RE MY VISION IN THAT CARRIER BAG, someone pointed out that it could be a message of encouragement (so typical of me to see things in a negative light ...) maybe I misinterpreted the kindly smile as a smirk ... I don't know ... well I wasn't expecting to see a face looking back at me there, was I~??
Re Pete Doherty: I know I promised to write something about him today, didn't I? Well what's to write? Basically, since that dream of being with Pete in rehab and those wasps the size of budgies buzzing back and forth into the wall, I've seen Pete Doherty as a kindly soul. In the dream he was friendly and not an idiot at all. In this country he is seen as an idiot. Not only does he have an idiotic face, but he keeps getting caught repeatedly with drugs ... how on earth does he manage that? His face it too recognizable and they know he's going to be carrying, I expect ... Anyway, now, having read his poor, bedraggled, heartfelt plea in the Daily Mirror, and having seen how articulate he actually seems to be I take pity on the poor guy. I hope he does manage to get clean someday. Currently he's fitted with an antiheroin implant (naltrexone). But you can only get these from expensive private clinics at present ...
Well I've made a big dent in that £20 note (didn't give it to the dealer though! Wahey!!) ... If only I'd had £24 I saw something I really wanted. It's a DAB digital radio from Argos. (Click here to see it.) At £24 that's by far the cheapest I've ever seen such devices for sale ...
I have aquaria on the blinkin' brain. Dunno why as I've not a hope of setting one up where I currently live ... That's a massive reason why I want to get my life together and move out ...
OK here's two more "clips of the day":
Black and White. I'm not saying any more. Just click it. It's so cute ...
Wayward Son's cute little doggie Moxie
DAB radio is a locally broadcast digital radio (it doesn't use satellites). If you're interested in getting satellite radio in Europe, it is available from the Hotbird satellite. You can get BBC World Service etc ... Click here for more info. ("Satellite radio" btw means you can listen anywhere. The sets are portable, but the signals come from above. (Signals are powerful enough that a dish isn't needed.) It is not like radio via SKY TV, which (of course) comes through the TV set ...)
The good, the bad, and the stupid
The ward is in lockdown until Monday when the situation will be
re-assessed. No visitors. Big sigh.
As if that wasn't bad enough, this afternoon Wales ta...
14 minutes ago
Hi Gledwood, puss was purring and is fine and well thanks and yes the owl is for real - the cute thing about the one I heard it's call sounds like it's saying "More Pork" and they have the nickname of the Mopoke *!*
Just seen your two clips - laughed at the first you can hear them eating
and the two dogs .... Heidi is wise looking and little Moxie looks cheeky.
Good work with the 20 pound *!*
Dude, you post so much that I can't possibly keep up. Are you on drugs or something? (j/k)
Anyway, just wanted to say hi. :)
Loved the bunny clip! By the way, ever see ??
I used to subscribe to sattelite radio back home, but since I'm in Europe half the time I only get to use it the other half. As it was getting more expensive, I opted to cancel it. How much does it cost over here?
BTW, I found this link to the the profile / blog of another young hammie lover ...
So happy that you didn't use that twenty to score. :)Good on you!
Loved the bunnies.
I'm so glad the dealer didn't get your money!
I haven't heard from you in awhile...:(
Thanks, Gleds, for the radio info. I will read it again tomorrow. Re Pete Doherty, I haven't read the DM coverage but whatI hate most about him is having a skinny gorlfriend!
Hope you have a good weekend.
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