from Australia!" ~ that shebang.
Later in the 80s she was chosen to host Blind Date, which for maybe 20 years was the top rated programme on British Saturday night telly. Nobody would go out for a night until Blind Date had finished. Interestingly, though they didn't use this last night, she once said she was chosen for the part because she was the "most sexless woman they could find!"
Anyway, what shocked me about her was that, aged 60+, she genuinely believes that "talent will out"... "if you have it you will make it".
Do any of you believe this? I used to live in a house full of talented people ~ actors, artists, singers ... none of whom has hit any sort of "big time". Personally I think Cilla's led a charmed life, sheltered by Epstein and then her manager husband Bobby, who died a few years ago. She herself admitted that when he was first in hospital with cancer she couldn't even walk the dogs by herself...
Take Leona Lewis ~ the ONLY singer I've ever heard who can do an "as good as Whitney" I Will Always Love You ... she floundered for years unrecognized... Eva Cassidy only attained success post mortem. True, you could say "talent did out" ...
... I suppose the person I'm really thinking of is ME. And will I ever distinguish myself in any way whatsoever?
And of course the only person who can answer that is me ...
Watch this if you're foreign and you'll really wish you lived in Britain in the 1980s. Vinnegary fish and chips, strong tea, the Queen ... and Cilla Black! PS People said she was ugly or "not that pretty" but I think on that album cover above she looks really fit...
Since hearing it on the radio last night, this has been going round my head all day...
Father & Son
Saturday the weatherman had announced Sunshine and as usual he was wrong !
The sun was shi...
9 hours ago
Gleds, I hope that you will stay off the brown stuff. The movie that I wrote about today is enough to disturb my sleep.
It's a sad thing that you'll have to get used to feeling like crap in the real world but I suppose once it becomes the norm, you'll be able to.
I don't recall this woman at all.
I doubt very much that talent will out - there are far too many talented people who simply end up singing/playing in churches as their outlet. If you look at the new talent shows - Idol - Britain's got Talent etc. - it's not enough that a person has talent - they need to present an entire package of talent, style and showmanship plus marketability for the current times. You look at a lot of the bands that make it - their early music usually isn't that great but shows promise but the bands often split up anyway. I think fame is hard - you have to be selfish, driven, ambitious and shameless - sell yourself like crazy and stand out from the crowd plus have the goods.
I just like her accent!
Hi Gleds ~~ I love Cilla Black and her songs. As for Leona Lewis, she has an amazing voice and I loved
hearing 'I will always love you' is
just so beautiful.
As for the blood tests, no-one enjoys having them, but they can show up a lot of illness and then help cure things. There is only one little prick and they transfer blood into little tubes, and I don't watch and it hardly hurts at all. You would hardly feel the prick, I should imagine.
Take care, and try to stay off the brown stuff. Best Regards, Merle.
SYD: I've not been watching anything scary for a long time (thank God) ... only Jane Austen's EMMA!!
JEANNIE: re talent ~ YES EXACTLY. Cilla Black lives in that Jackie Collins world where anyone who is pretty enough, goes to Hollywood, want to become a movie star enough and has the vaguest scrap of talent will achieve that dream.. not so!
And I only CAN of course give famous examples of people overlooked for a long time because the multimillions of nonfamous ones you wouldn't know about!
BAINO: classic I know. People said she hammed it up, but that's really how she talks...
"Professional Northener".. but so what??
MERLE: I know I just hate being jabbed by bits of metal by other people. Also they insist on using the blue needle which just won't work I need a very fine one, obviously, as my veins are hammered...
Cilla Black's music was a bit TOO 60s for me!
BTW I was looking for a clip of "Alfie" yesterday and couldn't find anything with the music playing over film clips... surely SOMEONE would have posted up such a thing... somewhere??
I think no matter how talented one is you still need that 'lucky break'.
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