WELL I HOPE YOU'RE HAVING A HAPPY ONE Y'ALL... did yous all go to great TV-news-captured celebrations? Or just stayed in and got staggering drunk? Or just stayed in and drank half a grape juice? Which is worse? Depends where you're coming from...
Well I "used" yesterday and some urgency told me to get all three hits done and dusted before the fateful chimes (any excuse to use quickly). Which meant I spent most of yesterday evening comatose kind of half hanging off the bed (which is how I always sleep on drugs: if not bolt upright head lolling backwards or in some other odd position...)
I had half a mind to go out and hit the local populace for spare change, the theory being that drunk + red letter day = generous (well it always used to). I've not gone begging in quite some time so that would have felt like a step backwards. Instead I stayed in bed agonizing about this and watched Elton John see in 2009 with celebrity friends blablah...
Can I just say: what on earth was that I spewed out yesterday? Not so much WHAT I wrote but the words... I just looked them over; they went duhduhduhDUDUDUHHH on me. Which is writing in serious need of hacking around. In mitigation, may I say that I DID write the entire post in shorthand. Which involves staring at a page full of what looks like barbed wire HOPING that some words might eventually emerge. It can be a forlorn hope.
Anyway that's about all. I have not used in 2009 (except methadone), and I don't feel that spectacular as a result. My willpowe is wavering and, while we're on "clean" I have realized I'm going to put a hell of a lot more welly into this process than before... and STOP MAKING EXCUSES! Which I am World Expert at...
I was reading a book by an Aussie chick who experimented with heroin after student days... wound up as a street hooker, jumped into the legalized 6-room brothel system they run in Melbourne and became one of their most prized "ladies"... anyway SHE was saying she went right through detox-'n'-rehab after 2 years of daily using and sailed through the withdrawal part. Only when she became hooker extraordinaire did her habit really amp up. My point being that by 2 years I had the most reeking habit on "gear" was so badly addicted it was unreal. Most of this was psychological and that's my point but I couldn't even watch morning television without the most overpowering association to scoring. As I'd turn up 10am at the same person's house each morning Mon-Fri and there we would await "da man" as BBC's daily tripe spewed on. Not to mention eating, sleeping everything else in life being by this time totally tied up with using. It was impossible.
Anyway today I've been drinking weak cyder (someone dropped a full bottle on my road and waste not want not) and as I say not using and where there's life there is hope! Sorry I've got to go my brains are hobbled...
OK this one came on last night's Elton-a-thon. I 1st heard this at school (of all places) where this 13 yr old girl stood up and belted it out expressing all that it meant... which is kind of remarkable. But WHO chose this deadbeat-a-delic video? They should be terminated!
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In the car on my way to meet Vivien at Verdi's for brunch (hazelnut sundae
as usual since you ask) I switched on the radio just as the morning service
15 hours ago
I like Elton John...all the best for 2009, Gleds.
I have an abduction plan to remove you from your current surroundings and drop you holus bolus into a far flung rural retreat with a full script of methodone. Take heart from the Melbourne pro!
Erm I stayed in and drank 2 bottles of fermented grape juice thank you and spent 8 hours on the internet GAH! Good luck in bolstering the wavering willpower.
Make this the year you go clean for good!
You can do it Gledwood!
I know you can.
Ahhh, your so refreshing. I love to read your blog. I wish I could sing you a song, I'd make up the lyrics on the spot and they would suck, but it would be from the heart. I swear tears would swell up in your eyes, and your chin would quiver, then suddenly you'd be like a child curled up in the fetal position crying like a baby.
Where am I going with this comment...nowhere. Just felt like leaving you a comment. Happy New year. I'm going to seven eleven now. Goodnight.
PUSSINBOOTS: cheers dears!
BAINO: 8 hours on the internet! wow you've broken my record. wavering willpower:... thanks I think I might NEED that luck...
JANICE: hi there happy new year to you too and thanks for the sentiments
ANNA GRACE: hi! ;->...
Hi again, Anna Grace: what a lovely comment... and you're so funky. I'm glad I found you and your blog. Sorry I could only put up a lame hi and a smile I was a little bit gobsmacked for something to say m'dear! Take it easy now
and all the very best to you.
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