I HATE SUNDAYS. Hate them so much I thankfully managed to sleep through most of this one. What is wrong with me when sleep comes only in patches at night, yet I can doze successfully through the entire daylit part of the day?
There isn't very much to say about anything. I have been living on pasta and black coffee with the odd lot of Turkish biscuits (chocolate "creme" in the middle)...
It's not as Siberian-cold as it was last week, but my brain feels frozen as an ice-block. Maybe I am depressed, who knows? Bored/drug-ravaged by years of poppy-"power"...? Who knows?
Roll on Monday, that's what I say! Roll on Monday...
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In the car on my way to meet Vivien at Verdi's for brunch (hazelnut sundae
as usual since you ask) I switched on the radio just as the morning service
15 hours ago
I used to hate Sundays too but, when you're getting older, every day is a bonus really. :)
I second what Akelamalu says! but as a kid, Sundays were always gloomy. Monday loomed with all the complexities of the school/work week.
Sundays ARE kinda depressing because of Monday looming. Sunday nights, I'm always anxious.
If it's any comfort, I am exactly the same about sleep! Maybe you are a bit depressed, Gleds, and the weather wouldn't help at the moment . But spring is coming!
It's Monday, 8.58 am and I'm going to go back to bed. I couldn't sleep last night and then my cats, the little buggers, woke me at 4.30 am creating havoc in the bedroom. So, I'm going back to bed to get some more shuteye.
I actually hate weekends now..dun ask me why!
If I didn't have to work I'd be sleeping more during the day too. I like the night time better. It's more quiet and the hustle and bustle of slavery is at rest.
Akelamalu: aye that's true. I used to feel that way after I overdosed myself and might really have died, I reminded myself every day of this... but that was BEFORE I got a massive drug habit (and why I overdosed: 'coz I had no tolerance...)
Welshcakes: spring ~ aye!
Jeannie: I really hate Sundays since they started paying my dole Mondays it makes Mondays a horrible frantic race. Ugh
TutTut: horrible
Puss-in-Boots: Monday morning already chez you... sometimes I look at the shadow-draped world imagining: tomorrow there already...
Keshi: I'm with u there, deffo
Nicole: I used to hate working nights bc I'm a night person. Felt like I was giving my best hours off
I'm exactly the same with sleeping. I cant for the life of me get to sleep at night but in the daytime i can slumber like a baby all day. I'm still trying to figure out why...
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