YES... A FURRY WEEKEND. My hammies have been lying in bed, like little birdies in a nest together (three little gremlin faces peer up at me whenever I speak to them). Itchy has kept her pouches continuously packed with the new hamster food I put out on Thursday, so she wanders around looking like a furry cobra head, which is faintly ridiculous. Specially for Lime, the illustration is a pair of European harvest mice (apparently American ones are bigger and different), these being called micromys minutus (doncha just luurve that Latin~?!?) They live up corn stalks where they make weaver-bird-style nests for their chirrupping furry babbies (which are born blind and naked, like mini baked beans with paws...).
Now on to drugs, but in a more "clean" way... as I mentioned (and I'm sure this is the cause, though I'd imagine the addicts in London would get through that much in not much more than a week...) I believe the current glitch in the heroin market, which seems to be threatening to become a drought, is down to a 150kg seizure made in Forest Gate early last December... Low quality gear is reportedly everywhere (when I have used I've managed to avoid it, mainly by going to one person who's still got a nice lot)... a vast number of the dealers are switched off because, unable to pick up anything worthwhile they'd rather simply stop trading. As I told myself if or rather when this happened again I would give up rather than stress about what I buy/when/how much/from who/what/why/whatever. Life has better things to offer than worrying about heroin, which I'm so fed up of anyhow... so I'm seizing my chance...
PS I can smell the gear off that photo... but why on earth someone's seemingly tried to smoke it off the spoon I've no idea...
PPS I WAS JUST considering this: how can it be a "success" when drugs are taken off the streets only for their price to rise ~ resulting in more crime ~ and drug-dealing criminals to add dangerous adulterants that could kill the drug-using criminals... what a crazy world...
PPS Read how mad these droughts get from this from earlier this year when we did have a drought...
PPPS FROM THE SIDEBAR: HERE's Pablo the "drugs dog"... made for "Talk To Frank" ~ the UK National Drugs Helpline, this is the tv commercial "There's a Darker Side to Coke"...
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In the car on my way to meet Vivien at Verdi's for brunch (hazelnut sundae
as usual since you ask) I switched on the radio just as the morning service
15 hours ago
Success has different forms. You, for instance, are doubly motivated to get clean. You want to for yourself, but also because the supply isn't stable or dependable anyway. You might not be the only one.
I just find it strange that the cops have such a hard time shutting things down when for instance, I, knowing nothing about drugs, could probably score whatever I wanted in about half an hour through people who know people. I wouldn't think it would take long to find out who is supplying them and on back, if i were motivated in that direction. I somehow think that the war against drugs is a lot of talk and little action - maybe action only if someone doesn't get paid off. I'm a little cynical.
I sometimes don't think the police WANT to shut it down
yeah i'm using the drought as a kind of excuse-on-top thang...
I agree, one of the main problems with prohobition is more people die because with prohibintion, there's no quality monitoring.
If it means you stop using, long may the drought continue! :)
those are some awfully cute little corn critters there. thanks.
Crushed: Aye!
Akelamalu: Aye-aye!
Lime: Aye-aye-aye!!
You asked about the elevated tent sites on the photo on my blog. It indeed increases the comfort of camping especially when it rains. Tent floods in the middle of the night are not fun. Plus the Park Service wants to control where people set-up tents so as to avoid crushing all of the landscape in the camping area. Of course not all camp sites in Rocky are so posh.
Looks like you're ready to scale the addiction mountain again. I guess first camp is reached when you are 'done' only. May you have good climbing weather. The pikas are waiting for your arrival.
I hated it too, until I stopped doing dope for a week or two. Then any kindof high was sounding very very good.
So, when I'm not doing h, i make due with pot, or whatever else less addictive drug i can find to control the craving.
Hmmm, getting clean is coming closer, Gleds. Good luck with it all.
Cute little furries on the wheat stalk.
Thinking about you! It's interesting that you mentioned you could smell the daughter use to say the same thing...she could smell it if she thought about it. The brain is definitely strange.
Your PPS- Its called "Success" by the police because they confiscate vehicles, cash, and property...yeah crazy world.
Those are the cutest hamsters. It's funny what you said about American hamsters being bigger. I say that because I used to live in Scotland and England and it was so funny when I realized how people thought everything was bigger in America. LOL Unfortunately it's true most of the time. Bigger isn't better.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Hi Gleds, love that mental image of mini baked beans with paws ... too cute. Smiles*!*
Molson: ~~only in America would they have luxury mattresses pinned to the woodland floor..!
I hope there are pikas on descent from Mount Addiction ~ haha!!
Cody: I wish I could find something else that fitted. I tried it with drink and just ended up turning into an alcoholic!!!
Puss-in-Boots: aren't they tiny....
MDA: I was going to hammer on about the "smell" saying it's why I don't want to switch back to smoking it, which is how I started. Smoking takes ages (reinforcing the addiction) and has strong taste/smell associations ~ further reinforcing the addiction!! That's my "excuse"...
As for success... did you know Khun Sa offered to sell an entire year's opium production of 3000 tonnes to the American DEA ~ ie "best of both worlds" ~ he'd get his money for the Shan people, heroin would stay off the streets. But no the DEA would not do it. It would involve rejiggling far too many budgets... (but they can afford to save toppling banks with multiple $$$billions$$$...
Chunks of Reality: harvest mice but yes probably true!!
Bimbimbie: I once saw newborn baby mice who looked just like that...
Howdy G.
The bust you mentioned would have absolutely no effect what-so-ever. The estimated volume seized in drug busts is less than 10% of the total shipped. A heroin drought is because of bigger issues like a change of direction for drug lords or a war.
One of the strategies of drug control is to reduce supply and therefore increase prices. The idea is that it will turn people to treatment because they can't afford their drugs. It actually works but like all price driven strategies it ignores those who don't stop. What they forget is the supply and demand equation. Demand is fairly static so supply will always eventually meet the demand. If prices are too high in the interim, crime rises ... simple.
Love the hammies BTW.
What part of London are from. You see, my mum is a traveling nurse, and we had planned on going to the UK, in Sept. when her contract is up here in Hawaii.
She looked into going to London, and found that she needs to get her BA before she can practice as a nurse in the UK. So instead of the UK, we will be moving to New York City, in the states.
While in New York my mum plans on getting her BA, so we can move to the UK.
I really want to move to the UK. Anywhere in the UK is fine. In my mind Everyone from the UK is smarter, and listen to better music than us stupid Americans. I'm sure, or postive when I get their I will be disapointed. I've built up your country so much in my head, that I can only be let down. Humans are human no matter where they live. Still in my heart of hearts, I KNOW that my soul mate is from somewhere in England, perhaps Scotland, really he or she is from somewhere in the UK. I need to get there and find him or her.
Plus the Brits have a much better vocabulary than us Americans.
This comment has nothing to do with the blog you've posted.
How did you know about this bust in Forest whatever? Was it in the BBC news, or did you find out thru your dealer(s)?
So you want to get clean. I of cource hope you do. I hope that when you get there you are happy, and satisfied with life...your life.
I should have just emailed you, but I don't have your email address, and well I'm too stupid and lazy to figure out how to use that icon on the bottom of every blog post that seems to be where I need to click to send you an email.
Anyway, I think your well writen, and most likely well spoken. You seem to be witty also. I like you. Sincerly like you.
Sorry for my spelling errors.
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