HURRAH! As Bridget Jones would say. It's going away. No more razorblade coughs. No more ashcans. My snot is clear (as I'm sure you wanted to know). My ears are clear.
O man that was the sorest sore throat I've had in a long time. All my fault for smoking cigarettes I suppose. (One reason I never go to doctors about these things; I know what they'll say ~ Give up smoking ...
Hey did you know the British Government's Pandemic Flu Service are said to have given priority the nation's junkies in the ongoing Tamiflu-handout. Anyone can get the tabs just by phoning a helpline, claiming to have various flu symptoms ~ and of course symptoms of piggie flu are no different to any other type; they're not even more severe, in fact some doctors were saying swine flu tends if anything to be milder than the bog-standard type...
The operator gives a reference number and your registered "flu friend" who could be a work colleague, neighbour (or just you in disguise) trots or hobbles along to the local "flue centre" (these are already in operation) to receive a full course of Tamiflu tabs absolutely free.
Three cheers for Britain's "socialist National Health Service" ~ hurrah!!
Yes, as I was saying, anyone on methadone will be classed as a "vulnerable person" if the pandemic really does kick off, which is nice for me to know, but I'm sure the "scientific thinking" behind it (if any) is flawed. I read in the newspaper that junkies have supposedly weaker immune systems than the general population. But ask any heroin addict and they'll tell you that generally speaking you stop getting colds and flu for years at a time for as long as you use. (But when you do get them they hit harder.) I'm sure most addicts' immune systems are actually stronger ~ by a long shot ~ not weaker at all ...
Before I got sucked into the abyss of addiction I used regularly to get two or three colds or more, every year. I must have gone three years or more without catching any at all. And now I'm sure the average is less than one per year ... Which isn't necessarily good. I never used to complain about colds (not flu: I do mean common colds, as illustrated) because I always felt they cleaned the system out. There is, apparently, some truth to this, with the common cold virus causing a massive surge in interferon levels. Interferon battles and can conquer many viruses... indeed the only known cure for hepatitis C is interferon combination treatment, which reportedly makes you feel so ill you can barely get out of bed for half the week; but when it works it works completely, clearing the virus absolutely out from the body.
A small number of people are lucky enough to be able to fight off hepatitis C and even hep B without becoming "symptomatic" (ie sick)... and that makes them very lucky people indeed.
Anyway I have to go I'm still exhausted. Bye!
British Pandemic Flu Service Freefone Helpline: 0800 1 513 513
World Pandemic Flu-Watch
Losing the plot
The ongoing saga of photo sharing. So I thought I had it sussed with my new
method. Then my old method started working again and I was on top of the
3 hours ago
Glad you are better. I hope the upswing continues.
Love you and have a god weekend. I'm letting that typo stand because it amuses me.
I will try to have a God weekend too
I know this comes late but tea with lemon and honey works wonders when one is coming down with a cold. It has to be the early stages, though.
I don't know how many colds I have shaken off, sometimes in less than an hour, by just having two cups of tea with lemon and honey! The alternative, if I'm not successful at that, is up to three weeks without a voice. Not desirable in the life of a language teacher, no Sir!
Have a pleasant weekend! And a God one :)
Glad you're better!
So I guess I can't call you 'snot box' anymore! Good news about the Tami flu thingy but frankly I think it's all a load of overhype. The Swine Flu deaths here have all been people who are VERY ill. Glad you're on the mend.
Rita: I've done that with lime and it works really well as a decongestant/antisinus thing... definitely
Jeannie: ta!
Baino: I wouldn't bother with Tamiflu or Relenza. I understand that when someone's in hospital practically dying of flu the drs want to do just anything that might improve the condition... but it's hardly worth bothering with at home when it only cuts the course of the illness ONE DAY short!
I'm glad your better, being sick is the pits.
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