EVERYONE ELSE (in this country) goes back to work... what do I do? Conk out from sheer exhaustion all day... letting hours tick past... and more hours.... and hours more... and eventually it is dark... And now at about ten minutes to ten I tear myself up to tell you how I did nothing...!
BY THE WAY... talking of music that scares Roborovskis; I've found a tune that really does: it's Dream a Little Dream of Me as performed by Nat King Cole on CD... something about the loud whiny clonking noise they incorporated into the track has them racing to hide in bed... I'm not sure quite why...
Well I'd better go. An appropriate non-ending to a non-day...
i: Pete Doherty & Co... Hang on what do they perform?? So forgettable...
Oh yeah: Dream a Little Dream of Me ... what am I saying??!
ii: Nat King Cole - Autumn Leaves
iii: Amy Winehouse & Charlotte Church perform Michael Jackson's Beat It. This was an hilarious rendition... I've no idea why Amy Winehouse's performance is so bizarre... whether she was trying to upstage Charlotte Church or whether she was just drunk... who knows... but this is a classic moment from the Charlotte Church TV Show....
Wednesday's traxx:
Bryan Adams + Mystery Guest II Finally Found Someone
Human Tetris from Japan
7 Roborovskis
Tiny Baby Roborovskis
The good, the bad, and the stupid
The ward is in lockdown until Monday when the situation will be
re-assessed. No visitors. Big sigh.
As if that wasn't bad enough, this afternoon Wales ta...
11 minutes ago
That Amy Winehouse clip is classic. In casting those nervous glances at Amy, Charlotte Church finally manages to do something funny, which (I think I recall) she usually failed to do on that show.
I find Amy Winehouse the most overrated singer at the moment. Sure, she has a unique sound, but all her songs sound exactly the same.
If I want classic girl angst, give me Liz Phair (Exile to Guyville) any day. Plus she's cuter!
I'll be glad when this one trick pony is put out to pasture.
Cheeze: Yeah Charlotte Church is doing a "What the ****? We didn't do THIS in rehersal kind of look... And finally gets showed up for the straightlaced "ooo I'm 21 with my own TV show and think it's so clever to swear" eejut she actually is. Did you know someone has written a book for her about her nondescript time and nondescript relationship with that nondescript rugby person she's having a baby with..??...
Evil: HOW can you say that about Amy Declinehouse, heroin and crack mistress extraordinaire and darling of the British tabloids?!? I think her songs are quite witty... and of far higher quality than stuff of girly "witch with a period" Alanis Morisette ilk
Methinx you just like to say NO to rehab. (So do I)
Quite an expansive blog site here. I'll be up for days bouncing around your brain spew. Could get messy.
JD: It's messy already~!!
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