HAMSTERS & HEROIN: Not all junkies are purse-snatching grandmother-killing psychos. I'm keeping this blog to bear witness to that fact.


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I used to take heroin at every opportunity, for over 10 years, now I just take methadone which supposedly "stabilizes" me though I feel more destabilized than ever before despite having been relatively well behaved since late November/early December 2010... and VERY ANGRY about this when I let it get to me so I try not to.

I was told by a mental health nurse that my heroin addiction was "self medication" for a mood disorder that has recently become severe enough to cause psychotic episodes. As well as methadone I take antipsychotics daily. Despite my problems I consider myself a very sane person. My priority is to attain stability. I go to Narcotics Anonymous because I "want what they have" ~ Serenity.

My old blog used to say "candid confessions of a heroin and crack cocaine addict" how come that one comes up when I google "heroin blog" and not this one. THIS IS MY BLOG. I don't flatter myself that every reader knows everything about me and follows closely every single word every day which is why I repeat myself. Most of that is for your benefit not mine.

This is my own private diary, my journal. It is aimed at impressing no-one. It is kept for my own benefit to show where I have been and hopefully to put off somebody somewhere from ever getting into the awful mess I did and still cannot crawl out of. Despite no drugs. I still drink, I'm currently working on reducing my alcohol intake to zero.

If you have something to say you are welcome to comment. Frankness I can handle. Timewasters should try their own suggestions on themselves before wasting time thinking of ME.

PS After years of waxing and waning "mental" symptoms that made me think I had depression and possibly mild bipolar I now have found out I'm schizoaffective. My mood has been constantly "cycling" since December 2010. Mostly towards mania (an excited non-druggy "high"). For me, schizoaffective means bipolar with (sometimes severe)
mania and flashes of depression (occasionally severe) with bits of schizophrenia chucked on top. You could see it as bipolar manic-depression with sparkly knobs on ... I'm on antipsychotic pills but currently no mood stabilizer. I quite enjoy being a bit manic it gives the feelings of confidence and excitement people say they use cocaine for. But this is natural and it's free, so I don't see my "illness" as a downer. It does, however, make life exceedingly hard to engage with...

PPS The "elevated mood" is long gone. Now I'm depressed. Forget any ideas of "happiness" I have given up heroin and want OFF methadone as quick as humanly possible. I'm fed up of being a drug addict. Sick to death of it. I wanna be CLEAN!!!

Attack of the Furry Entertainers!

Attack of the Furry Entertainers!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Heroin drought UK 2010/2011 life goes on (reluctantly)

THERE IS A TERRIBLE SHORTAGE of heroin of even half decent quality here in London. When London can't get it, the drought is usually nationwide.

The first signs started maybe two months ago. The last two weeks have been worse and worse. Total drought. I knew one person with what I considered crap. Then I found out it was the best around.

Then I got stung four days in a row. "Heroin" that just swirled browny-black dye in the spoon, runs along foil, though I don't smoke it I'm willing to test a tiny bit. But not with the highly distinctive, slightly opiumy smell of brown heroin base.

In previous droughts, by using extreme discrimination and basically by asking around, I usually managed to get the best stuff that was going about. When I looked for it. And there was still good stuff going about, albeit in tiny quantities, amongst all the rubbish.

The normal gear we get looks light browny-beige. A lot of the best stuff used to look indistinguishable from cat-litter (grey) but that was a few years ago. I have seen heroin in every colour from stark white to near midnight black.

A few days ago I was almost happy with the situation. Oh good now's my chance.

I was getting fed up of sticking needles in the back of my knees, between my toes, down the sides of my hands, up the back of my thigh where I can't even see.

But now I wake up wailing to myself. I am living on methadone! How can this be! No heroin. All day! Even if I "get" it, I will just be injecting brown water with the faintest opiate teaser. O how can this go on. Why don't normal people just hang themselves and be over with? How can life possibly have any meaning without the Killer B-sting? Akh!

Now I've got to run. Desperate person at door.

Hartlepool Mail, 5 November 2010 "'dirty drugs' warning as heroin supply dries up"

ANYONE anywhere, tell me what's happening. Give us idea where you are (not too specific please as all comments have to be moderated). How is it, and if it's bad, how bad - and why you believe that is. I'm also interested in hearing from anyone abroad who can vouch how far this has spread. I think the cause has to do with poppy blight and a ruined harvest in Afghanistan pushing up the kilo-price here... and no doubt across the water too...
If you have a blog/facebook/myspace/etc click name/url
To comment under your name, click name url, you can leave url blank
Otherwise click anonymous and you can still comment. Cheers!

Only the 1st 200 are on the 1st scroll down. To get to recent news, click NEWER/NEWST, at v. bottom of comments form.

Sat 17th November 2010

Time goes by so slowly for those who wait...
I'm hung up on you...

4 February 2011

Here's some Classic Choonz from "my day" (those kids on pirate radio who call it "old skool" really make me feel ancient) anyone like/remember these?

some beautiful scenery in this ...

Lizzy I found the video!
i like the style of psychedelic montage here

DJ Mickey Finn was involved in this track. Video (little man armwaving bits) shows nearest I've ever seen to true acid tripping on film...
(anyone who knows a better example, please name it i'm interested also any ketamine films? other then Tron..?)

far as I know gear is still rank by early last year standards, but far more reliable than a couple of months ago. i really can't be bothered with it, which is why i have to go on what i heard. a certain guy i know with a 30 yr plus habit who's on methadone buys the odd bit now and then and says today's stuff with one exception that came from Essex is SHIT compared to what it used to be, the Essex stuff sounds like a fluke...

to all you out there you have my sympathy, i know the life i lived it long enough i'm still a junkie just a juice-drinking one. and my veins had pretty much gone and i'm not into smoking it. (and for the record going on the needle is my biggest regret, after going on gear...)


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Anonymous said...

Also,someone that put wonder what straight heads would think reading this... ask away... Im a 'straight head' never had a habit,dont ever want one.
PT Worcester :o)

Will happily explain why Im posting here if anyone wants to know,though

Anonymous said...

Orbit thankyou again,yr comments keep me going send me yr email pls.
My first comment was something along the lines'help I'm nearly out of meth,pregnNt,where is any green or brown',and from that all he'll broke loose and I'm compared to a nonce.as soon as I found out I was pregnant I wanted to quit right there and then.of course I wanted too.but then I'm told 'oh u can't do that it will kill the baby'so that's one hell of fustration to have this reason to want to quit but then being told ur not allowed to,I use to hate taking my green knowing it cud b going in baby but I don't have any choice,yeah I did before but don't feel
like I have to go into my
personal medical
reasons on here so bollocks to that.to some being told u have to stay on opiates but sound magical but not to me.
Orbit send me yr email xx

Anonymous said...

@ everyone commenting on the poor preg girl/women, for fuck sake just leave it now, dont you think she has heard it all before no doubt even thought it about her self? is it ideal? well obviusley not but it happenes and she is making the best of a bad situation we ALL know how hard it is to stick to the green so quit it and leave it there, we need to support each other, living the life we do theres enough ppl out ready to judge us 'diry junky scum' without us turning on eachother.

verification word 'mazintub'

Anonymous said...

Has the situation improved anywhere??try to see positive from negative noone in uk as a heroin Habit anymore maybe a paracetamol/menatol one maybe higher on the green but at least off the b.
No comfort?yeah I know it's shit ain't it!!some people say it had changed cud anyone enlighten me x x

Anonymous said...

East Sussex has stuff about now, but its 2/10. Only just better than last week when there was none about at all. Have heard that ppl r waiting on stuff to be picked up, but now the snow is messing that up also, as they cant get to it. Hopefully when the snow clears things will improve.
Stay warm and well.

lou from bucks said...

well pt from worcester :0) if no one else is gonna ask then im gonna why u postin? u got a junkie partener or somthing or u just plain old 5 o l0l


verification word 'pikers'

Anonymous said...

pompey is on but not off the mancs

hades666 said...

im with PT also never had a habit never took a drug in my life but same as PT i also have a reason to read the posts
one thing tho gledwood good blog just why are you letting the pregnant posts in theres no need for them and the blog is loseing the main reason it was started so forget about the pregnant girl she will sort herself and get back to why the blog was started and the ones that get ripped off keep your cash in your hand i realise you take the chance to get a good 1

monk said...

Hayley says...@pregnant girlxx; I have been looking in on this blog,over my hubby's shoulder,in and out for the past week and can not believe what I am reading! The girl is clearly looking for help,and thought she could find it here on this forum.All she has appeared to find,with a few exceptions, is a shower of sanctimonious assholes desperate to put this poor girl down just so they can feel better about themselves.
I used to be one of them, until I became pregnant myself. I first became pregnant when I was 16,my daughter died after birth,and I was devastated,to say the least. I was not on drugs at the time, but was pretty soon after(not using it as excuse,just happened that way).I watched people around me in the drugs circle get pregnant and use everyday.I was sickened by how selfish they were and could not understand where their minds were at.I knew this girl who had 3 kids in total,used everyday on all of them;when I asked why she said; 'I will get rough,and that would be so unfair on the baby'.We useed to serve up, but would reuse to serve her.aShe would be in and out of dealers all day.That was getting wasted, not keeping the wolf at the door,as she had claimed.People who are like that through the pregancy are generally like that through the rest of the child's life. Selfish.But they are not all like that....
At the age of 22,a crack and heroin addicted prostitute,I met the 'one'and unbelievably I fell pregnant.I was not expecting to,after losing my baby all those years ago,I did not think it possible.I had not had a period for years.I found out at the doctors,as I had a kidney infection and needed antibiotics; they had to rule out me being pregnant before I got my antibiotics.Anyways,much to my disbelief,I was pregnant 8 weeks.Since that day I have NEVER touched crack(and I was bang into it back then)That is the absolute truth;being honest,I had promised myself a rock when baby had been born,but when she was,not only was I breast feeding and couldn't but I didn't want to ever put my already fragile mental health at risk,again, and badly let my baby down.I had my meth script adjusted as my pregnancy went on as being pregnant made my tolerance go up,the midwife said it was normal because of the extra blood flowing,or something.It was not easy giving up gear,and I will be honest;I used a couple of times...The guilt was unbelievable,each time I rushed to hospital to get monitored to check the baby was ok.I was honest with my midwife.THERE IS 3 PARTS TO THIS AS TOO MANY CHARACTERS FOR 1 POST

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Orbit thankyou again,yr comments keep me going send me yr email pls.
My first comment was something along the lines'help I'm nearly out of meth,pregnNt,where is any green or brown',and from that all he'll broke loose and I'm compared to a nonce.as soon as I found out I was pregnant I wanted to quit right there and then.of course I wanted too.but then I'm told 'oh u can't do that it will kill the baby'so that's one hell of fustration to have this reason to want to quit but then being told ur not allowed to,I use to hate taking my green knowing it cud b going in baby but I don't have any choice,yeah I did before but don't feel
like I have to go into my
personal medical
reasons on here so bollocks to that.to some being told u have to stay on opiates but sound magical but not to me

heroin while preg is un-safe, meth's is the better option and safer. if your that concerned read up about it.- or see doctor as they baby ur carrying is so vulable right now. well done for not using. and ive been biggest slater of using while preg. but anyone who says keep on using heroin is stupid

Anonymous said...

(@ everyone commenting on the poor preg girl/women, for fuck sake just leave it now, dont you think she has heard it all before no doubt even thought it about her self? is it ideal? well obviusley not but it happenes and she is making the best of a bad situation we ALL know how hard it is to stick to the green so quit it and leave it there, we need to support each other, living the life we do theres enough ppl out ready to judge us 'diry junky scum' without us turning on eachother.

i guess its hard to stop touching kids! and pedos stick together! are u stupid! yes its hard to stop using, but the fact ITS POSSIBLE ! ITS SIMPLY A CHOICE EITHER PUT UR BABY THOUGH MORE RISK OR NOT.

and glenwood u see my point, its not me bringing it back up, its people who keep having a pop at me, and i will defend self

Anonymous said...

Im posting cuz I have a husband thats scripted on injectables and green,plus some of my best mates are addicts. Some addicts I wouldnt trust as far as I could throw them (my brother is one of those vile,filthy creatures,he would rob off a baby let alone an oap)But majority of addicts i get along with and try to help them as much as I can,even if its just a meal.
I have used many drugs in the past but other than an occassional toot (once every few months)I cant be bothered with it all.
So thats why Im here :o)
PT Worcs

Sid said...

Please sign! Need A LOT more signatures!

Click here to sign the petition to the government to prescribe suitable drugs for addicts

Anonymous said...

Hello my fellow drowtees (i like that name!), I've been reading with interest these posts and praying for an end to this. I go around Reading/Slough and it's been hell. Stuff is getting in now but it's about 2/10 but all i want is for b like it was before the drought in 2008, it seems like it hasn't recovered since then.
As people have said, why don't the Colombians start sewing the scene up? They could easily do it. Imagine that, a price war for b and the prices just plummeted! That is my dream!
But I just don't buy it that it's coming from the top this drought. If they want more money, why not just start charging more? They have the monopoly, they can do what they like.
All I do is pray for this to end and I read posts about "the droughts over in Luton (or was it Essex the person said?)" and think "oh wow, this is it" but then it's probably just people getting lucky.
Anyway, I shall let you guys know if I manage to get anything good or I hear anything.
Good luck one and all, let's hope for a brown Xmas!

Anonymous said...

i phoned my guy 2day to c if anything. he said nothing about but he sounded gouched. His speech was all slurred, his words were coming out a bit fucked up and he was struglling to put sentences together. He said he knew nothing of the turkish gear but even i heard about it and that was like 3 or 4 weeks ago. He always tells me tomorrow, tomorrow...didnt get the impression he was too worried about the draught.
This isn't somebody i would normally go to but my main guy has sort of moved up the ranks and I can't afford to c him anymore.

Can anyone tell me is it possible to know, by a person's voice, what they've actually taken i.e. whether weed, drink or brown.

Weed/skunk doesnt agree with me so i wouldnt know. It sounded like he was drunk but i pretty sure he doesnt drink. I don't think gear would fuck u up that much without putting u to sleep first and once uv woken up u should be alrite.
I am also quite certian he doesnt shoot up.

Anyway my question is whether u can tell by ones voice/speech whether they've smoked weed/skunk or brown or if they're drunk.

Maggie said...

hello everyone, anyone watching the junkie girl on emmerdale? blimey watching that makes me feel worse :(
due to the drought i havent used H for 2 weeks! am so proud of myself and plan on never scoring again. had my appointment today so upped my meth script to 60ml - was on 54.
has anyone started taking df118's/codeine pills? i dont want to get into that or valium as will just be another addiction problem.
i'm in hampshire but think its still dry round here. i've got a 20 bag of h that ive saved for a month, it keeps my mental health well, knowing i have that in a draw just in case i feel ill. luckily my clinic said if the 60ml isnt enough then i can ring up on mon/tues to get more, but will try not to do that, but if it keeps me from going back to H then its worth it.
verification word was bablewin.
have been checking out bluelight sight too, is good to read evertones storys, although it does seem to make me want gear, or worry im gonna cluck.

Anonymous said...

i can definetely tell by a persons voice if they are stoned on gear which is why i broke my firm resolve today NOT to waste any more money on shit but i was ripped off again!!!!I think my so called friend can score something but is choosing to get me crap and keeping the other money i give her for crack or something else..cos i won't touch crack cos the comedown makes me suicidal,other junkies see me as a easy touch.Things aren't wot they used to be.oh woe....i got that orange crap that runs and runs on the foil without leaving a run and without gathering in the tube.wot the fuck is it?
my verify is inglyect,hmm is someone trying to tell me something?

Anonymous said...

just wanted to say the hamster idea is absolutely genious.

also, gledwood, i think you should definitely use your writing talent and your ability to articulate and reach people on different levels to educate and advise current users but more importantly to prevent the younger generation from making the mistakes we did. But in order for that to work a lot of help has to be made available to people.

When i started smoking h i had no idea what to expect. I didnt know how it would change my life, what it would do to my mental health and so on. When i tried my first 'zoot' i didnt even know what it was supposed to do to me. I was to scared to inhale it fully. I didn't know what methadone was even after being on gear.
Also i knew nothing about STIs. When i did my GCSEs in '96 we only had a few classes of sex ed but all i remember is them showing us how to put on a condom, diff. forms of contraception and how a girl becomes pregnant.
i think i should have been made more aware of the serious consequences of not using protection and the dangers and effects of sti.
I was very naive and gullible. Maybe if i had understood certain social concepts and issues and how people behave at different levels of society i wouldnt have been so naive and trusting. people often describe me as some1 who cant say no, too trusting and honest and wears heart on sleeve but everyone is different depending on their social background.

Also i think the unique british culture plays a major role. People keep telling me that the continetal western europe is complete different, much more sophisticated, social and less materialistic.
There was a lot of asian and black people in my school and i was really badly influenced by the hip hop culture, very primitive, cheap, arrogant, show boasting but i didnt really understand the lyrics i just thought it was cool.
before that i used to play chess during my lunch time. regular people are maybe too materialistic which creates a primitive mentality, they cant appreciate finer things cos they dont know any better. Everyone is out for himself to 'make a milliyon', to be the king of new york, all about big shiny things, sexist too.
This model is also exported to eastern europe and is currupting the minds of young people causing a lot of macho based violence, glamourised crime and indescriminate sex.
Did you hear by the way of a French chef who was stbbed to death by some 22yr old punk after leaving a classical music concert somewhere in Essex i think.
These stupid prick dont even realise they can kill a person even by stabbing them in the thigh let alone the chest. They are thicker than a sack of hammers.

I also def believe that ppl work their way up to A class. For me it was fags, heavy drink, trying skunk, then finally h.

STOP raking it up said...

Blogger monk said...

Hayley says...@pregnant girlxx; I have been looking in on this blog,over my hubby's shoulder,in and out for the past week and can not believe what I am reading! The girl is clearly looking for help,and thought she could find it here on this forum.All she has appeared to find,with a few exceptions, is a shower of sanctimonious assholes desperate to put this poor girl down just so they can feel better about themselves.
MONK are you reading the posts or playing with urself! fr fucks sake, the preg girl isnt getting shit, she has said 100times now she is using meths! not heroin. so she obv agrees with dont take heroin while being preg. so what the fuck are u defending here!??
she did say that people are telling her to use heroin! why arnt u having a pop at them!? bang-wagon,- u jumped on it havent u!
i posted on here that heroin is the worst thing she could take. METHADONE is the best one, followed by subs, WD isnt a option. AND she is on meth, so no one having a go at her! so get off the band wagon please and read the posts before jumping up and down

SEE again been rake up said...

lou from bucks said...

'i guess its hard to stop touching kids! and pedos stick together! are u stupid! yes its hard to stop using, but the fact ITS POSSIBLE ! ITS SIMPLY A CHOICE EITHER PUT UR BABY THOUGH MORE RISK OR NOT.'

i tell u wt your so narrow minded , its nothing like touching kids u fucking twat,dont get me wrong i REALLY dont agree with useing whilst pregnant but i also understand things happen she is sticking to meth, wt more can she do i doubt she planned it, and just coz she fell pregnant unfortunatly she is still an addict. i guess your a man

see again people going on and on, and will defend myself
you obv didnt get the point, people the point was there is all kinds of abuse you can enflicked on children, dosent have to be sexual! and using while preg is abuse towards the kid. correct or incorrect LOU? and the sticking together part was pointing out that just coz we all users dosent mean that we stick together and tolerate anything coz we users together.- point being that pedos are all in same boat, if they stick together. so basicly as said just coz we all users dosent make what some of us do right, and shouldnt be ignored coz we all users.- so no one was saying pedo are better or same, just using pedo as point that sexual abuse is not the only abuse u can do to a child! so please before having pop please be aware of the point

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

i can definetely tell by a persons voice if they are stoned on gear which is why i broke my firm resolve today NOT to waste any more money on shit but i was ripped off again!!!!I think my so called friend can score something but is choosing to get me crap and keeping the other money i give her for crack or something else..cos i won't touch crack cos the comedown makes me suicidal,other junkies see me as a easy touch.Things aren't wot they used to be.oh woe....i got that orange crap that runs and runs on the foil without leaving a run and without gathering in the tube.wot the fuck is it?
my verify is inglyect,hmm is someone trying to tell me something?

yeah i agree i find people who hit up get a roughnes/husky voice after hit, also cant miss PINNED eyes, altough cud be meth related. but im finding these days coz there so much UPPERS/caffine bashed into gear, peeps eyes arnt as pinned, as uppers make ur pupils bigger while heroin makes them smaller, so it seems a consant battle going on! have u smoked urself silly and cant sleep before? caffine being a popular bash cud be responable.

also this 2% gear on foil gives u a buzz that can confuse with gear. but the gear strengh is onkly enough to hold ya, and the buzz u feel comes from uppers(bash) its so slight but u feel a buzz, not warmth, its a upper buzz, the peeps who do it are clever just enough upper to give buzz and just enough gear to hold ya. im speaking from own experences

nice one said...

Anonymous said...

Im posting cuz I have a husband thats scripted on injectables and green,plus some of my best mates are addicts. Some addicts I wouldnt trust as far as I could throw them (my brother is one of those vile,filthy creatures,he would rob off a baby let alone an oap)But majority of addicts i get along with and try to help them as much as I can,even if its just a meal.
I have used many drugs in the past but other than an occassional toot (once every few months)I cant be bothered with it all.
So thats why Im here :o)
PT Worc

you seem like me, always helping, and being fucked over by the people u help!
but just tell yourself this. i'd rather be someone who helps people then be one of these vile people who rip off/take piss out of the ones who have morals. in this world ur either fucked over or someone who fucks people over, and i'd rather be the first one. least i can goto bed knowing i anit a cunt. problem is alot of addicts have lost morals and seem to think alot of things are ok coz heroin hard to stop! but everyone has there limits. some people will make excuses for others, even try and justify things that are so wrong! very wrong, and say but heroin is addictive, yes it is but there are lines!!!!!

portsmouth!!!!!! said...

portsmouth geezer who said it back on here1 but not via mancs!!

are u atcually in pompey? im guessing u are as manc thing. im across the water, its not here, and dont mean iow

Anonymous said...

Whoever said - Good luck one and all, let's hope for a brown Xmas!

Lets hope & fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

Look to the guy who keeps going on about the pregnant situation,I and any of the commenters who offered me support r only getting angry & firing back at u coz u r the one who won't let it lie,it's like this childish last word syndrome.I know it's not ideal,the others know it's not ideal,& so does gledwood.but can u pls refrain from trying to link me with nonces ect,that really hurts & I respect u have strong views on this subject but I read this blog for support as do other people.of course I am
goin to comment back if u slate me or anyone who tried to offer me support.look just take a moment to pls try to understand that I am dealing wiv an awful lot right now,I know this drought must piss u off & if yr withdrawing that sucks,but u know I'm only
human & yr constant rants r not only hurtful,boaring& unhelpful they r probably don't doing u any good either.
I came to this blog for help & support like the next addict & u have no idea wat it does for me to have to filter through yr crap first.believe me I feel shit enough about my situation more than u,this is my body,baby,life.I am a real life person with a heart & soul.there is not a minute that goes by wen I don't wanna run a million miles away from myself but ya know I don't have the option of floating away in an opium cloud anymore.life is tough & it's not made easier by abuse.pls just let me use this blog like the next person.can that b the last word or is this going to go on and on??I appriciate the support others have given me,u will never know how much it ment x x
orbitt I will email promise x x

Anonymous said...

Gledwood I have emailed twice a day every day so I cud chat to u that way and not clog up yr blog with my pregnancy stuff thus freeing it up for others who need help and advice as that is wat it is there for not some bitxhfest lol x x I really wish I cud speak with u u seem an educated person & someone who wud give open/honest advice.
I do need someone ya know,but I truely understand u must b very busy as this blog has taken off like wild fire.lots of people really love it so well done you and yea like the others say u should use ur abilities to write,it's a talent but unfortunatly through the yrs I have met brilliant artists,boardmasters,musicans,the list goes on but smack robbed them of motivation to pursue things that the real evil of the beast x x take care Hun x x

Lady Anon said...

Hi Everyone...

...Sorry I haven't been commenting...my life has just got very full of people (all staying at my house in Lond as snowed in..NONE knowing of my droughtee status...well only one...)

....And can only get internet in the room where they all are...(sigh)

...was coping with this influx & work & snow as was getting weak weak gear..but that actually was gear...

....but now the guy is out til tomorrow...and he's dumb so he might just reload with shit...


To the person who asked about pills....have been scoffing T50's, valium, Co-Drydamol...DF's...

The only ones that did anything were co-drydamol on top of green & cooked down poppy residue...

....But don't have a regular supply of ANY of these little mini-opiates pills...or even valiums...

...we are WAY behind the Americans when it comes to pharmaceuticals!!

...and anyway I feel like a complete twat taking them as obviously they aren't heroin...

....drought does funny things to a person...

hope everyone is okay..I feel crazy today....just crazy!


b24 said...

nottinghams shit, birminghams shit, leicesterss shit - im sure is the same as everywhere u get the odd bit of what seems like alright stuff @ a ridiculous price up to £40 4 a .2 & seems 2 be getting a bit stronger but it still tastes like its full of shit so its probably something else making it feel strong cos u feel gouchy but still rough @ the same time. the rest is that runny shit that dosnt leave a mark on the foil & apparently congeals in the pin - if thats right about there beng some decent in portsmouth surely that'll be 1 of the 1st places itl come in? (although will probably b pure bash by the time it gets 2 us here!)xxx

Gledwood said...

thanks for all the comments I read every one.
sorry i'm so exhausted I won't be able to reply 2 NE1 till tomorro.
Take it easy everyone

Gleds ;-)

zardoz said...

do us all a favour and delete all those posta knocking the preggo girl, im, sick of reading them.
Thought the blog was about the drought and were to go/not go.

Anonymous said...

sorry for writing such a heavy comment above. i cant believe i sound so pissed off. all i wanted to say is that there should be more info made available to young people in regards to the consequences of drug use, unprotected and indescriminate sex, knife violence etc. and if possible to understand its causes or contributing factors.

this is not directed at anyone on here, i'm not expecting a reply or a debate. i just got a bit carried away. live and learn

verify word 'isubore'

Anonymous said...

brighton-worthing still nothing worth mentioning. green holding me but can't put this damned mental crave away.


lol@last word nonesence( is that why u keep messaging baiting me-coz ur trying to get in last word? also for someome who is poor old me, u started(tryed) to start a new debate about heroin addicts being sterlised for money. poor old you so hard done by andbad old me for trying to defend unborn babys! and if heroin addicts want to be sterlised then thats upto them, and if they want paying for it, then again there choice, it not hurting anyone is it!

and preg girl answer me this , no big sentences just YES OR NO . are you sticking to meths cos ur thinking of ur unborn babys health yes or no (simple question)

(but again couldnt let it rest, if i answer my critics i have to have last word-but if preg girl and others keep bringing it-thats just fine and dandy apperently)BUT I'D RATHER LIVE IN A WORD WHERE THE GREATER % THINK ITS WRONG TO USE HEROIN WHILE PREG.IF U WANT TO LIVE IN A WORLD WHERE MORALS HAVE COMPLETELY GONE. (THIS IS HOW BAD U ARE, U DONT READ POSTS PROP, NO-ONE COMPARED U TO NONCE, ARE U REALLY THAT SAD AND ATTEENTION SEEKING?


preg girl, this blog isnt just abouyt you, and supporting you.

and anyone who makes excuses for using while having a baby are just as bad! yes it's hard to stop using heroin, no one is saying diff, but could you stop using if your mum wud die if you didnt? because using while preg can KILL ur child. so why cant you stop using while preg? there are meths! alot of people are getting by on meths right now! so its possible isnt it? it comes down to choice. and thats simple, either you chose to use or you dont. eiher you put your habit first or your baby. thats what it comes down to.

and preg girl advising you wrongly isnt support. u said people on here say to keep using heroin! that isnt supporting you. HEROIN is worst out of the alteratives methadone or subs, but methadone is proven safer. WD'ing is bad for baby. but really you should be researching all this urself. so before u start going on about last words, do you rememeber trying to start a new debate with me? about sterling ? coz u did, then people think ah poor girl! what about the poor baby? and as i said congrats for keeping to meths! big welldone, but that tells me you know its out of order to use while preg. so obv you agree. so end of debate please. NO MORE.(BET SOMEONE WILL RAISE IT AGAIN)

PT Worcester said...

I have been fucked over many times... All those times were by my own brother,stealing off me or my ill elderly dad (Im my dads carer) My brother even stole off my dad the day after my mum died. Hell,even my husband used to pinch my last £10 or nick the money out the post his parents sent me (not making excuses but that was in between scripts)
I have my reasons to be angry about addicts,but I'm not (Only my brother) I actually feel for you guys/girls. If I could help you all I would. You get good and bad in all walks of life, the addicts I know and associate with (through my husband) have never done me any wrong,maybe they have tried to but im just too quick haha??
You dont need my sympathy its all so patronising but from a straight heads point of view i wouldnt class any of you as 'junkie scum'. You have an addiction,some dont want help,some do.. Thats life Im afraid.. But please realise not all of us on the outside,looking in thinks bad of you ..
PT Worcester

Anonymous said...

i read these posts for a laugh now, who and that means me on this forum is privvy to any info about gear coming through the baltics or hidden away a caves il tell u no one, because the people who are in the know would not be sharing info that would get posted on here. That said i think the best info you can get from here about gear is were people are and not getting it and to be totally honest the best gauge will be when people stop posting anything then you know things are getting back to normal. Dont forget you dont need to suffer swallow ur pride and get scripted and if its not enough tell them ur thinking of killing your self because you cant deal with withdrawells they will soon up your script,goodluck peeps.

Anonymous said...

belfast seems to be ok we are getting white with a tinge of yellow thrw it i spend time in india so i no its the real stuff with a wild vinegar smell of it paying 30quid for .2 hope things get better for use all soon sure buy then when it comes u will appreciat it

Anonymous said...

to the functioning addict with PAWS...the gym is a great idea, i also recommend watching a lot of comedy ie laughing,trying new hobbys (esp sport)and lots and lots of masturbation and/or sex (you might not feel like it but it get your natural endorphines going again really well).ive found ear accupuncture to be helpful too. well done and good luck. mrs binky

Anonymous said...

I am a female user and no one knows i use apart from one person. I cant get anything and cant find any juice to buy from anyone. Probably silly to think i can. I just want some to reduce down from and kick all this on the head. The waiting list for clinic is just stupid. I know if i had spare juice i would never leave anyone ill. I cant get through it if i have to be ill. Whats the point. I really feel like i need to talk to someone as i am so scared and so down. I just wish someone would help.

jimmy said...

reading this blog you would be forgiven in thinking it was a baby forum

there is more about babys then heroin and reporting bad batches,lets use the blog for what it is. half the people seem to think its wrong to use special h while the person is with child

the other half think its right. even the person who is ranting wants it to stop. so everyone please put a end to this

it is boring now. and i have to pay £15 for 5gigs and this blog with eating into it. with pointless posts. keep to the point please

Anonymous said...

Hello. Nothing proper in Brighton still, only 2/10 which i think is only benzo + cut !! The snow is really not helping matters.
Can i please ask ppl to remember the rest of us when u do finaly get something nice and have a gouch, and come here to let us know that things are changing, give us some hope, then u can go back to gouching again :) Thanks. xx

Anonymous said...

Link to news story about heroin drought
: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-isle-of-man-11902114

Nothing in Sussex still

Gledwood said...

there's something going round here that looks very pale and a bit sparkly, it cooks up with no vit c but i put in a bit to dissolve the cut. i don't think it's the same as the china white the belfast guy was talking about, i've only had vinegar-smelling gear in 2008 one of those batches was the strongest shit i've ever had i never knew heroin could look crystalline

anyway it has a beeautiful "heroin" rush, like not all gear does, then something else kicks in in only feel it 10 or 20 mins later, suddenly i'm benzod out of my head but i'm not sure it is a benzo. police said it's an unregistered compound nobody knows what it is.

the link is about 15 up in the isle of man drought bbc link

the last 2 nights i also realized i was tripping, ie looking at the door, which is white and seeing multicoloured people moving inside spheres within spheres, and hearing people talking about market produce in 1940s Ealing comedy cockney voices

maybe i'm just going crazy but heroin and this other crap i do not want i don't care about a 1 minute rush any more i care more about the other 23 hours 50 minutes when i'm not actually hitting veins

and i felt so dire when i woke up it took me 4 hours to get out of bed i have really had enough now if i go on any worse i will end up sectioned or dead i cannot go on like this in any way shape or form this is it, the end

anyone else can say what they want to say this is supposed to be a place to compare

i have had it with 20 lost years, 10 on heroin, the rest on and off other stuff and "experimenting" with heroin (it took 2 or 3 years till i got proper hooked i was terrified of becoming a junkie)

i give up nwo i do i give up

and ive got to run down the chemist it is 4 already i'm not even going to contemplate missing them even tho there's more than 90 mins to go

Gledwood said...

dur this is what happens on comment moderation it puts everything the wrong way round, that link isn't 15 up it's 1 up from there, 2 from here unless someone said something in between

JAY said...

To female user looking for juice. What area are u from? There might be somebody on here local to you that would be willing to help u. Also try your GP for a script or find new GP in your area.Not many of them do meth scripts anymore but a few do.You can also get private scripts,never had one of those myself so dont know how to go about it,but somebody on here must know how to get one.Please post if you do. Gear situation is awful in my neck of the woods (North London) its all shit. Money is getting tight have hardly worked all week due to snow and lack of gear.Just hope i can sustain my bash habit for another week.Doops did u get your seeds? if yes please let us know the results.Take care everyone. J

Anonymous said...

there is vineger smelling powder here that is pure white. slight tint of yellow(very slight) it isnt great, people been saying its china white, but whats point in getting china white if its been bashed and bashed and fucking bashed, does china white run? heard storys it dosent, without adding a running agent. but as i said china white is only relavant if its really good. might as well me a china teacup for what ggood this gear is ( pompey area) also u know its shit before u buy it in weight as its selling for around normal prices in weigth <-- a sign its shite(altough have also noticed via this drought the shitter the gear the more it costs to

read this please said...

Anonymous said...

I am a female user and no one knows i use apart from one person. I cant get anything and cant find any juice to buy from anyone. Probably silly to think i can. I just want some to reduce down from and kick all this on the head. The waiting list for clinic is just stupid. I know if i had spare juice i would never leave anyone ill. I cant get through it if i have to be ill. Whats the point. I really feel like i need to talk to someone as i am so scared and so down. I just wish someone would help.

im not having a go, or suggesting ur a wrong-un, if ur not u will understand the following

anyone plz be carful of replying to this post, it cud be genuine, but also cud be the begenings of a web being spun to males to trap you and use ur funds and meth, playing the vulenble victim! but by all means ignore my advice, but tred carfully, we had one person on here conning peeps. (sorry if ur real, but im hoping u understand what i wrote, there is no harm in what i wrote if ur being up-front, i noticed shorty post was worded to get peeps to trust her, before she and her punk of b/f conned peeps

angelinferno said...

nothing in south wales valleys,people running to bristol like it's smack central and coming back with canderel sweetner.avoid merthyr and surrounding areas,anyone who says they've got is probably lying we know everybody and there is nothing

Anonymous said...

i just wanted to say about a week ago i came across some of the white vinegar smelling stuff(london) and it smoked like a dream.I got something off it and it tasted like gear but no gouch.I thought my luck was in an it was china white!but that doesn't smoke or does it?

Anonymous said...

Please read this said......

I understand totally why you would think i am out to con people but i can say i am not in any way like that. Who would believe me, i would not if i read it probably, but just thought it would be worth a try. I am not like that in any way. But if you think like this then probably everyone who read it thinks the same. I will just have to lump it and be ill after all it is my own problem eh. Just wanted someone to talk to as i am feeling so down. I was not aiming it at a male i just did not want to put my name. Just thought it would be worth a try as i have no one to turn to for meth or to talk. Guess i will do it alone and with no juice. Sorry if anyone thought i was out to con. I was not. Was just reaching out for help. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

good call mate on that girl asking for help

as matey said it could be someone on the look out for some gullable bloke

but could be someone who is looking for help

some people are so trusting and naive and make excuses for addicts. so i want to point out i'm not having a pop at her!
just stating to be aware

*waiting to be called a nazi*

and yes shorty first message if re-read is blatent, < hindsight wise. im just saying just be aware that not every addict is as honest as you.

alot of female users in my town play victims,and always where gear is, just shows ya men deff more guilable, as always the same girls who do the rounds with dealers (not every girl) and no alot of women who have respect for themselves, and men are just as bad in other areas

Gledwood said...

Anonymous person asking for help you really need to get a methadone script. Be careful buying methadone on the street. I know someone who claims to have been sold washing up liquid/green water a few times.

With this drought on how would you even know how much to take? Your tolerance will have fallen. And if you haven't been using for that long, the difference between a heroin dose that will hold you and one that will get you high is much bigger than in a longterm addict. Clinics should take this into account when giving methadone, but don't always seem to do so.

You have to be so careful with methadone. Some people's tolerance is low. I know someone who drank 5mg to fake a clean piss test and nearly had to go to hospital. He was a huge pisshead but his opiate tolerance was low. I wasn't there when it happened, but I knew him and he wasn't into gear, was just doing someone a favour.

The only sensible advice and sorry to sound like the National Drugs Helpline is:

Go to a clinic, quickly!
A better alternative to methadone might be Subutex. Subutex and methadone do NOT mix. Which is why I say, go to a clinic please for your own sake, do this properly.

Re China White we got one batch that I thought was wonderful (injecting) but I heard it just went black on foil and frazzled.

I have heard people do smoke it, and once came across it years ago that had been cut with something that made it run around like tap water. It literally looked like a drop of water on the foil. Snorted it worked wonderfully and didn't hurt the nose like B... No pain at all. I couldn't help thinking, if it feels this different up your nose, what difference is it doing to our veins, too...

I wish I had never got into needles. I was never naive enough to think if I didn't fuck about with heroin enough I'd turn into an addict. But I never thought I'd turn to injecting.

Looking back I can't believe I was ever stupid enough to even try the fucking stuff. All I remember about my first few goes was wondering is THIS what all the fuss is about..!

I never got any real high until I was well on the way to getting a habit, but that is another story.

I think in Australia where white Burmese is the norm, they mix in caffeine.?? But I'm not sure.

People have died mistaking China White for coke. A small line can be fatal to a non-tolerant person. Snorting is far more dangerous than smoking, because you're taking an entire dose at once. You can apparently even OD chasing off foil. Which I believe, but it has to be safer than snorting and definitely safer than banging up.

The only sensible advice re unusual gear has to be to use caution and go easy. And to the other person I repeat: go to a clinic, get your own script, then drug-wise at least you need never rely on anybody else's whims ever again.

Anonymous said...

Had a bit the other day, loads of cut in it, filtered it a couple of times - and it worked!
But to be honest, I'm waiting until Xmas or New Year before I go on the hunt again.
On the codeines for the moment... no script, methadone don't seem to do much for me.
Oh well, good luck people...
The Lick

Anonymous said...

anyone know someone in exico/peru/colombia that can sort drought out?

Gledwood said...

That's what's gonna happen if those Turks don't get their act together. They will lose Britain to far higher quality gear from elsewhere. I'd never pick Brown if I had a choice of Colombian White

not that I'm into either type of gear now. I am determined to behave myself. For a change.

right night night everyone

ps i did read the comment about the caves etc and mad theories. of course nobody really knows the mechanics on how the international heroin trade works. i read in the paper something to do with it taking a year to get out of afghanistan to here. i think they meant they don't just drive a truck from Helmand/mund/mond/whatever Province straight to here, it's broken up, kept in safe houses transported bits of various ways etc etc I don't know. Because somebody out there is determined to think I'm a pregnant housewife I have invented a pregnant housewife in Melbourne who controls 95% of the Australian China White trade. Perhaps she would know. She invites the Taliban to all her Xmas parties but they never come. Too devoutly Muslim.

Anonymous said...

Hi All,
I can't beleve you are all stil suffering. I posted a few days ago about Luton(we have had good gear back for almost a week). Started off with people bashing the good with what was left of tht "TCP" gear to sell the last of it but now foods back to an average of about pre drought 6 to 7 out of 10. Luton has a huge Pakistani population but I am stunned places like brum & pool are still dry! Good luck all hope the rest of the uk is back on soon.

Anonymous said...

Why shouldn't I not b able to comment & defend myself wen u fire stuff at me??because I'm pregnant & made some fuck ups I have to sit here & read about nonces in same sentance as me?look here it is yep pregnant ,yep addict,on meth,yes heroin not good in pregnacy,people make mistakes,life goes on,shall we
leave it at that and pls move on so people can have there blog back??come on it's really silly to have this back & forth,I will
continue to use this blog as information,I'm always interested in hearing how people get off meth& gear or even just general stuff.
I'm not on here for smypathy,people just got enraged wen reading certain things writan & the style in which certain believes were put accross.
Pls stop now it's boaring me so god only knows wat it's doing to the others,& before u shout 'but u comment to me so yr just still baiting me'that is quite a strange thing to think,if yr commenting me to me I do have the right o answer,I'm not gonna cry in the corner am I ?
Come on as much as I was pissed off wiv some of yr
comments let's move away from it now.im on here to read others opinions on drought/withdrawls/& alternative therapies.on this subject has anyone out there come off meth in less time than clinic said & how??iv heard 2ml p month is best & u barly notice w/d??body adapts quite well like this.true or flase??

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah and on subject of meth w/d has anyone got advice on how to get sleep patterns back??god that's one sideeffect rhat drives me crazy!!

Lady Anon said...

Hey Everyone....managed to get some 6/10 on a pre-drought scale...at the moment with my tolerance down etc it felt like a particularly hunky 9/10!

Only in £20 bags though...and not particularly large ones at that...but now is not really the time to quibble...(maybe I should have quibbled?!)

....The guy is in SElond but not in my immediate area though......

...Girl with no script....Please go to a clinic/Dr...Don't rely on trying to sporadically buy it...If you do get hold of some...take it slowly..it builds up in your system. You really should get your dosage worked out by a professional if you haven't used it before..

..also methadone withdrawal is even worse than going without gear!

....Did someone say that if you tell them you will commit a crime if you can't get scripted...or tell them you are a danger to yourself....they bump you up the list...???(this is only hearsay btw)

...Hello to all regulars & any new droughtees (loving the name btw)...

OH...YES...Have you all signed the petition yet???....NO?....

...Then get to it fellow junkies...you can be anonymous I reckon....just leave a good comment so you sound like a real person!!


Anonymous said...

On the girl asking for juice on here,she cud b genuine .she isn't asking anyone give it to her is she??but I'm
bit sirprized she can't get any.I know that too is bit short on ground wiv everyone needing it right now but generally speaking if yr on gear 9/10 u know someone on script.
Look Hun if yr for real then comment again but explain yrself bit more as lot of scammers on these sites.
If yr for real I'm guessing the help u need will find u but remember the golden rule:- you can't blag a blagger & u can't kid a kidder .and Hun we r all junkies here so well qualified to earn title of blaggers lol x x hope watever u need finds u x x

Lady Anon said...

The only thing that really works for me ie.sleeping on green...is more drugs unfortunately...

Valium with good old-fashioned weed helps....

Also it sometimes works if you trick yourself...go to bed stupidly early...before you start to get that wired alertness..I mean like 8 in the evening early...and tell yourself you're just having a nap...don't even get under the covers...leave the lights on...it takes away the pressure of having to sleep NOW & somehow makes it easier to drift off....

Oh yeah....drug traffic into the UK...have been trying to find the link to back this up...will look again later...but I remember a UN drug report (2009) that said there are only about 30 proper wholesale dealers in the whole of the UK...the rest buy from these in varying amounts...

....so...when things go wrong...not many others to pick up the pieces....

Goodnight everyone...XxXxXxx

Gledwood said...

I just tried to comment and it didn't come thru which is a good thing bc it was a deluge of crap

re sleeping on methadone best thing is to take at least half an hour before you wanna go to bed and the other half around 4am if you're getting up at 8am, that way it's going full-on first thing and you won't want a morning hit

this is what works for me

LA is right you gotta be v careful taking methadone if you're not used to it.

what i remember about years ago was getting advice that would have been suitable to an old junkie about detoxing etc etc that just wasn't true, if you've been using less than 2 yrs your habit will be far less, the drought will have made it far smaller and a dose some random person or a wellmeaning friend might end up being far too much so be v careful i cannot think of any safe way of using methadone except through a clinic

ok night night don't let any badgers bite

Anonymous said...

GLEDS you dont know how close you are,a middle aged woman does control the smack in Melb,check it out on line she was busted again last month.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the girl asking for juice on here,she cud b genuine .she isn't asking anyone give it to her is she??


no and prob wont in main room, coz they arent stupid, there wait till someone emails , play them with sweet words, followed by a slice of can u give/lend me - shorty never asked for anything at first either!

just be careful folks, and how sick is it that we've got to be like this, untrusting she cud be real deal.

but story sounds bit suss, only 1 person knows shes on it etc

but there is one mug born every minute, speciality when comes to fairer sex. altough prob a sweaty armpitted spotty man behind it

Anonymous said...

Please read this said......

I understand totally why you would think i am out to con people but i can say i am not in any way like that. Who would believe me, i would not if i read it probably, but just thought it would be worth a try. I am not like that in any way. But if you think like this then probably everyone who read it thinks the same. I will just have to lump it and be ill after all it is my own problem eh. Just wanted someone to talk to as i am feeling so down. I was not aiming it at a male i just did not want to put my name. Just thought it would be worth a try as i have no one to turn to for meth or to talk. Guess i will do it alone and with no juice. Sorry if anyone thought i was out to con. I was not. Was just reaching out for help. Sorry.

not everyone would think what i did, ive had 15yrs of heroin, and seen it all and heard it all, ive kept my MORALS, SO KNOW ITS POSSIBLE THAT OTHERS HAVE THERES, but im not naive, and am suspuious but do tend to give benefit of dout, but tred with cauntion, there are those who have no MORALS, and those that are so NAIVE, i was just pointing out that peeps becafeful. but not everyone will think what i do. im a nazi<- what i been called. but you may be telling the truth and hope you are, but you must understand that you have nothing to worry about if ur genuie, now people have been warned to be carful its upto them. so talk away, ive said my 2pence worth,i shall no longer make comment. and hope u are real

Anonymous said...

dooopsy says

ello fellow drowteees! doopsy here - fanx to the peeps that tried to sort me out on thurs - much appreciated even tho it was bash.

my poppy seeds havent arrived - altho i did have a card from the post man to pick up a package alas it was not my seeds! my other half truly thinx ive lost the plot re. the poppy seeds....im really hoping to proove him rong.

i reckon imma gonna spend some time on line seein wot i can purchase in the way of pills. im sooooo sick of bein straight - this has gone on forever!!!!

my partner told me i aint experienced as bad a drowt as '71. apparently there was no H around and then Welcome the drug co went on strike or coulnt get supplied and there was an amp shortage.

he reckons it was like that for a fair few weeks. if i coud get sum amps an pop em in me buttock id be a happy HAPPY bunny.
fuck the snow im sick of it - its makin things 10 times harder!!!

good to see u post lady anon and shout out for eastlondongirl - WHERE are u??? pls post or get intouch.

my verify word is "rakeeses" wtf?

hugzz doopsy xxx

Anonymous said...

Still dry in Worcestershire,bar 1 guy he seems to have a load of Bash and a load of decent.. When you buy 2 or more,he mixes the crap bags with the decent ones,decent weights so not so bad. Out of 3 bags i think 2 were sound

Word verification is : cygousi

Sid said...

Well, ive had enough.. im gonna take the rest of my ibogaine tonight.. i aint really got enough for a full dose, but with a habit of 0.2 a day i reckon will be fine... got some green leftover, havent touched it for weeks

I reckon peeps should try and do the same while the option of gear isnt there... cluck time :(

Anonymous said...


Lady Anon said...

Hi everyone!

Can you read this....


...see the words 'abstinent recovery' instead of 'harm reduction'....that means bad news for all of us...

....please email Anne Milton, responsible for drugs policy on




And tell her why you need MORE treatment options...not less...


ps. so bored of droughtland...may start new world...Otopia..all are welcome....

Anonymous said...

some of my posts are being edited!!!! whats going on glenwood,

and are u male or female as one minute think ur male then female, which i guess is good, shows ur intune with emotions

Gledwood said...

No I have edited nothing. It is possible to comment and it just gets lost, if you're on mobile broadband you need to make sure the comment was accepted.

I am male and 38 was born in 1972 and am British in London.

Valerie is fictional, imports 20 tonnes of china white into Australia every year, wears a 17ct blue diamond round her neck, pipes crack when taking her children to school and is a JOKE I made up bc somebody was taking the piss, pretending to mix up me and pregnant lady who is someone else entirely, a real person, who was being slagged off in these comments.

Valerie was only created about 2 days ago, she wasn't actually pregnant it was stomach problems undiagnosed. I had to get rid of the baby in order not to cause confusion with real pregnant lady who I did not want to disrespect (or seem to) over a silly joke which was just me out of me tree being stupid

hope all is cleared up now.

btw can i ask while i am here is there any weird gear going around that makes you drowsy yet trippy at the same time? i have been hallucinating, like out of head on crack, but am not? why is this??

i have given up all drugs, had enough. only methadone. no drink, just green crap. it's really got that bad

Anonymous said...

Shorty said...

I'm so shocked to come across a blog like this but in some ways its nice to know there are others "out there" in same shoes at moment and by and look of it i'm a lucky girl bcuz mon-fri i'm getting lovely gear,i don't bang-up & i'm not a new user,been using for years but recently at weekends been finding it hard to score and get by.So I got on my laptop out and googled away and came across this blog and wow can't believe response's about knowledge on recent dought.I come from SE15 (south london) and yeah mon-fri its all good but weekends are hell,been thinking about going up north (stoke/liverpool) but due to this blog will be staying put and just waiting till monday morning.So I have never really gone through dought like this before,minor ones but nothing like this.Your blog has truly opened my eyes to how big issue really is.I'm just wondering is there forums like this where can chat and communicate.Would love to be able to come online and talk to others that knows what its like when your up at 3am still and feeling shitty.I have facebook/twitter for family&friends that believe (as if by magic) i'm clean with no issues or cravings(it break my heart to tell them truth).I'm just holding my habit down and trying to slowly but surely fix my life up.I just like to be able to connect with other users,so let me know people.And as regards to current topic i'll keep you posted with "goings on" in south london,looks like theres others at it too though.Be safe people

Anonymous said...

I am a female user and no one knows i use apart from one person. I cant get anything and cant find any juice to buy from anyone. Probably silly to think i can. I just want some to reduce down from and kick all this on the head. The waiting list for clinic is just stupid. I know if i had spare juice i would never leave anyone ill. I cant get through it if i have to be ill. Whats the point. I really feel like i need to talk to someone as i am so scared and so down. I just wish someone would help.

?????need i say anymore???????

Gledwood said...

go to the live chat box at the very top of the page, if it doesn't load you can click on it, but the page might change suddenly to one dated today, but the box, if it's not working, now should.
it will tell you how many people are online at any time, when a new person comes on it sounds a doorbell noise. when someone tries to speak to someone else it makes a dffff noise

xLE3x said...

yeah ppl should stop stick 2 the whole point of this - ie where r u from & whats the gear like - if u want to slag off other ppl or comlain about ur life then go on facebook & find sme1 who gives a fuck, im from leicester - theres 1 guy who has decent stuff but he only does 1 drop & is crazy, ppl fighting 2 get served b4 he runs out & paying 20 on a .2 & still only what i would of called 3 or 4 out of 10 a month ago. keep hearing better things r meant 2b coming but yet 2 c it!! :-( iv travelled nearly all over england tryin2get sumit decent!! (& failed miserably & v.expensivley)im a twat really, the drought stated here 3 weeks ago & i stuck 2 my meth@1st but its so hard!!

2 the girl who aint got script - get uself on subbies, meths the worst thing i ever done, iwish id sticked 2 subies, i mite of been off it by now, if u think a gear rattles bad then wait til they fuck ur script up - or stop it 4 some reason-if they give u subbies u should get zopies with them 2


Gledwood said...

To the person who said 2 things by mysterious means that don't appear here, you know who you are but i want to answer one point anyway about me going mad that is exactly what is happening and exactly what the cause of the problem has been all these years. The legal drugs Dont Work. Antidepressants. Good example. Last try. Taken totally as prescribed. No messing around whatsoever. Totally off me nut. Like on Es. Out of my tree. Hallucinating happy things the 1st week till I crashed down, still on antidepressants and continued so fucking down and in such a state i was seeing dead bodies in the bathroom mirror.
this is what i have lived with. i never claim to suffer /have done more than any other person or any bullshit like that, what i am saying is this is my reality and however uncool, embarrassing, whatever it may be here you have it on a plate, think what you like
that is why i never truly fitted in with a lot of the junkie online bloggers. i just cannot be bothered with being "cool". Some things in life I have liked/known about enough to indulge in that some outside person might think I was cool. But I only ever did anything because I liked it. Totally not into impressing other people. Basically from birth.
So that's me. No disrespect/anything else intended by being so blunt but this is me and yeah i feel fucking crazy and i'm up and STILL NOT SLEEPING how many... a day and a half later? I don't even remember. not sleeping. At all. Tried going to bed 5, 10 mins my mind racing too much.

My personal theory btw, this is undiagnosed bipolar disorder/manic depression. Fits all slots/whatever. Even if not "manifested" in totally normal way. For one thing I will not wear a psychiatric diagnosis round my neck like a gold fucking medal. Seen that. Tried to understand it. Don't. Not going to exaggertae/leave out/make those bastards' life any easier than it should be. If my experience doesn't fit their boxes and criteria precisely and I'm obviously fruity-loops crazy then there's something wrong with their boxes.

Also, it has to be said, I didn't "try" too hard to get diagnosed. Kind of came out every single time had left psychiatrist with "inconclusive" findings a "yeah! fooled 'em again!!"

yeah i know i have gone on and as i said it's not a personal rant at you you just happened to touch on something i had pretty obviously been thinking about unless i truly was too fruitloops to care and i'm not

it's really hard to describe how i actually feel bc its all over the place. what i posted was stream of consciousness. i dunno what else i can do.

be honest, do you seriously think i should delete? if so what?

i'm curious to know, in case it was more a specific than general observation....

ok over and out and as I keep saying I hope you understand this in the spirit it was meant

take it easy and ps thanks for other message

Anonymous said...

Dec 4th, we in north wales. Theres been a few scousers on round her for two days now, defo 6/10 (pre drought) apparently 3 kellog landed in l`pool thurs night. We aint been doin too bad round here really throughout. had about 2 really bad weeks. But this week we been noddin every day and night, meetin him again in 10. Shit should be flyin your way soon everyone. Good blog gleds, been helpful but for fucks sake everyone leave the preggers girl alone. Really got borin ages ago. Has anyone got hold of that shorty yet?

Sid said...

me again :)

I dont think u should delete any of it

I like the way your able to write your brain out.. in fact im envious

I hope you dont think im trying to be a cool junkie.. i just wrote a couple of bits about ibogaine.. then this drought hit...

im totally not offended.. and i hope u dont think u i was insinuating that i think your mad?? far from it..

my main concern is that your taking bashed up gear with fuck knows what in it..

I feel as though I need to validate my junkiness somehow but wouldnt patronise you with the pissing contest... ive been from the streets and back in my 14 year habit..

as i say we dont know eachother.. BUT im a stupidly sensetive piscean and can empathise... usually too much.. I had to give up drug counselling because i relapsed after getting too emotionally involved with homeless gay kids..

I hope u didnt take offence anyway..


Anonymous said...

here is a report link guys that will let you know what is going on in and amongst this drought from afghanistan to dublin. several blogs to read..hope its a good source of info for some. BrummieBob >


Anonymous said...

Heard situation is getting better in Brighton/South East Coast.......

Although there's still a majority of pure crap goin about, there are some who have decent gear. I'm on 60mls metdaone daily, and normally (even pre drought), would hit up a £15 or a £20, only ever a ten if I was skint or it was top top notch. Aware my tolerance will have gone down, but 60mls of juice a day is still a fair bit. But yeah, did maybe a 0.17-0.18g hit today, and althought it by no means fucked me, it did what average pre-drought gear would have done to me. I'd happily pay for lots more of that if I could, but unfortunately got last 20 and had to split it. The girl i split it with was clearly fucked, gouchin away - was good tackle, great tackle given the drought, but decent even by pre-drought standards.

Goin on the hunt again tomorrow, and will report back if there's anything good or bad to hear. But the situation remains the same - most sellers still have crap for sale, so be careful.

Take care out there, mike.

Anonymous said...

glenwood, so ur male, my wife said that, but i was unsure

anyway if ur asking in genral, no you shouldnt delite, if people dont like it here, then they can pack up and leave, what this site stands for is good, ok some peeps blantly have used this as a means to score, and some have paid the price of being conned, and there actions could have forced this blog to be closed! and yes this blog been used to settle debates about babys, but least some good points were raised, mainly the dangers of using while pregnant, and that there is better alteratives then risking babys life, like methsdone, and that subutec is better then heroin, but methadone is better. and WD is a NO-NO. also alot of people have come here to compare bad stuff knocking around, and just to rant, and used this blog as a coping mechanism, so NO i think it sud stay up. so thank you glenwood.

also you are very balnced in your advise, altough really disargee on one point, i think u know which one.

lizzydripping said...

hi gledwood,i have been reading your blog for sometime now,i work in mental health and you are right it does sound like bipolar - someone once told me that heroin is one of the best if not the best anti psychotic so it figures that you are not right at the moment as you are unable to self medicate, can i do anything to help? (virtually mind you!) big love to you and keep yourself safe x

hampshire area said...

has anyone come across heroin (or supposed heroin) that is pure white(like coke) (with tint of yellow)

1- bubbles at first (not frazzles)
2- is orangey at first and goes frosty, also britle
3- after 4-5 lines goes darker but remains frosty (when runs though looks like proper gear)
4- leaves very faint trace
5- tastes of summit but not gear, sort of a fake heroin smell
6- runs about the normal amount expected
7- the powder smells of vineger
8- gives you a buzz like heroin, but not quite same,its has fooled alot of people but its different
9- holds you as 2 days on it, and no meth used,wake up in morning feeling fine

1- cooks up really well without vit c or citric
2- in pin for eg (.4 with 7ml of water cooks up looking like water,but faint tint of yellow
3- gives a rush, and warm feeling but not very intence (so been told)
4- leaves no shit in spoon very clean----

anyone hampshire area?

anyone has any idea what it cud be, remember u get a buzz after few lines, so whatever it is, has to be strong that u can get a buzz , like a gear buzz but not quite

Anonymous said...

I have just this very night managed to score some decent banging shit. Going by the scale of how gear was before the drought it was only probably 5 or 6/10 but that was good enough as my tolerance was so low. But after not having anything decent for over 2 months it was a nice to actually gouch for once. I only managed to get a 20 which was around a p3 but after I smoked it all I couldn't keep my eyes open. I'm in shock I've wasted so much money on shit that is so cut to fuck and then tonoght I managed to get this. Maybe thing are on the up who knows.

Lady Anon said...

Hi Everyone..quick update..today got some okayish gear(in present terms)...was gear...from a diff person than yesterday..so that is two...yes..two dealers in SElond with their phones on.....paid £30 for 3 bags (is usually £25)....

...Hope everyone is soldiering on through...this bloody snow can't be helping....

(aaaand...sign the petition!!)

And and and what happened to bboy & his g.f?...and Jodie?...where are you JODIE????


(my verification word is mumpant)

Anonymous said...

Forgot to say I'm in the surrey area and like I said maybe thing are looking up who knows peace out.

Valerie said...

Oh you poor chooks over in the Bastard UK (where I was actally BORN. Seriously NOT going into that one tonight. Not in mood. Busted with 700kg 99% purity China White. Supposedly. What on earth would a respectable, law abiding, permed woman like me possibly have to do with something as crappy as heroin?? It just does not make sense.

Yeah I got pulled over for "drinking at the wheel" the other day. Yeah it was actually crack cocaine I was piping. So fucking what!! Bat-blind copper obviously did not notice I was INHALING not drinking mystical white fluid!!

O gosh you kids, just thinking about you in my predicament, Here in fucking prison. Sydney. China White Queen of Aus as I'm widely known, despite my lawyer's best efforts... I'd get you my £60 a gram Double Fucking UO Globe in an instant if I didn't have the headache of paying off everyone from that grasping Czar/Prime Minister Whatever The Fuck He Is bastard down to those fake police some prison bitch tells me you got out there. Too fucking expensive. Do you KNOW how much gear costs out here in Sydney. Actual price per mg diamorphine easily double. No fucking bitch to ask, alone in governor's office with crack pipe, works and knickers round ankles digging me groin!!

Sorry to bang on about banging up to all you poor kids on bash. Did you know they are actually launching a Bash Brand B "taliban's finest" from Afghanistan next year? So I hear on the old olive vine!! (Not into grapes meself. Into gear and crack. A poor old lady like me!!)

Well now you kids stay safe. Stay away from that Gledwood. Serious nuisance that one. Got me home phone number. Fuck knows how. Pestering me to send "small 300g sample"... fuck off!

O I gotta go some bitch having a heart attack or something. I tell the kids to be careful but they will overdo it. Now you poor chooks in the UK stay safe please. Bye darlings


PS That ridiculous name "double uo globe" refers to strongest shit in the world, kids. And I invented it, I tell you. Originally it was meant to say "Double Global Globule" but some Burmese typist got her A-Zs mixed up. You'd think banging out an alphabet with just 26 letters instead of 365 million or however many they got out there would be easier, not harder. But no: THAT dear poor Brits, is how the name Double UO Globe Came About. Take it from the Queen of fucking Smack herself

now I've seriously gotta run or it'll be sexual favours to the governor tomorrow and i'm not into that

Gledwood said...

Oh that poor Valerie. If I could only extend an olive branch of friendship, I would. In exchange for "only" 50kgs of finest China White, thanks v much.

OK serious time Sid I know what you mean about validation. Why do people want to do it? I know exactly what you mean. Somehow you feel you have to prove you've been to the same place even though it's clear that's exactly where you've been.

I wasn't levelling any bad-cool accusation at you. What I meant was, about maybe 2 yrs ago or so some following thing came up where people could click on your blog so suddenly we were all linked up and obviously to great fascination, lots of Americans etc and though I did stay in touch, a lot of it fizzled out and come to think of it it wasn't to do with coolness any more than just people being lazy junkies and regretting posting their faces/etc!

O I gotta go. I just feel shit bc I can't sleep. AT ALL. Fucking no idea how many hours its been. V soon going into days. Done it before. 4 days. Not a wink. I know. Unless I can sleep standing up etc. I basically never went near a bed. What am I saying about sleeping standing up. Any junkie knows how to gouch!!

Shit I gotta fly it's so late i can't believe i'm fucking tripping on FREE ACID GEAR hahahahahahahaha!!!

no that's a lie to any literalist. i mean sleep deprivation. nothing funkier than that.

no fucking heroin for ... well haven't scored for 3 or 4 days. found various residues. tiny ones. at various points, as any junkie can sympathize so telling exact cut-off point becomes ridiculous when you banged up tap water yesterday morning just in case one billionth of one mg of bishbash was left in it!!

i don't want heroin any more. crazy fucking shit or what!!!! that's how fucking nuts i have gone. don't want heroin. seriously. like i don't want an e, haven't touched them in 8 yrs. loved them. everyone wanted to score off me they wanted what i was on, i was into them that much. but you got to get yourself, other people, music, party etc etc together. in the end, cracking it in an alleyway is easier. if about x300,000,000 sadder. Ukh. What happened? Is all I ask. Of myself. To myself. I honestly don't know!!

ps i was not dealing e, just got asked for it all the time. should have fucking dealt it. no just kidding. bad idea. ask valerie!!

Gledwood said...

Hampshire: vinegar-smelling shit could be China White. We found some in 2008 drought in London. Checked onlline with someone in Australia, where it's all yummy Chinese, lucky bastards, anyway he said yeah China/Thai/whatever ya wanna call it smells of nothing to vinegar. But not like B, which smells like opium. I've smelled opium and that's B's smell. Opium'like.
China sposed to be difficult to impossible to smoke off foil, unless something like caffeine is mixed in, so maybe they done that.
Yonks ago found some that ran and ran literally like tapwater. No colour at all. Snorted like a dream. Nothing like fucking brown. Like a line of nothingness and then mmmmmmmm!!
Shouldn't talk like this. Given the shit up!

xB24x said...

Has any1 from the midlands had out decent yet?? iv had some ok stuff from brum, but his phones been off 4days now.

i work in an office mon-fri 9-6 & NEED 2 get sumit decent 2day b4 work 2mos!!!

Iv travelled2every city where iv got friends or family all2no avail & am DYING 4 a decent smoke!!!

pls keep saying where ur from & what its like2givethe rest of us poor bastads some hope!!


Anonymous said...

Preggas anon here.
I hope u have got some sleep by now,personally I find it one of the worst w/d is like there is no escape even at night.
I have adjusted the way I'm taking meth and have decided to cut sown slower than before.I was in such a hurry for obvious reasons but it was hell so gone up
couple of mil again.it will all b ok if I stick to cutting down slowly and surly
have u given up gear now or is it coz of
drought ??u seem really down so I hope u have good people around u to nuture yr spirit sound like a right hippy twat don't I lol.but w/d can do fucked up stuff to yr head,mine is mixture of hormonals/wd & circumstancal depression & I had an over whelming sense of being alone
now that things r getting better out there I hope u either find some or if yr going for gold & staying off pull right through it mate.thTs the only way future droughts etc won't bother u plus yr be free then to do whatever u wAnt without having to time stuff betweeen hits.goodluck xx v xx

Anonymous said...

thanks glenwood, but if it is chinawhite it's pointless as the guts been bashed out of it,

to be honest thoiugh i wouldnt say it was even gear, gives a gear like buzz and stops clucking, but not convinced, normally u can tell 100% within 1 line if ur doing heroin

does anyone know of anything that is strong enough to give u a gear like buzz after a few lines, and cooks up so clear in spoon, leaves no trace in spoon either, ??? remember whatever it is .2 of powder smells of vineger-ish and give u buzz, but dosent pin eyes

rie said...

it realy does sound like some things r gettin thru. yippy!!! DE14 STILL DRY THO.im well pissed off tho we've been pretty much clean for almost a week n get a text 'proper stuff just landed' so off we go... result=utter crap again. y do u do it u no its gonna b crap it has been for ever, well seems 4ever now, wishfull thinkin i supose. did get some stuff that after u held a flame under it for a couple of seconds ran like n almost tasted like gear(only 4/10) in old standards but todays the best in ages but still no gouch n not alot of anything else. im thinkin must of had summat in it cos woke up this mornin not feelin to good my skins tickelin from the inside arh! i hate it i was ok afew days ago real positive.

my drug worker reckons its not lettin up any time soon (hes n x user) n the doc was tellin me how things come into the u.k. 1st into canterbury then on 2 petersbough, from there goes off to brum, pool, manchester etc. obvioulsy dont no how true they talk (he also said he was one of the biggest dealers in the country, got my hopes up abit until he waved my script at me sayin see!!! with a smerk on his face.... now is not the time 4 jokes about that doc)

that wierd stuff gledwood: my fella had a week or so bk n 2 b honest he hadnt got a clue wot it was he had given some one a lift n had dropped it so he cranked it n lost a day (n the wing mirror of my car)

is it also true that people in chesterfield (nr derbyshire) have been O.D-ing????

Anonymous said...

some of my posts still not showing up. and i have normal boardband. and when i post it dosent say not posted. so where are they. even had bits edited on here, why is that, if its not you glenwood, where are they going?#

anyway eagle didnt land in pompey area, just carryied on flying past, and the only brown parcel it drop here was SHIT.

if there is anyone in hampshire getting heroin, real heroin, please say and what area. i no bogner has, and brighton, in some areas, but anyone in HAMPSHIRE getting anything good??? someone from portsmouth gave it the pompoey has gear just not the mancs, plz report if thats still the case, as havent heard anything to back that up

LeftLeg said...

Its true about Chesterfield,there is a sign up in Treatment Centre warning of it,finally got some last night which was 9/10 and blew my socks off,gouched all night and morning on a .3!!! Anyways for 5 days now till this wicked stuff arrived 6/10 stuff been on regular supply at normal prices but larger amounts still hard to get....mainly 0.6 for £25 and same price upwards!!

Anonymous said...

I have been using b for about 10 years and have never had any kind of clean time, in that time. But am on my 5th day clean now.!! I feel for everyone who has posted a comment, but please like me, use this oppertunity to get and stay clean. Your only going to be giving your money,health and sanity to a dealer! Keep it,better in your pocket than thiers.

Anonymous said...

im in barnsley been dry as fook 4 about a month but my man as just phoned and hes comin in ten ill let you all now what its like but has any 1 lisened to radio 1 newsbeat 2day it said all europe is dry and i senior custums man said that brown while not reach uk ports 4 a very very long time but what does he no he he ps sorry about the grammer lol

Anonymous said...

doopsy says

my peeps still aint on but biggup to ^%$£"^&*$ who sorted me out yest. wot a luvly person u is and i truly wanna stay mates with u!

i cant get nuffin but 4 miles down the road (in london) others can so i appreciate the assistance.

snow looks like its goin so thats a plus and sherlocks on the telly tonite too! so not all is bad.

i know now tho that i will NEVER just score from one source as its easier EVER again. i will keep it in rotation sum how as this is pants not knowin anyone else to get from.

hope ur all okies out there my fellow drowtees - looks to me like fewer posts so fingers crossed its lettin up! lefty u lucky bastard lol im sooo jellos of ur gouch!

its 15.54 but i hope my post dont get posted for a while if gledwood is sleeping. i hope he is - gledwood big hugzz mate hope u get sum sleep.

i woud post sids petition link but i aint got it to hand - can u pls find it and sign it.

verify word is *mensionu* haha
luv doopsy xxxxx

Anonymous said...

I was not asking for anyone to give me anything was i?? All i wanted was to talk to someone about things as am feeling down. Who said i wanted to meet up with anyone and con them. I would not meet up with anyone i aint stupid. And yes only one person does know it is true but i am not explaining myself to anyone. You clearly think i am like that shorty twat, out to con so i aint going to comment on this site anymore and you can all believe what you want. I just hope none of you that doubted me ever need any help. I only wanted to talk. Good luck to you all! I don't know why i bothered commenting in the first place!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

heroin addict won't die without heroin. there are subutec's and methadone. but a unborn baby can die though heroin use. do the maths

calling someone a NAZI because they see things from a more moral point of veiw is discusting! a nazi to me is someone who is clearly selfish and willing to put lifes at risk.
so who is the real nazi. and keep up the moral beliefs mate

your very weird lot, calling someone a nazi who is just saying it is quite wrong to put a unborn baby life at risk. has this country come to the point where he iis in the wrong?

Anonymous said...

thanks glenwood, but if it is chinawhite it's pointless as the guts been bashed out of it,

to be honest thoiugh i wouldnt say it was even gear, gives a gear like buzz and stops clucking, but not convinced, normally u can tell 100% within 1 line if ur doing heroin

does anyone know of anything that is strong enough to give u a gear like buzz after a few lines, and cooks up so clear in spoon, leaves no trace in spoon either, ??? remember whatever it is .2 of powder smells of vineger-ish and give u buzz, but dosent pin eyes

yeah, subutex !

Gledwood said...

heroin is shit. a chemical con and a v expensive one at that.
i've had enough of it.
never thought i would say that, but it's true

a whole big fucking rant i tried to post got deleted. probably shouldn't have gone here anyway

Leave Preggs alone! Who was talking about Nazis?... Heroin aka diamorphine is prescribed widely for pain relief in the UK. Fair dos it's not street gear with God knows what in it... I don't know the ins and outs of heroin and babies and what drugs are best I heard methadone is better than subutex.. somewhere

Preggs is doing all she can for the sake of her child. It's bad enough being on the crap. I think she's on methadone anyway. Being on even that not the B, but pregnant as well can't be a walk in the park.

Take care

Hi everyone Doops, Sid were yous 2 talking earlier? I did see it, was too distractable to butt in.

Did actually sleep. Wasn't as long as it felt like.

No sleeping pills. No gear. Just the mean green and a couple of white stars. That's it

can't believe it

angelinferno said...

anybody know of anything in south wales.only thing here is strange,looks like the real thing no evil taste or colour just no kick to it,tube looks like grains of something when rolled out.strange

Anonymous said...

Brighton - still pretty dire, only crappy 2/10 gear about. This is doing my head in. Fingers crossed for a good gear Xmas !!

monk said...

@PREGNANT GIRL;is clearly looking for help,and thought she could find it here on this forum.All she has appeared to find,with a few exceptions is a shower of sanctimonious ass holes desperate to put this poor girl down just so they can feel better about themselves.
I used to be one of them, until I became pregnant myself. I first became pregnant when I was 16,my daughter died after birth,and I was devastated,to say the least.I was not on drugs at the time, but was pretty soon after(not using it as excuse,just happened that way).I watched people around me in the drugs circle get pregnant and use everyday.
At the age of 22,a crack and heroin addicted prostitute,I met the 'one'and unbelievably I fell pregnant.I was not expecting to,after losing my baby all those years ago,I did not think it possible.I found out at the doctors,as I had akidney infection and needed antibiotics they had to rule out me being pregnant before I got my antibiotics.Anyways,much my disbelief,I was pregnant 8 weeks.Since that day I have NEVER touched crack(and I was bang into it back then).I had my script adjusted as my pregnancy went on as being pregnant made my tolerance go up,the midwife said it was normal.It was not easy giving up gear,and I will be honest;I used a couple of times...The guilt was unbelievable,each time I rushed to hospital to get monitored to check the baby was ok.I was honest with my midwife.Then I hit a huge problem;my pharmacist was not putting any actual methadone powder into the green syrup.He was a heavy gambler.I had to use after days of absolute rough hell,went to the midwife,told her I could not understand why i was so ruff.She piss tested me and found I had no meth in my piss at all!I phoned my pharmacist on speakerphone,in front of midwif,and told him.Shockingly,he was not surprised by what i told him,and offered me some 'extra'green to get me by.(That is gods honest truth)Bbut midwife did not want to believe it was his fault,even tho heard whole conversation,and slapped a child protection order on my unborn child.

xB24x said...

iv just spent £80 on 2 ten bags - but the gear is ok - had a bit of a nod after the 1st one - but although u can taste the gear u can defo taste sumit else in it.

I cant carry on paying these prices, ppl keep saying theres decent gear startin 2 come about well shouldnt it of hit the midlands like brum, notts or leicester by now.

also re what some1 said about overdosing, theres been a few ppl round here gone 2 hopspital after injecting gear bashed wiv rohypnol a week ago so watch out!!


monk said...

PART 2!!
My little girl was born fine,the midwives at the hospital were non judgemental,they could see I was doing everything in my power for my baby.I breast fed my daughter so she would be getting the methadone she was used to.It hurt like hell,and my boobs were so sore,I had to literally feed her night and day sometimes,but THAT was my responsibility to her.I gradually reduced her milk,topping it up with bottle milk(at that point,I was expressing milk so she was used to the bottle)She never suffered any withdrawals,and is such an intelligent,gorgeous girl at 7!The child protection order was taken off when I got out off hospital in one swift visit.The worst thing you can do if you find yourself pregnant is to stop everything completely.The detox will more than likey kill your child.In hospital they have something called the 'Liverpool score chart'to measure your babies discomfort for the first week or so.My baby never scored anything above a normal childs need9crying,sickness,etc)You just have to be there night or day to give her/him their breast milk.Please do not let them give your baby morphine,it takes longer to detox,and your child will incur withdrawals.I have had 2 more babies since.I regret listening to the midwives,drug treatment,when they tell you 'you are doing so well,do not rock the boat by attempting a meth detox'.I am still addicted to that green shit.I am at Uni now,in my 2nd year,and have done college,too,all since my girl was born 7 years ago.They are the best reason to live.

monk said...

PART3;(SORRY ONLY LETS ME DO ICKLE BITS)You may be getting slagged for how you have got pregnant;but point is my sweetheart you are.be the best mum you can,there will be a huge amount of guilt,but just keep beating it,and do not make the mistake I did at first by throwing money at it,kids love time and attention.Reading at bedtime,good daily routines make a child feel safe and secure.Lots of affection,words of encouragement.I live my life now without regrets,when I look back I think of any postive that has come out of those situations(there will always be something).I have a great relationship with my family,I am respected in my community,although my past is a secret.When you have baby,the best thing you can do is move where nobody knows you,I am so free of all that crap!I have so many old people(the highest form of compliment to me is from an elderly person)who come up to me and say how well turned out my 3 are,and how well mannered and happy they are.I am not sure I can advise you on your partner.I had many bad relationships befoe I was lucky enough to meet my fella(he is our children's absolute hero)But before him,I was a magnet for losers.If this fella is nicking your meth,get your script to consume on premises.Therefore he cannot get shitty with you about not letting him have it,all you need to say is'I am pregnant and they need to make sure I am taking it for the baby's sake'.As time goes on,you will make the right decision about him,only you can make it.We can slag him off on here,but despite what he has done to you,you still have feelings for him.You will probably read their comments and think ' he is bad at times,but they don't know the real him.The side of him that only I see'.Well, my sweet, none of the people that have commented know the real him,but know plenty like him.It will take a miracle to change him if he is still doing shit like that when you have his baby inside you.He is not only doing it to you,but he is doing it to his own child.When you are a parent you become selfless for the foirst time in your life you have to put someone before yourself.You may think that you are doing this for your baby too,staying withhis/her daddy,but he has already proved by nicking yours and babbies meth that he is not yet ready for the selfless task of fatherhood.He knows what it is like to rattle,but still put than on his unborn child.Once I missed the chemist when I was pregnant,my fella gave me his green for the weekend,and rattled.He is an amazing dad.I will give you my personal email and if you want to talk I am here(between Uni and the kids I do get a few minutes here and there!)LOts of lovexx

Anonymous said...

can i remind the person who said YEAH SUBUTEC'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

have u ever tried to cook subutec's up? i take it u havent, as its a waste of time , so back to the drawing board please

subutec - to cook up a 8mg tablet for eg wud take at least 50 attempts, it goes like jelly<- for want of better word

so no not subutecs

FENTANYL has be suggested, but expensive, but if bashed enough maybe, but does it run and cook up clean??

Anonymous said...

its only right that if u use heroin while preg or even meth that socail services have to be involved! absloulty no dout 100% have to be informed

i hit a artery when my wife was preg, and my hand swelled 3 times the size, my thumb got so big, i thought it was going to explode, anyway phoned amulance, who for some reason informed the police, who turned up, on the understanding there had been a overdose!!! anyway cut long long story short, the police told social services, who came out, they were happy my wife was a non user of drugs, spoke to us both, then that was it, no futher action,

but i didnt cry coz they come round, i understand that they have to, if class A drugs are involved! as the child will be living there!

and if a mother who is preg is using meth and speciality heroin they have to come in and see whats going on! also if they know in advance when comes to birth it will be all set up to deal with the addicted child! if there is no problem socail will leave it at that, but u got to question the decesion making of the mother if she is using heroin while preg. im sorry if u disagree but its a must

i just cant understand why any mother wud knowing put extra risk in losing her child just to use heroin, i been on smack 15yrs and no its addictive, but i refain from use till my child needs are met, often till his more then his needs. its just putting them first. i fail to see why a mother couldnt do that. and not having a pop at preg girl, as she using meths, which i applaud i really do, and wish all women who are preg did

Sid said...

Hey Gleds... aye we were havin a good laugh in chat earlier..
you sound better today... glad you slept..!

Gear-wise, vinegar stuff, weird, doesnt pin, holds you.. slight buzz..

or beige slightly clumpy clay stuff.. bit of a buzz but doesn't last..

Cant get hold of the 9/10 stuff for a little while... :(

More and more people are turning on at the moment though so must be getting better.. once all the bash is gone...

Cant wait to hear about doopsys seed tea ;)


word today - sheaw bra ?? wtf

Anonymous said...

Finally people i scored this morning and it was nice. I gave up scoring for about 3 weeks as all i was getting was that sugary shite or that tcp crap. I know my tolerance is low but it was definitely nice gear i scored today. The old boy i got it from said it was good and to be honest i believed him cos hes always pretty honest about the quality of his gear. Anyway i see this as a good sign people as im in a small town an hour from london. So all these fucking idiots saying may next year shut the fuck up. I reckon its coming to an end now. We are gonna have a brown xmas after all. Very happy indeed xxxx

Anonymous said...

subbies turn like jelly, was about to flame u and say i have banged my subbies and its fine if you mix them cold ! but it just came to me if you were sold subbies as gear you would mix it hot like gear.

Balls on my part, stupid suggestion


word veri: PLUTBA

Anonymous said...

haha at once the bash is gone!

bash is 99% free to make, the only way bash will go, is when peeps refuse to buy it, or when the uk is flooeded with proper gear!

but who is to blame, the people who buy it knowing its bash, or the people who are selling it. as if there wqasnt a market for it, there wouldnt be a need to supply

in my town peeps blantly buying bash as it all thats avaible, and seems thats better then nothing!

altough im not one, wud rather spend me money on family and meth, then line pockets of peeps who are peddling TCP cack

im afaid as long as there is a market for bash, then bash will be sold.

Anonymous said...

claps at the socail services post.

dosent harm anyone for socail to come and investagate

if there isnt a problem there isnt no need to worry

they only want to see that there isnt a risk to a child

if anything they should be more harder as alot of kids are having there lifes put at risk. not just from heroin users. but all walks of life

Anonymous said...

Anon preggas,
wishful thinking to think subject wud b closed now even though we r all in agreement huh?oh well ,moving swiftly on,how r ya gled??
All well wiv me.still stressing a bit bout the meth and getting off but iv found some really good stuff on wikkipedia xan u beleive!!kind of like this blog wiv some people sharing experiences of w/d on the meth & most r in aggreement that it's not really a detox more like the body merely adapting to function without what has became a vital ingredient & providing reduction is slow it is possible to painlessly come off.that gave me a degree of hope as I have never done w/d of meth & the more I read horror stories of it the less I wanted to drop down.
Does anyone know of a measuring device which goes down to .25ml as all I have is standard cup qhich starts at 5 & child med dropper thing which starts at 1ml.I had thought to jump ship at 1 or 2 ml but heard that's not ideal & shud b 0.25.any advice on that wud b great although as I'm still on 20 seems a long way off!!
It always seems a long road don't it with no over night answers.
All I really know is I kinda like life again w/o gear.lots if things which got blurred r a lot clearer & I can't wait for the day wen I can finally learn to stand proud again.
As much as I 100% do not condem anyone who uses for me I just don't wanna b a junkie any more.I'm 36 yrs old.drugs in ya teens is fun,2o's escape,30's desperation but in ya 40's is a bit yucky sad lol.forgive me for sounding sexest also but for a woman god no!!I strongly believe it is not heroin that destroys the user but the crappy life style that comes with it & that itsself leads to the mental issues such as depression,bi polar etc...
Phew!wat a heavily comment huh!!oh well I'm off to bed at 11pm such is the rock n roll life style this chick leads lol!!
Peace love folks!!happy scoring tomorrow if that's yr thing or happy abstaining just for today!!!

Anonymous said...

Preggas anon,
u really r coming from the same place as me and I wud live yr email.if u cud post it that wud b fantasic,i can't put mine on here coz just can't risk all the negativity that might co
e flooding initial chat to two regulars from here & they r really sweet guys & kept my sanity at times!!
Yr story is very similar ESP breastfeeding comments which r 100% accurant.I do admire yr braverly to comment on here & to risk wat I got but firtunatly certain people have moved on now & no longer abuse me on here lol,maybe they too got board with it!!
Gledwood thankyou for yr unfailing kindness & understanding of my situation.yr right it is tough but ya know the best things in life r not gained by a walk in the park & I'm gonna b free soon that alone is great .
Monk do u think I should give birth on green then?is that yr advice??it's just I know a couple who used & cut down in pregnancy,her babies test showed trace of opiate so they wacked it on oralmorph & also took it into care at which point the girl just fell apart & got back on it again thus losing kid for good!!good old social services huh!!
Won't go on bout it on here coz I know it anoys people but get yr email to me so I can write you x x thanks Hun,nice to connect with another female ya know x x

monk said...

@the social services comment;totally agree about social services being involveed in ALL cases where there is a drug user(s) living in a house with children. I only had a fleeting visit from them as I explained earlier.I earned the trust,I have always had so much respect and praise from health visitors,etc.In fact when I had my 3rd baby they did the initial visits then left me to it like they would any mum with 3 kids. I am in total agreeance though that they should be bang involved where the kids are being subjected to risks on a daily basis(really,really upsets me that there are little uns that are not getting all the essential love and care and time they need)My babies are and have never been aware of any issue of that kind;I have 3 intelligent happy little ones who are the centre of my universe.I am a totally different person from the crack/smack prostitute I was when I fell pregnant.We have a nice, warm,clean home,we spend lots and lots of time doing so many cool things together.Our home is a happy one.It is so important for children to have a good routine,a mummy and daddy who adore each other(even tho we have our moments we work through them,we made each other alot of promises when I discovered I was pregnant;to always work through things,not argue in front of the kids,and to alway stay our best to stay in love!)8 years later we are doing just that;we both come from homes with divorce/step parents,etc.So we want the opposite for our kids;tension.arguments,shouting,etc. I am bloody proud of myself and my fella,I am just as in love with him as the day I met him.Our chidren have good friends with parents who like and respect us,we are a normal happy family.This is why the social are not involved with us.I take the kids too all the council funded activities through the holidays,clowns,magicians,welly walks,they are all at a local playgroup,they have such cool hands on activities too.I want to make the most of every moment with my kids;it is the hugest honour being a mum;but the responsibility is huge;something I don't think enough people consider.They are people who need moulding with care and love,time and heaps of attention.

Anonymous said...

Things are starting to look better down here in Brighton southcoast and have had some nice stuff several times over the last week but still alot of crap about little tip for all the injectors let the gear cool properly in the spoon before drawing it up and use a big piece of filter and if the gear is cut bad the crap will be left in the bottom of your spoon and wont end up blockin your pin.

Tie Qiao-san said...

If u ask me i would rate gear as either good or crap. I may not be exactly right but lets say the purity of brown in the UK is 10-40%
Personally i would say that,
10-15% = 5/10
15-20% = 6/10
20-25% = 7/10
25-30% = 8/10
30-35% = 9/10
35-40% = 10/10

What i got today, i dont believe has much if any heroin in it. Id say 5% purity max. It was white powder with a slight tone of grey. It runs red but when it cools (on the foil) it looks normal i.e. mostly black with brown colour around the border. I payed £20 for .2 and i dont think it was worth it all.

if the gear is decent i shouldnt have to take juice and so thats how i can tell if the gear has much brown in it.

Iv been trying to get proper gear for a couple of weeks (iv used once in almost 2 weeks) and thats apparantly £40 for .2 but if its good it has to be worth it i think.
I have to beg and kiss ass to get a link but id rather get this than waste money on something that has nothing in it. This link is supposed to be in Slough and apparently the only guy thats been coming up with decent gear.

I found that one of the main guys that serves this particular area switched on today after being off for weeks but he gave me a next mans number.
I wanted to get .2 for 20 but he said he wont come out for less than 30 (.3). Im scared that the gear aint all that so hes trying to shot as much as possible.

If i cant get a ride no one takes me seriously. I dont fit in this shotting crowd but if i have a car i can offer to take them wherever and thats how i hope to score something decent cos if they getting for themselves it should be the best they can get.

Like i said i would happy to get proper gear - something that will giv me a gouch - just once a week.

If you can its best to save your money but for me if i havent had anything for a few days i feel i have to try even i dont expect to get anything decent. I hope this makes sense.

Would love to hear more from people who know how to grow and smoke opium or make opium tea.

wze3369 said...

Drug shared by addicts seems to protect against HIV brain dementia
Published: Thursday, April 15, 2010 - 19:05 in Health & Medicine
To their surprise, researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC) have discovered that morphine (a derivate of the opium poppy that is similar to heroin) protects rat neurons against HIV toxicity
et el.
do a bit of gear an if ya get hand grenades it win't drive ya mental. wooopeee. jokes aside. nature doesn't really make mistakes or build in redundancy i don't believe. there's been millions of years of evolution to tune our shit up. if we got receptors for cannabinoids or opiates etc you know they're there for a good reason.
Gledwood been followin this from the off virtually, interestin readin-got some knowledgable heads contributing- as you're aware the bluelight.ru site has alot of cross posters from this site and is another useful source of info(an amusement).
preggers bashers fuck off, mind ya sanctimonious own. get on the case of women who smoke fags or drink booze and justify it cause its not illegal. darlin do ya best, google is ya friend- google it every which way you can think of "heroin detox and pregnancy" methadone and preg etc etc. its your lives you got a brain, find what works best for ya- good luck best wishes.x
word veri UNDENTO(wish front wing of me merc was!)

Lady Anon said...

Why do I always miss the live chat thing??No-one is ever on it when I'm here...

..SELond taken a turn for the worse as 2 diff guys reloaded with bash today....oh how I long for some actual 'organized' criminals to come along....

...so have decided not to try and score tomorrow...back on the green (sigh).

Its now been nearly 3 weeks since I could score every day....

...why does it not get easier?


Tie Qiao-san said...

I have been on meth (juice) for over 5 years now, taking it everyday. I started in 2005 on 50mls a day but a couple of years later i decided to try to reduce it and it was purely my choice to do so. I began reducing it by 5mls until in 2008/2009 i was down to 25mls. The only way i could do that is by minimising my use of h. During that period i was relapsing once a week on a reg basis but i didnt smoke much.

Im still on 25mls a day and the most i have gone w/out it is almost 48hrs. The 'cluck' isnt as bad as with h, the hardest thing to deal with for me being nausea and feeling extremly weak, so weak that you cant even clench ur fist and so ud have to stay in bed all day.

Also, i couldnt eat, sleep and i was so irritable that i couldnt concentrate on anything to keep myself occupied and i really mean anything.

I alwats thought that id have to get down to 15mls before i try to get off it. Iv heard that methadone has a 9 day peak whereas h has a 3 day peak.

I cant imaging being down to 5mls a day as 5mls is practically nothing. I mean its so little that you cant even swallow it, it wouldnt go down your throat it would just sort of stay on the tongue. It would be like swallowing saliva.

Because of this, once you are down to 15mls a day you should ask to be prescribed methadone in tablet form. My GP refused to do that for me but didnt really give me any explanation as to why it couldnt be done.

wze3369 said...

@ Tie Qiao-san

Im still on 25mls a day and the most i have gone w/out it is almost 48hrs. The 'cluck' isnt as bad as with h, the hardest thing to deal with for me being nausea and feeling extremly weak, so weak that you cant even clench ur fist and so ud have to stay in bed all day.

you honestly believe the rattle is less intese from methadone that brown? oh well, there's always one! and 48hrs clean? ever hears of the calm before the storm. you really ain't done a real cluck yet- god forbid you ever have to, its torture, turkey-no meds.

wze3369 said...

correct me if i'm wrong(in general) but don't temgesic-buprenorphine-subutex, call 'em what ya will-they all one an samething- but don't they throw ya bang in it if you take them before ya in a proper cluck-i.e you used within last 48 hrs or so? personal exp. tells me they did- i tried hangin meself but was too weak-anyone tried drownin themselves in bath whilst bang in it? lol fukkin nightmare. but when i went rehab dr. tried scriptin me on them 1st night- had to threaten to walk if forced to adhere,explained previous episode- woke up in flat far away from home determined get clean-only took half g an done that night before, jellied up subby an added to spoon wash an before the plunger hit bottom i was in trouble.instantly day 3 turkey symptoms. Dr only believed me when i refused any meds an said just leave me alone for first 36 hrs min. next mornin bitch comes in room,busts curtain wide open an tells me get up go groups. fuck off an leave me to die till morro then i'll stick a subby under tongue. lasted till evenin dispens but fuck me instant relief so i know they work just not while ya got gear in ya fresh. sure some food been bashed with subbys cause my pupils got fukkin bigger an my kidneys ached straight after hit.

South West Mids said...

6 x bagels bought over the weekend... all rated excellent,bar 1 that was bash.. Things are looking up

Anonymous said...

suboxone the NEW verison of SUBUTEC is subutec with a better blocker, cant spell its name but begens with a N
anyway everyone is diff but for advice i would tell you to wait till ur starting to WD before taking them,
least wait 18-20hrs from last heroin use
and prob 2 days from last methadone use

because it will take you 15mins to put u in full cluck#! and talking about PEAKING cluck!

its ok to use after taking suboxone but will dampen effect

but dont use it till you feel wd coming on, not mental wd but till phyical cluck kicks in

drug agencys need to explain this issue better, as i was told to wait 12 hrs, they knew i was using meth and heroin. i was told to expect a little discomfort. but i was shitting every where inside 15mins, and cramps and shaking and genrally clucking my tits off in 30mins, honestly in 30mins u will feel like your peaking on a cluck, its bad news

Anonymous said...

Picked up a couple of joeys, meant to be 6/10. this is from the Barking to Ilford connection. Which it probably was, before they jumped on it.
But it seems they have cut it with "magic", which is used for cutting whiskey. So on the foil, it runs eraticly, and in the pin, unless you use loads of vit C, it goes white and solid.
There is good gear in it, but they have ruined it with the wrong bash.
If they had used manitol, you wouldn't of known any different.
Its holding me, but could/should of been so much better.
So be warned, it will sort you out. But is hassle to use.
Things do seem to be getting better. But how long it will take, is anyones guess.
Be carefull people.

Anon from Bucks.

Anonymous said...

Monk do u think I should give birth on green then?is that yr advice??it's just I know a couple who used & cut down in pregnancy,her babies test showed trace of opiate so they wacked it on oralmorph & also took it into care at which point the girl just fell apart & got back on it again thus losing kid for good!!good old social services huh!!---------------------------------------------
socail servieces dont just take ur kid coz u use heroin, there has to be more to it, as usual though a women uses heroin and loses her baby but its socail services fault! not hers . my god really hoped this was done, but comments like that are well un-real, if the girl had anything about her wouldnt have sulked and given up on her CHILD, would have done the upmost to get kid back, u see now why they took the kid, she didnt have the fight in here to raise a kid.

honestly though come on, why are socail services the bad ones? did they put heroin into the baby? no...they took the kid off her coz of heroin use, and prob other reasons, as ive known alot of women to have kids born with heroin use, and socail services only take kid if there are other concerns. obv cant speak for every case but no social do there upmost to keep kid with parentr, and if anything there to slack!

tell me if they took ur child from you, would u accept it, and give up or fight for the child...please dont call me nazi and rant, simply please answer the question, and please give me reason for your answer. thank you

i will point out i have a relative who works for social and will ask her about the policy in more detail, but she has told me that , if anything they over try to keep children with there parents

Anonymous said...

i will say though subs or suboxone do work.

but timing is everything. they alos give u a buzz which is heroin like, but not quite, so some get on well with them, i did first time, i loved subutec was the boss

but 2nd time around with suboxone the timing was all wrong thanks to slack advice from drug agency.

but yeah its timing. but they do work if get timing right

just remember u can use heroin after suboxone, but not just before
coz u will be slapped silly clucking and get a sore willy. and uncle billy and aunty millie will look at u like ur silly and on a pilley

wze3369 said...

is the N word ya thinkin of natraxalone or something like that?its what they hit ya up with if o'd

veri. word pinna (thaTS A ME!)io

Anonymous said...

@south west mids

You say you can get in south west midlands..well im from kiddy(south west mids) and its still shit round here so would love to know if you live near by

Anonymous said...

being infected with hep-c is not pleasant. has anyone had the treatment? being totally depressed - no B - i'm reluctant to start treatment due to serious side effets. any1 have adice pls?

Anonymous said...

NO, if you OD, they hit u up with Naloxone,a shorter acting antagonist, whereas NALTREXONE is a long acting antagonist lasting upto 3 days. Naloxone is given in repeated doses until there no more opiate left on the receptors.

Anonymous said...

brighton-worthing showing signs but 1.5 outa 10. still; holds me for about 12 hrs so getting some sleep at last-finally! losing funds hand over fist - getting serious.
personal black thoughts of topping myself easing as well as the deeply concerning darker thoughts of taking more drastic but public action to bring this drought to news services now abated thank the 'Lord'. where this originated i can't explain - unfatomable - i've never had thoughts like these, ever! i've always been mild mannered and never been violent. i'm extremely concerned where this has come from! perplexed even! any1 else getting random worrying thoughts lie these? surey it cant be normal?!?

South West Mids said...

Im in Worcester

Anonymous said...

Preggas anon,
yep yr right therebprob is a hell of a lot more to the case where kid got taken off couple wen it had trace in system.I made enquires and they were both up for serving old bill & I think her partner had dirty piss,so yeah all in all extra factors ment the kid went.I think coz I hold down job/family/kids etc I think all others do but from experience yes I've know some wankers who don't give a fuck.
I guess over yrs I've heard so many horror stories that r actually wronguns passing the blame,but this is an emotive subject & honestly I wouldn't want them in my life even though iv got nothing to hide,why u ask??just coz iv never had it & fear of the unknown.if u knew for certain kids wud stay help was there and all wud b well then yes I wud take that route but there r always extra factors like I said b4 lifes not black n white.

Anonymous said...

Preggas anon.
don't take advice reguading natraxone on this blog
is 100%.that is serious stuff my
partner was on it as implant & tablet version.it can b really dangerous if not used correctly and will send u into instant w/d if taken too soon.not nice!!must say though if yr serious about getting off and staying off that's the one.it blocks opiate use/cravings etc much better than meth.u must always carry card stating u r on it as if say hr in car accident and hospital pump u full of painkillers they need to know yr on it so to get other meds correct.
Oh by the way was merely asking
monk her opinion on birth w meth or off as she has been there & I wanted some advice based on experience rather than emotions.i personally want to b off
but there is always that fear maybe some will stay b I. My system

Anonymous said...

YEAH I KNOW SUMONE WHO HAD THE HEP-C TREATMENT, it involved a lot of visits, and they dont give it out like smarties, his is sorted now, but it really taxes ur system, he was ill for months depressed run-down, but he went to every treatment. anyone who has it seek help asap. the sooner the better .

it costs the n.h.s a lot of dosh, and like i said they want proof of ur willingness to help urself first

as alot of peeps think theres a miriacle cure and one off visit, but it is along term treatment which involves commitment

Anonymous said...

like i posted just now, yes it has side-effects that involve depression like mood swings, and tirdness etc

but the side effects pleasent then dying of hep-c

so really there is no choice

either die unpleasent death (slow)
or seek treatment and sufer discomfort for term of treatment, no which i'd pick......and wouldnt be my nose lol

Anonymous said...

Preggas anon,
in case I didn't answer question bout social it's kind of like the time I was thinking bout doin detox& a straight friend said'whats the problem it can't kill u' I knew she was right but she also had not bin through it if she had she would of known most junkies by day 3 pray for it to kill u!!
Same for social services most parents know they won't lose kids but just have fear of the unknown accelarated by horror stories on the news were they got it wrong.so although I know my kids r fine u just don't want them involved same story really for a Lot of people who buy meth on street instead of clinic way.
I don't think they r bad people but it's just like those drug consolars who hve read it all in books,I cud never listen to them but I always got in wiv the reformed junkie ones who Always appeared less up their own arse and like they actually knew wat they were talking bout.

Anonymous said...

Preggas anon
ok subutex ok in pregnAncy or not??iv bin told it's no no along with df's so sticking wiv meth just really unsure what happens when u drop down & how long to stablize.I keep hearing all these awful things and it is off putting.I can't understand why they wud perscribe it if it was so much worse than heroin.I even had a doctor tell me once the only thing that wud get addicts clean is a reducing script of heroin as that is wat yr body craves so most effective.do private docs do this??
I guess I'm looking for someone to say 'hey meth reduction not so bad'but knowing this is like pigs flying!!it's just really fustrating & off putting knowing that it's a long old slog wen all I want is to b clean.iv even had people say stop the meth and use gear cutting down to 2 lines a day.personally I think that's bollacks,I mean who wud stop at 2 lines??

Anonymous said...

@hep-c reply #1 - thanks looking at it that way - no contest.

Anonymous said...

doopsy says - back in the 90s they were gonna do that hep c treatment on me but wouldnt cos i coulnt stop fixin! (on toppa my script)

anyways - got hep in 83 and by 95 i still had active virus in my system. i was tired and everyfink was effort but as i hadnt experienced adult life without hep c i dint know any diff

bottom line to the story in 2006 was tested for hep c and and the virus isnt active (2 blood test test) which means it took 23 ish years to burn itself out.

so i woud say - if hep c aint really fuckin up ur life (an i reckon it aint) then dont fuck wiv that treatment - wait an it will burn itself out - happend to me AND my partner(we both in diff treatment centres in different london areas and tested at diff london hospital - we both burnt it outta our systems with age)

still not got no gear
i fink thepoppy seeds are here will pick em up tomoz from the post offiss

hugzz n stuff doopsy xxxx
verify word is vintsner!

KiddyMick said...

@south west mids

oh rite..well if u can get..then we should have as well then in that case..unless you had to travel for it..kiddy might have summat today..will get back if we do

South West Mids said...


No,never travelled,it came to us... I think its from Brum,so if thats where you get yours,then theres some about,its just finding the right man :o)

Anonymous said...

Preggas anon
heroin started out for me like an old friend who wud make me feel warm lifted safe and content, ur how quick it takes on the single White female role almost jelous of everything else in ur life.someone once described it as a typhoon that flys in yr life then wen it goes it takes everything.how I wish I had never taken that naive teenage smoke thinking I cud handle anything even the daddy of all drugs.I know if I cud change my setting I cud get free and leave all this behind,I really cud.but someone tell me how u do that in fucked up britian where all in debt can't afford to move can't afford to stay.
They wud prob not read this blog but I wud love someone clean for yrs to comment,wen I was clean for a while I ignored all former associates,only way,ripped up numbers,etc and wud ignore any blog like this so I guess noone will comment but Im feeling sorry for myself so being a stupid wanker really,gotta get real and fuck this shit off now.I hate addiction it was my subsitute for religin I guess,wat a div I'm getting all deep now,wat a twat I am.gear is shit full fucking stop.

Anonymous said...

@hep-c reply #2 - thanks. sounds promising. can you recall what genomes you both had. i understand diff treatment options for diff genomes. caught mine late in life so might be more of prob for me. would really help if you can recall what genomes you both had.

Anonymous said...

Still dry in Berkshire, getting suicidal now. I can handle how shite life is if i have some gear but I don't. I'm not exagarating (apologies for spelling). This needs to end now before I top myself. I'm having really dark thoughts now. When will this end?
Oh, how convenient, verification word...dedly

Anonymous said...

What do u do wen u in ur heart wanna quit but yr partner shows no sign of slowing down??there's kids involved so I can't just walk,& got nonwhere to go anyhow.all the money keeps getting spent,food scoffed,I fucking hate gear,true it brings out in people what is already there and I dint like what I see.god I wish I was strong.strong to kick all this crap out of my life and move the fuck away.
Just feel like I'm being controlled.I know it's my choice to stick tube in my mouth and do it but what choice does an addict really Have??I need support & I'm not getting it.
I fucking hate heroin and I wish I didn't live it too !!!!!

Anonymous said...

change of subject;

does nnyone really believe wikileaks would be allowed without government support?
all this recent activity is building up for war. let's face it way too many people on this poorly managed earth and pretend international in-fighting...

Opium Kungfu Master said...

real miserable me too getting badly depressed. almost suicidal.

guy said he had boom gear 2day 40 quid for .2 n said hed hold it for me while make my way down. payed 14 for cab (thats another prob for me, i have to go miles out my area to score) and just as i was gettin off he txt me saying dont come. oh joy. sorry mate he says. didnt wanna waste more money on cab or 2 or 3 buses so walked back home, over 10 miles in the freezing cold.
got bad cramps, nausea, headache, cant eat or sleep, smoking like 30+ fags a day (no joke), havent had any decent gear for 2 maybe 3 weeks now, im losing count. greedy and selfish friends wont give me a heads up when they come across sumthing. parents dont understand the words embarrasment and humiliation, they contantly going thru my stuff then they play dumb as if no reason to be upset.
life has no meaning yet for some reason i still keep trying to get off meth (25mls). methadone make me cravings even worse. its an opiate derivative or sum shit afterall. even if i stop i have no life to return to. been depressed and paraoid for years now. that doesnt go away for sum reason even after i stop using for months.
really and fucking truely fucked. my god damn car failed the mot as well so i feel smaller than a poppy seed right now.

lets see how long i can go on before i start begging for help from my GP. i alreafy know how thats gonna go though.

is it possible to be prescribed morphine or sumthing in the uk privately and how would you go about it?

wze3369 said...

9 outta 10 pre drought. monkey for cue ball. exhorbitantt but another life long said effect after 3 lines. got i hate goi9n points but least i can look man in eye(an birds) an say satisfaction guaranteed. all gone by morro an then its filters an back to the grind! doubt if this is anything but blip, here now gonbe by a.m

angie g said...

can't believe this is my 3rd week on just meth. not sleeping right good, so trouble is my diazes intake gone up to 16mg a day, was getting away with about 2 to 4mg a night when taking gear (scripted 16 mg a day, but managed to cut myself down) have never had to come off diazes and i've heard it's a nightmare, that's why i cut myself down.
i would be fooked without the meth, but this isn't the way i wanted to do things. because i hear that meth is worse to come off than gear, (been thinking of quitting gear for months now) i wanted to cut down on gear to lowest i could, (smoke instead of pinning it) then go on subbies. i f@!*king HATE this gear, wish it never existed. crock of shoite that's a waste of money. Sorry but just feeling sorry for myself i suppose, head is battered. great blog BTW

Anonymous said...

@ Doopsy
It's very rare for Hep C to burn out of your system!! I've heard of people being PCR negative (virus inactive) but that usually happens with 1st 6 months of catching it. Inteferon & Ribavarin are the only options at present and work in up to 90% of cases on genotypes 2 & 3. Genotype 1, however is a different story, this can also be cured but the percentage rate is as low as 50:50%. A new product called telepravir should be licenced by end of 2011 and this can up that rate to 70% when used alongside Inteferon and Ribavarin. The treatment is awful bit it is worth it in EVERY CASE as even if it doesn't work it will kill off most of the viral load. I urge anyone with Hep C to get treatment, I did
n't for over 20 years and regret it.

Doops - are you sure it's Hep C - the reason I ask is that the strain wasn't properly recognised until 1989 and no test developed until 1991 and you say you were diagnosed in 83. Treatment wasn't offered until 2001 ( my area anyhow).

Verification word: Latte - I want a dif brown tnx

angie g said...

sorry for the last rant, good to get things out your system i reckon. anyone who has gone through a rattle with no script in the last few days/weeks has my utmost respect.

because of this barsteward drought, i thought ah, now's my chance to come off this rubbish, go on subbies. but i don't think i could cope with this cold miserable weather! it's depressing at the best of times, but through any rattle, i'm too much of a pussy i guess! it's bad enough going from gear to meth, which is JUST holding me at the mo.
so stick to the green goop i must do, no other choice really, fook that conjeling in the pin rubbish that doesn't even work anyway, cos that's all that's about round me at the moment (near bradford). sure there will be small bits o good gear about, somewhere, but i'm fooked if i'm going looking for it wasting more money in the process, paying like £40 for a .2 (wtf? taking the piss or wot?)

at least i know by reading the posts on here, there are people in the same boat, so i know i aint alone. we can take comfort that there are blogs like this, and decent folk giving help/advice. must go & try get some sleep now.
my verify word is hyperr, ha ha, how appropriate?

Leftleg said...

Well,not so smug now am I,been postin sayin how I not had much of a problem scorin except for one weekend and been getting 6/10 regular and even 2 lots of 9/10 and I got home from work today,after a bastard of a day thinkin things were cool as my mate had been out and got me a .4 waiting.......it was shite,had 3/4 in one dig and followed wi rest 10 secs later and hardly got a tingle......def had gear in it,could smell it and i felt a lil better afterwards,now its ten past 2,iv had some extra green,gotta get up for work at 7 and sleep feels like its a long time away yet.....tot top it all off no dollar for tomorrow either!!! Love my life,nice to no im not only one tho,I think once all this bash has gone,week or so,tings be back to normal,theres decent out there,they will be sittin on it till the shites gone,then mixin it wi whats left of the shite then just right for xmas things will be cool!! I hope,i pray,i wish!!! Laters droughtees.

Verification word - reglas - (could do with some regulars to score off who have decent tackle)


Anonymous said...

people do stop using heroin you know, it is a choice, and its easy! but u have to want to! people are only mentally addicted to heroin, as there are things that can stop phyical WD. so its all about over-coming mental issues. its about 100% wanting to. not 99%

dont blame life and debts and shitty britain. life is shit yes it is. but heroin dosent make it better, maybe short term but 99% of the population get by without heroin, why u think ur so special

i hate it when people say I CANT GET OFF IT
fucking try harder. its as simple as not using! life-style change

i dont want to stop, heroin isnt a huge prob for me, only when there is a drought, but i ride it

on normal day if i have spare money i use. if not its meth, its a mental accpting ur situation, it really is as simple as that

its people feeling sorry for themselves , and i cant do it attiutude that makes u like u are, no one will give up for you. its got to come from you!

steven said...

reading though the posts last night i found that people are feeling sorry for people getting themselves knocked up and using heroin

why feel sorry for them? we all have problems and most are self inflicted

so buck up the moaning and sort it out. we all have our problems and because someones got a baby on the way, its feel sorry for them!

well sorry i dont

i feel for your child. who will be born a addict. and they didnt have a choice. you did and you! chose! for! your! kid! to! be! born! an! addict!

Anonymous said...

wot about the prick that got her pregnant,men have a lot to answer for in the responsibility stakes.get a life and leave things that are beyond your understanding alone you sanctimonius wanker.i suppose its basic psychology,you have found something that you are not(yet)guilty of so you can bully them .na na na na na, i am better than you!!!
I really don't want to get drawn into this ridiculous argument,this is about a heroin drought so back on topic;i haven't dared waste any more money on bash,can anyone enlighten me on the situation in west london? verify word is ovens ha ha ha as in bun in...?

Anonymous said...

Well, been waiting 2 days on some apparent 10/10 gear.

Last night it landed, so me and mate gave a tenner each to the girl who was gettin it for us, then went off to get 5 20s.

The 20s were literally 0.09-0.1g...and that's bein optimistic.
Put my 2 '20s' in the spoon at once, and, to put it in context, I would have been pissed off with the size of it had it been a pre-drought £10bag!!

So in total paid £50 (£10 to girl for sortin us), for about 0.17g .........

Having said that, I still have a highish tolerance, and take 60mls per day, sometimes 90mls. So my average hit size (pre-drought) is at least 0.3g.

This 0.18g i had in the spoon however, I cooked up, and shot, and honest to god it was some of the strongest gear I've ever had (in 5 yrs of addiction). This was literally either the best or second/3rd best ever had.

Even pre dought I rarely gouch, but this had me proper gouching within 15 seconds of hittin up.

Awesome gear, - basically just felt like gear that hadn't been stepped on at all yet. Even the best pre drought bags (0.2gs) would never make me gouch, I'd always need at least 0.3g worth.

So awesome gear, but my god those bastards are makin you pay for it.
honestly 10/10 gear, but £40 gets you ~0.17g of it.

So works out far too expensive for anyone eith any sort of habit, even if it's just methadone.
If other people come across such extortionate prices as £40 for 0.18g etc., don't buy it, don't buckle, even if it's 10/10, as it will just encourage them to raise the prices even higher, and start bashin the product more.

This was central Brighton. Pre-drought I've had gear that good (v.occasionally) but it cost me £10 for 0.2g, not £40 for 0.18g.
Fuck that, get a script and don't encourage these idiots.


Anonymous said...

Its my birthday today,and not any clean time NA birthday,im 27 today! And on my 7 th day clean,never had that much for 10 years (started early).
But i feel so much better,and have money in my pocket and bank to spend on anything i want,dont have to worry about scoring (feels great)!!!!!
Please like me use this oppertunity off a drought to get and stay clean. One day at a time peeps,but i dont think its going to get any better out there for a long time, so its the perfect opp for it.
You will only be buying shit and giving your money away as well as your sanity,pride,dignity and too a shit arse dealer, who wont care what kind off xmas you'll be having just as long as they have your money, so dont give em the chance,better they have a shity xmas than me or you!
One love. Cheers gledwood!

Anonymous said...

MASSIVE respect to you Gledwood, BUT i think you belong in the NUTHOUSE. sorry just telling you the truth, i hope this comment doesent hurt your feelings.

Anonymous said...

doopsy says...........

micky bee u lucky bastard id give a lot to have that kind of gouch.

i got hep in 83 and u rite - at thaat time it werent hep c - it was hep non a non b. i was even in hosp for 5 days for one flippin biopsy! AND they dint do it with ultrasound then!!!

but in early 90s they reckoned it was hep C - like i say i was gonna do interferon thru barts hosp - but at the very last min they woulnt do it cos i coulnt keep off the needle.

i spose it hurts us all diff but i swear on my eyesight the clinic did 2 blood tests a few years back an they sed the virus aint there no more. same with my partner at another hospital under a consultant for summink else - cos of his history they checked him out an he had got ridda it too.

i was only reeely sick with hep at the start - after that jus tired an listless. the more treatment and appointments i had the worse i felt so i knocked it all on the hed. its my hed is my problem - i aint sayin it is in all cases but i know me.

poppy seeds are here!!!! jus need to get home an decide wot to do.
fuck im soo jellos of mickybee in brighton i jus has to say that again!
keep safe my fellow drowteees - sid if u did ur herbs biggup man - stay off this site now....
hugs to all i chat with
word today is hylse
doopsy xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

to the poster who said 'its easy to come off gear' wot fecking planet are you on? how many rattles have you done in your life? none i bet. i bet you've never had to do any sort of rattle, never mind without meth, subbies, diazes etc, any sort of meds at all to help apart from a few DF's which didn't even touch the sides (i did this once and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, well, perhaps i would, but that's another story!)

things aren't all black and white, it's more complicated than that. and to say that people are only 'mentally addicted' is just retarded. coming off gear is the easy part compared to staying off it which is one of the hardest things to do. not all of us blame society/shitty britain/our upbringing etc etc. i don't blame anyone for my habit, totally my own choice.
so at the moment i'm just trying to get my head down and stick to my meth, taking each day as it comes.

and the other posts about not buying any gear from these bash selling tw@ts, i totally agree. my advice to anyone is stick to your scripts (whether it's meth, subbies wotever), if not on one then get on a script asap, go to your local drug clinic for help, tell them straight that you are having suicial thoughts wotever it takes.
don't give these f@*kers anymore of your money, i've wasted far too much money in the 16 yrs i been on this crap and enough is enough. these dealers can fucking starve for all i care, shove some of this bash crap down their throats/in their veins, see how they like it.

it's NOT easy, (as the above poster was stupid enough to comment), but it can be done. hardly anything in life is easy, and it's just stupid to think otherwise. i think i will get there in the end, somedays are worse than others, but we can all get there, try and change the way we think, i DON'T need this rubbish anymore.
take care out there and be careful, be safe and get help, don't suffer in silence.

gouching tiger said...

i havent read the most recent posts fully yet, but in case ppl are referring to me when talking about the guy who said it was "easy to come off gear" i just want say this quickly.

wot i believe i said is that the withdrawal symptoms when stopping methadone from a 25mls daily dose (taking methadone only while being off gear i.e. clean) initially in the 1st 48hrs in my experience the w/d symptoms are not as bad as when coming off heroin but still horrible nonetheless and i said ud have to stay in bed, again from personal experience. I have tried this a few times (from being on 25mls a day for 2+ years) but each time i was 'clean' from heroin. i was just making a comparison.
if smoking on top of methadone, then undoubtedly the w/d symptoms would be much worse.
i hope this explanation isnt too ambiguous.

if that comment didnt apply to me pls ignore this message.

Anonymous said...

any of you idiots going to say where to score or just winge

Leftleg said...

Things ok today,back to normal ish.Ok gear at normal price and got a lay on for foirst time since pre drought.Doopsy check ur e-mail,been tryin to find ya for a catch up but to no avail.

Verification - hersmori - slang for heroins moorish? lol


Anonymous said...

doopsy - don't be jealous!

I paid £50 for 1 hit!!!!

Yeah it was very good stuff, but £50???
When it comes to gear, the very nature of the drug means you need to have regular hits of it. Pre-drought I was on 3-4hits/day.....

If I only had 3 that'd work out as £140!(£20 score for the lass sortin me).
If anything, that good hit last night has just made me more pissed off, you know, a whiff, a taste of some good gear, and then gone, along with £50 from your pocket!

When oh When will the weight dealers start comin back on with decent prices and quality? It's only then a junkie can be a junkie and lead some sort of normal life, away from the street-scene bags-a-day hunt, playing bitch for your dealer.

Arrrrggghghghhh f**kin drought!

gouching tiger said...

oh ok, just realised that comment didnt apply to me - i was talking about methadone withdrawal

the guy who said its easy and that all is needed is a descision and desire has absolutely no idea what hes talking about

each person is different, some used longer and more heavily then others, many are IV users etc.

a huge part of it is mental but to me the hardest part is staying off it. i was clean for 10 months last year.

dealing with circumstances and picking up the pieces is the hardest. what if u dont have ur familys support or if ur on ur own or tucked up homeless under some bridge. ud be surprised how many homeless people had perfectly good and normal lives. many are educated too yet they lost everything. its a drastic change of circumstances to have to recover from and thats only the material part of it. u also have the psychological part and issues ppl may have even carried from b4 addiction. everything has a cause and effect.

heroin destroyed my life, took away everything i had, all my achievements, permanently shattered my confidence on top of social anxiety even prior to addiction.

if i was wealthy or had wealthy parents who can ensure i could return to a normal life it would be a thousand times easier.

people have lost their homes, have criminal records, have been disgraced and dishonored. its not all the same. every person is different. u cant make such sweeping statements.

also being forced to quit as everyone knows i.e. this drought or prison or forced rehab only makes it worse.

nobody listens to what i think should be done and how to go about it. im not allowed a voice or opinion about my own treatment on which my very existence is dependant upon.
u are treated as an object, a laboratory rat, being told that u r not ur self, that u have a disease, that u dont know what ur talking about or what is good for u, that ur opinions are worthless bcos u dont possess control over ur own mind, as if they think ur possessed and u need an exorcist.

i could go on for hours about my ideas but people want me to take the simplest, most straight forward route as if its EASY!!! rather then trying to overcome an obstacle or possibly even go around it they want you to go straight through a brick wall, head first.
keep trying harder, banging ur head against a brick wall. fucking genious they are. they havent a clue and like gledwood said they are just parroting what they've memorised from 1940s books.
Scientists believe that in order to be objected u mustnt be subjected to what the patient thinks bcos a patients opinion is naturally subjective but that doesnt mean u treat us like rats.

there was few experiments conducted to test whether psychiatrists can tell whose got which mental health condition/disorder and even though they could LISTEN TO and observe their 'SUBJECTS' to their hearts content, doing activities they designed and they still failed to correctly ID most if any of them.

sincere apologies for the lengthy post.

Anonymous said...

and yeah, to 'gouching tiger' - great name btw.........

I think it maybe a misunderstanding that's happened.

From what I gather, you were saying that if someone is on 25mls of meth daily, and has been for a long time, AND HASN'T BEEN USING HEROIN ON TOP, then going without the methadone for 48 hours can be relatively easy compared to going without heroin for 48 hours.

This is all due to the long-half life of methadone, and the short half-life of heroin.
Methadone stays in your system for more than 24 hours, and if taken daily, builds up, so that if you're taking a daily dose of say 25mls, by day 7 or 8, the actual amount of methadone in your system will have generally stabilised at roughly double your daily dose, i.e. 50mls in this case.

It doesn't continute to rise and rise and rise though. As it is only taken once daily, each dose, while lasting longer than 24 hours, won't last forever! Hence why after a week or so of taking a stable dose of methadone daily, the actual amount of methadone in your body is approximately double your daily dose.

Ask your drugs worker/keyworker, - though in my experience I've known a hell of alot more about heroin and addiction than they have. (Though in my years of treatment I have met a couple of great keyworkers- they're by no means all crap, just the majority, i'm guessing, don't want to be there, as it's not exactly a glamorous or satisfying job when 99% of your clients relapse, and half of them are scumbags!) - And yes I can say that as I'm junkie, and at least half the hundreds of junkies I've met have been scumbags - with the exception, like keyworkers, of some truly lovely, sensitive and intelligent people.

Feel I've gone a bit off topic -

Pickin up soonish off a guy who does tens, he says he's smoked some to test and it smelled proper had that proper smell we all know and love, so hopefully it won't solidify in the pin, and with a bit of luck might even be the same gear i scored last night - but at proper prices!

Still, expectin it to be shit and to congeal tho lol.
Peace an luv to all, good luck to ya durin these harsh times.

Anonymous said...

Update - scored the said gear, my good man did his usual sizes even tho he knew it was way better stuff, - he's a good fella, and a tooter himself - i knew I was in for good news when i met him and he was clearly a little fucked.

Interestingly, he was sellin the same gear as i bought about a week and a half ago off someone else, which started off good, then got gradually more and more stamped on till it wasn't worth the journey even.

This feels like that gear before it got stepped on, - I felt a £13-£15 hit, and i'd taken 90mls of meth today thinkin there was no hope of scorin (and i take at least 60mls/day everyday). So the fact I got a decent rush off it says alot.

Plus it smelt like gear, and cooked up clean with no congealin, apparently ran on the foil well too.

Nothing like the strength of the 0.17g-0.18g I paid £50 for last night, but still very decent quality given our current situation.
And sizes weren't 'drought' sizes or any of that bullshit, they were genuine 0.2g's. Quality pre-drought I'd say 6-7/10, i.e. a big hit would get you gouchin, but a small one would easily get you out of trouble - standard gear, does the job, and given this is the worst drought in history, that's pretty fuckin good. Gonna stock up as much as i can afford/he's got in morn.

Take care out there - I haven't needed to worry cause my tolerance has stayed pretty much the same due to meth use of 60-120mls/day, but if you're not scripted, or scripted low, doin a hit like i did last night, (which was literally only the size of a small ten bag), would almost certainly cause an OD.
This happen with every drought - people who aren't scripted on high doses of methadone have their tolerance massively reduced, start doin big hits just to feel something, then finally something actually decent comes through, and they OD.

And the hit I took the other night wasn't a big one, 0.18g MAX -i.e. a small ten bag. If i hadn't been takin 60+mls of methadone/day for some time beforehand, I'd either be in hospital or dead now. So take it easy - this drought ain't over, but there are great batches gettin thru in small quantities - and if your tolerance is low and you get hold of one, you'll just be fucked unless someone's got some nalaxone right next to them and is keepin an eye on you - and what are the chances of that??????

So as I say, the drought's by no means over, but for those who've been ill durin this drought, your tolerance WILL be lower, so please go easy, push a little in, wait for it to hit you, before you push it all in.

This drought's been hard enough on all of us for it to go killin scores of people when it ends - (as droughts always do).

Look after yourself and your mates!


p.s. Nalaxone is available free (some places give you a £10 voucher for doin the 15minute course on how to use it!), and it's available from methadone dispensaries (not pharmacies) and some needle exchanges - if you ask at your meth clinic or needle exchange, they'll point you in the right direction, and it has already saved thousands of lives worldwide.

You dont even need to be an injector to use it - you just draw it up out of the amp they give you, and stick it into some muscle, shoulder, thigh etc. - it will bring them round for long enough for the ambulance to arrive - the difference between life and death, or life as a vegetable.

Again, take care out there. Cause droughts mean alot of people are forced to reeduce their habit/tolerance, in many cases to zero - then the drought ends as quaickly as it started, and all these people OD........

Stay safe brothers and sisters - we good junkies are a family, look out for each other.


Anonymous said...

Update - scored the said gear, my good man did his usual sizes even tho he knew it was way better stuff, - he's a good fella, and a tooter himself - i knew I was in for good news when i met him and he was clearly a little fucked.
Interestingly, he was sellin the same gear as i bought about a week and a half ago off someone else, which started off good, then got gradually more and more stamped on till it wasn't worth the journey even.

This feels like that gear before it got stepped on, - I felt a £13-£15 hit, and i'd taken 90mls of meth today thinkin there was no hope of scorin (and i take at least 60mls/day everyday). So the fact I got a decent rush off it says alot.
Plus it smelt like gear, and cooked up clean with no congealin, apparently ran on the foil well too.

Nothing like the strength of the 0.17g-0.18g I paid £50 for last night, but still very decent quality given our current situation.
And sizes weren't 'drought' sizes or any of that bullshit, they were genuine 0.2g's. Quality pre-drought I'd say 6-7/10, i.e. a big hit would get you gouchin, but a small one would easily get you out of trouble - standard gear, does the job, and given this is the worst drought in history, that's pretty fuckin good. Gonna stock up as much as i can afford/he's got in morn.

I haven't needed to worry cause my tolerance has stayed pretty much the same due to meth use of 60-120mls/day, but if you're not scripted, or scripted low, doin a hit like i did last night, (which was literally only the size of a small ten bag), would almost certainly cause an OD.
This happens with every drought - people who aren't scripted on high doses of methadone have their tolerance massively reduced, start doin big hits just to feel something, then finally something actually decent comes through, and they OD.
And the hit I took the other night wasn't a big one, 0.18g MAX -i.e. a small ten bag. If i hadn't been takin 60+mls of methadone/day for some time beforehand, I'd either be in hospital or dead now. So take it easy - this drought ain't over, but there are great batches gettin thru in small quantities - and if your tolerance is low and you get hold of one, you'll just be fucked -DEAD fucked- unless someone's got some nalaxone right next to them and is keepin an eye on you - and what are the chances of that???

So as I say, the drought's by no means over, but for those who've been ill durin this drought, your tolerance WILL be alot lower, so please go easy, push a little in, wait for it to hit you, before you push it all in. Or better yet, smoke it - if you've been feelin rough then you'll actually be able to get a nod from smokin again! and subsequently save all the money, veins and hassle that go with long-term IV'n!

This drought's been hard enough on all of us for it to go killin scores of people when it ends - (as droughts always do).
Look after yourself and your mates!
p.s. Nalaxone is available free (some places give you a £10 voucher for doin the 15minute course on how to use it!), and it's available from methadone dispensaries (not pharmacies) and some needle exchanges - if you ask at your meth clinic or needle exchange, they'll point you in the right direction, and it has already saved thousands of lives worldwide.
You dont even need to be an injector to use it - you just draw it up out of the amp they give you, and stick it into some muscle, shoulder, thigh etc. - it will bring them round for long enough for the ambulance to arrive - the difference between life and death, or life as a vegetable.

Again, take care out there. Cause droughts mean alot of people are forced to reduce their habit/tolerance, in many cases to zero - then the drought ends as quickly as it started, and all these people OD........
Stay safe brothers and sisters - we good junkies are a family, look out for each other.

Anonymous said...

i'm in worthing-brighton area. can any1 tell me if anything decent around. pls

Leftleg said...

Nuff respect goin out to Mickey B,cheers for the updates mate,sounds like were both in a similar situation,things gettin back to normal,reasonably decent about at right price and some shit hot about at stupid prices. Everyone who is going/been through this drought should read his last post again and take heed,I get my 60ml a day of Kryptonite and use half a t to a t on top so am normally quite tolerant of large amounts but because of the drought all our habits have lessened and along with that our tolerances.Mickey is right,be careful,take it a bit at a time to start with and hopefully there wont be spates of deaths up n down the country. Good to know there are some decent like minded folk out there who work to cover their habit and look out for one another.Were not all that bad,just get labelled with the majority,it doesnt have to be a lifestyle choice,normal life can go on with a habit,sometimes a struggle but it can be done.Right now I've sounded like a sanctimonious prick and told you everything you know already Im gonna say ta ra. Gled,Doopsy says 'hi' and wanted to know if u were ok?? You been a bit quiet since ur little episode??? Hope ur well!!

Verification Word - spers- (whiSPERS that the droughts nearly over?)


Anonymous said...

Preggas anon
I know I'm gonna sound like a right dumbo but can someone explain this thing about meth and it's half life??I really don't understand it & does anyone know a good info site pls as I wanna b sure of few things.
As for comments someone left about it being easy to get off gear,they really r talking bullshit.if it was wud we all still b using after our money,pride,self respect,& health has gone.do u think anyone who is a long term user actually likes taking gear any more or does it for fun??also I read some crap about exercise being good for w/d,god who writes this crap!wen I'm sick I can't even run a bath let alone go fir a brisk jog!!too much stuff is writan by non users,do gooders or 'professionals' who read a lot of books(writan by non users,do gooders etc).
I'm on a mission right now to kick this green but gotta go slow,I'm being held back by my own ignorance on the substance & fear coz I don't understand it.
Oh yeah does anyone think it's possible to go from 25ml,2ml a wk untill I get to 10 ml or is 2 ml weekly too fast??experience & info really needed pls.
Oh & it's right wat someone said on here,fuck off the gear get on the script & don't let greedy barstads out there take advantage of u.

Anonymous said...

Preggas anon
oh yeah gleds u know I still really wanna chat via yr email .is there any way u can sort it out ??oh maybe reset it so my mail does go through.
Also monk pls get in touch and orbit as it wud b good to email u both also,just feel I need some women to chat things over with as some days r worse than others.
I know there is someone always worse off though ,i just really feel for homeless addicts god they must feel like shot stuck out in this cold weather.

Anonymous said...

Preggas anon
oh yeah another dumbo type question lol,can someone explain why everyone in general tends to say meth w/d so much worse than gear??is it coz it takes lot longer??I know I sound really thick but true is all other times iv w/d with by cutting right down on gear to 1 Joey lasting like 4 days smoking few lines at a time to take edge off then switched to fuck loads of df's which personally worked for me.I also found subbies quite good coz totally got rid of cravings.meth is really the only option for me at present & I'm finding it hard.really tough actually coz I'm trying to cut down but every time I do the craving comes back so I'm guessing there is a certain level that wen u drop from mentally it stops working????i really sound like a twat who k owe nothing I know that but i know others on here know a lot and I tend to listen to people wiv experience,i just can't hack the drug clinic staff etc,it's far too black n White with them.

lou from bucks said...

`hi mickeybee, where in the country r u, im in bucks area high wycombeish, r u anywhere near there i could really do with a gd smoke im getting well and truley sick of this now lol. lou bucks

verification word nessla

Gledwood said...

Pregs is that you? OK I'm gonna try and send something now.

Nuthouse: yeah

Gouching Tiger I thought that was meant to be one of Valerie the Smack Queen of Australia's China White Brands for a sec "Gouching Tiger, Hidden Draggon"... Gouching Tiger Chase the Dragon... I dunno. Tigerdragon Brand there we have it.

Everyone thinks I'm on crack now. Blah blah blah blah blah fucking blah. How the fuck do I know what anybody wants.

Kung Fu: I really know what you're talking about. On heroin ~ depressed. On methadone without heroin ~ suicidally depressed. Been there, for ages. Drug mental health staff talk about "self medicating" but do nothing.

Try and get those morphine pills. I can vouch for myself, a bottle of Oromorph syrup morphine, taken a bit at a time (not giving mgs, to any person with a new habit listening DON'T LISTEN TO OLD JUNKIES' ADVICE about how terrible detoxing is, how sky high a dose of this or that needs to be. Recipe for mystery/overdose. The quicker you come off, the easier it is. And you probably won't do anything like 5 days' clucking on a tiny habit. Might be 2 days. Might be Ok enough not to bother counting days. Just a bit cold.

Well that was an irrelevancy turn what put me on that?

Kung Fu: see a psych dr/psych nurse/dual diagnosis person/any professional who will LISTEN and make sure you get treated PROFESSIONALLY because how on earth even near suicidally depressed can be good and healthy when it's that or heroin SURELY there's some other choice.

I mentioned one: morphine and it works for me. Felt way better.

Gotta go before before :: thanks for all the comments people

lucky said...

I got wheels and am in London - anyone got on to anything good??

methadone will hold you for 2 days easy if you have been on it longer than 10 days or so - but if you stop dead even off 5mgs you are in for months of pain.

smack being sent down from 'lpool not bad slight cut but got x3 good nods from x4 20 bags.

good idea about spreading the knowledgr of naloxone - should be given to all addicts who have a KW or at pharmacys etc - i ve seen 2 people die in front of me and the worst part is the impotence you feel - a quick shot of N and people will live,

oh and Gled why do you have such a lengthy procedure to post? is it spam?

Anonymous said...

hmmm... :'(
8 weeks without gear in Crawley (proper gear).
I can get stuff that looks like gear, runs like gear, but doesn't smell like gear. The best way i can tell if there is real gear in something or not is by how many mint sweets i eat while smoking. Strong gear = lots of mints. I had a £40 bag and didnt need to eat any mints, so i dont think there was any gear in it at all. It did hold me a little tho, god knows what it is. Physically i feel ok, but mentally not good at all, life seems so stressful without gear, plus i'm having a tooth pulled out today - with no gear to help me threw it, i'm not looking forward to that !!

MAR MAR said...

Hi All,

Sorry been off this site for a few days now.......gear is back....or at least in London......Prices are still high but can't complain....
Doopsy...how are you? Sorry about the other day..really felt crap when got home with it.....all is back to normal and feel free to get in touch....
Hope situation is getting better wherever you are and you can taste the nice thing again....

All best guyssssss

Mar Mar

KiddyMick said...

Well, as I said on the stopthedrugwar.com forum. The gear yesterday even tasted like pre-drought and on the first 2 lines I thought I was on to a winner, However, as I got near to the end and was recycling my totting guns! I realised I was missing something!! Ahh yes!! Theres no gouge!! Oh fuck..optimism and low tolerance, a junkies worse nightmare!! So, I whipped another £ten together, and tried the same dealer. I was convinced there must be gear in it!! I bought one and held off from taking my meth for 24hrs - to see if that would give me the Nod..but again..No sign of a nod! - I think it will be at least after xmas before we begin to see real improvements - so f**k it, im sticking to my methadone until after the new year! Keep safe all and good luck..Thnx Gledwood for such a great forum! highlystrung1 :))

DryAsaBone said...

Well the drought is still raging in Birmingham. Not a sausage unless u wanna pay silly money for rubbish. When's it gonna filter thru here?!

Anonymous said...

"but if you stop dead even off 5mgs you are in for months of pain."

FUCK! is there any hope? the above statement is worrying. i shud stop, i want to stop but if 5mgs meth even does anything i've no hope. say you et down to five for a week - shud you decrease by 1 every cupla days, then stop?
this is so depressing.

tomo said...

hi ,
after not scoring for a couple of weeks due to the usual shite i decided to leave it (scripted luckily),however tonight i have spoken to usual guy and he has just picked up what he says to be quality (yet to be seen by me),however he and friend did a now essential try before buy, so hopefully i will be collecting some nice stuff shortly, hope so or thats another days work for nowt,will report back with results, hope everyone is coping ,great blog gleds, been a godsend.

Anonymous said...

ok,once you are down to 5 ml of meth you can swap over to subutex,or even before you get to 5ml but its easier if you get as low as you can.Then you wean yourself off the subbies,so much easier.

Sid said...

When I did a meth reduction detox i came down from 120mls a day to 5mls over a couple of years.. like 1ml a week or something, stop if u feel too ill. go up 1ml if u ned to, dont beat yourself up!
I was so scared when i stopped it was gonna hit me, i eventualy decided to swap to subutex for the last bit.. went from 5mls green to 8mg sub, then reduced to 0.5 i think, 1/8 of a 2mg tab.. I was shitting myself i was gonna go into wd when i stopped but can honestly say i was fine..!
What did hit me hard was depression and insomnia though, i was near suicidal for about 6 momnths and went on venlaflaxine.. (supposedly one of the best for opiate wd depression) and it def helped..

It is possible, but you sure need a lot of willpower to do it!

Dont give up Jodie.. email me if u need to chat

Big shoult out to Gleds/Doopsy/Jodie/Mar Mar/Lefty etc

just about to take my last ibogaine booster.. 3 days clean! Slight PAWS but nothing unbearable!

Anonymous said...

when are you going to start talking drugs instead of rubbish.worst blog on net without doubt

angie g said...

just been told by my main man that there is nowt but bash crap about still up here in bradford. very depressing. i'm sticking to me 35ml a day meth, but finding it hard to like everyone else is.
i was hoping it would pick up a little bit by xmas, so all i wanted was just a few bags, just to tide me over the christmas week to make it a bit more bearable (a christmas without gear is just too bizarre and depressing to think of for me). then back to the meth after xmas. but doesn't look like i'll get a decent brown xmas after all.
looks like there are bits and bats coming in in some places and the lucky ones getting decent bits, and i suppose there will be some decent stuff about up here, in small bits maybe, somewhere? but it's who you know and where to find it that's wot i can't be bothered with chasing around all day to find out. plus i can't afford stupid prices and low weights, wondering if it's good stuff or bashed carp or somewhere in between. f@*k that, greedy bastard dealers. you might as well flush your money down the bog, giving it to these bash selling tw@ts.

anyway, just got a small tester off me man, he didn't lie, said it wan't brill but does the job. not got a lot of confidence in it. at least it was free and din't cost owt.
was feeling strong before about staying off this rubbish, but being told that there's still so much shit about, and doesn't look like i can have just a small toot at xmas at least has put me on a mega downer.
anyway, sorry for carping on. everyone take care and be safe, be careful if you get some decent and your tolerance is low, just like mickey b says, we've all got this far, dont want people dropping like flies (excellent post btw)
and like preggas anon, i wouldn't mind finding out a bit more about meth and if it really is harder to come off than gear like so many people have told me. maybe cos you rattle for longer cos it stays in your system twice as long as gear? ive done so many rattles coming off gear i've lost count, so i know what it's like. but never done a meth rattle, so stepping into unknown territory there and can't imagine it being worse! but i suppose if you get down to as small meth as you can, then do the subbies, maybe not too bad? will have to look into that more. anyway, take care everyone, laters

Anonymous said...

Hi all, things starting to get back to normal since last Tuesday (N London)£10 a point though, normal pre drought 7/10 gear. Its here so it must reach you all soon I hope. Big up Gledwood #1. Stay safe. Mo

angie g said...

ps, haven't done me tester yet, am saving it for bedtime as it's only a small bit anyway.

maybe it's better to stick to script and not take the risk running about trying to get gear that might not work that makes you more depressed. if that makes any sense, sorry but am wired and tired. probably not tired enough to sleep though, if u know wot i mean
see ya laters

above poster - if we aren't talking about drugs on here, what are we talking about?? one of the most retarded comment ive seen on here

verify word is jahetop, jahetop me up wi' gear? ha ha

angie g said...

lol @ the above comment made me fukin laff, price of fukin fish lol!

these verify words are getting seriously fuked up - 'reard' just stick a 't' in that one please mwah mwah

Anonymous said...

great blog. keep up the great work guys its hard out there, your all worth it take good care Peace. sam E17 london

lou from bucks said...

omg i cant belive i still havent had a good boot this is week 6 i cant take this shit anymore,

omg verification word slydrucc

KiddyMick said...

back on up here..telford ..brum..worcseter..nodland..nyte all..hope u get too

Anonymous said...

Not so good in E12. nothing OF PRE-DROUGHT QUALITY about.

RobIslington said...

OMG!!!! At fuckin last.....Thing's are finally improving here in N.London, thank god. Have at least four numbers back on, £35 = 1g (7/10), another £10 joeys (8/10) for 0.2 and just tried one of my regular numbers and couldn't believe the gear...! 10 outa 10!!!!!!:)best gear i've had in months, both in the pin and on the foil, no cut just gear! Also another one of my regulars is back on doin' weights - gonna sample that one tomorrow. Seems im gonna have a Brown Xmas after all :) Hope things improve for all my fellow droughtees very soon, seems that this isnt just in N.L but throughout London. I will post constant updates, hopefully all positive!!!

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Heroin Shortage: News

If you are looking for the British Heroin Drought post, click here; the latest word is in the comments.

Christiane F

"Wir, Kinder vom Bahnhoff Zoo" by "Christiane F", memoir of a teenage heroin addict and prostitute, was a massive bestseller in Europe and is now a set text in German schools. Bahnhoff Zoo was, until recently, Berlin's central railway station. A kind of equivalent (in more ways than one) to London's King's Cross... Of course my local library doesn't have it. So I'm going to have to order it through a bookshop and plough through the text in German. I asked my druggieworker Maple Syrup, who is Italiana how she learned English and she said reading books is the best way. CHRISTIANE F: TRAILER You can watch the entire 120-min movie in 12 parts at my Random blog. Every section EXCEPT part one is subtitled in English (sorry: but if you skip past you still get the gist) ~ to watch it all click HERE.

To See Gledwood's Entire Blog...

DID you find my blog via a Google or other search? Are you stuck on a post dated some time ago? Do you want to read Gledwood Volume 2 right from "the top" ~ ie from today?
If so click here and you'll get to the most recent post immediately!

Drugs Videos

Most of these come from my Random blog, which is an electronic scrapbook of stuff I thought I might like to view at some time or other. For those who want to view stuff on drugs I've collected the very best links here. Unless otherwise stated these are full-length features, usually an hour or more.

If you have a slow connexion and are unused to viewing multiscreen films on Youtube here's what to do: click the first one and play on mute, stopping and starting as it does. Then, when it's done, click on Repeat Play and you get the full entertainment without interruption. While you watch screen one, do the same to screens 2, 3 and so on. So as each bit finishes, the next part's ready and waiting.

Mexican Black Tar Heroin: "Dark End"

Khun Sa, whose name meant Prince Prosperous, had been, before his death in the mid 2000s, the world's biggest dealer in China White Heroin: "Lord of the Golden Triangle"

In-depth portrait of the Afghan heroin trade at its very height. Includes heroin-lab bust. "Afghanistan's Fateful Harvest"

Classic miniseries whose title became a catchphrase for the misery of life in East Asian prison. Nicole Kidman plays a privileged middle-class girl set up to mule heroin through Thai customs with the inevitable consequences. This is so long it had to be posted in two parts. "Bangkok Hilton 1" (first 2 hours or so); "Bangkok Hilton 2" (last couple of hours).

Short film: from tapwater-clear H4 in the USA to murky black Afghan brown in Norway: "Heroin Addicts Speak"

Before his untimely death this guy kept a video diary. Here's the hour-long highlights as broadcast on BBC TV: "Ben: Diary of a Heroin Addict". Thanks to Noah for the original link.

Some of the most entertaining scenes from Britain's top soap (as much for the poor research as anything else). Not even Phil Mitchell would go from nought to multi-hundred pound binges this fast: "Phil Mitchell on Crack" (just over 5 minutes).

Scientist lady shows us how to cook up gear: "How Much Citric?" Lucky cow: her brown is 70% purity! Oddly we never see her actually do her hit... maybe she got camera shy...

And lastly:

German documentary following a life from teenage addiction to untimely death before the age of 30. The decline in this girl's appearance is truly shocking. "Süchtig: Protokoll einer Hilflosigkeit". Sorry no subtitles; this is here for anyone learning German who's after practice material a little more gripping than Lindenstraße!

Nosey Quiz! Have you ever heard voices when you weren't high on drugs?

Manic Magic

Manic Magic

Gledwood Volume 2: A Heroin Addict's Blog

Copyright 2011 by Gledwood