ALSO KNOWN as the Asian giant hornet Vespa mandarinia, these are the largest wasps on earth:
A fully-grown worker is 2 inches or 5cm long. That's the size (or at least length) of a roborovski hamster like Spherical!
This isn't Spherical but a "roborowski" hamster from Germany shown for comparative scale:
As well as cartoon terrordrome faces these wasps are among the most aggressive in the world. They are known for systematically attacking domestic beehives. 100 hornets can kill 20,000 honeybees in an hour, ripping their heads off with their powerful jaws:
As you can see, they are far bigger than honeybees. In fact the bees' only defence is to mob the hornets in large clumps. These cause the wasps' armour-like bodies to overheat, and this kills them:
Japanese hornets' stingers are said to be half an inch or 1.25cm long and is a "modified ovopositor" (egg-laying device). Venom from these huge wasps contains an enzyme powerful enough to dissolve human flesh. The stinger seen here belongs to an ordinary garden wasp, what the Americans call a "yellowjacket":
Unlike wasps or "yellowjackets" who live on caterpillars and insects through early summer then go sugar-crazy in early autumn, these giant hornets feed exclusively on caterpillars, bee grubs and grown insects great and small (including preying mantis). Unable to digest these themselves, the adults feed these to the hornet babies who possess a digestive enzyme that breaks down the food ~ which they feed mouth-to-mouth back to their older aunties, the worker hornets.
Giant Asian hornets live in underground colonies weighing half a tonne or more (far too heavy to hang down from a tree!) The workers can fly thirty miles (fifty kilometres) without a break. Every year in Japan seventy people die from their stings, usually by blundering into these mega-hornet-cities utterly unawares. Worldwide, wasps kill more people per year than all poisonous snakes combined.
Losing the plot
The ongoing saga of photo sharing. So I thought I had it sussed with my new
method. Then my old method started working again and I was on top of the
3 hours ago
Glad they aren't here!
All I can say is holy f***! I feel weak just watching this.
YUK! Some years ago I developed a lump on my calf which got infected and I ended up with a 1/2 inch hole in my leg which had to be packed for 3 months - the doctors at the hospital said it was caused by a hornet! Nasty buggers! I still have the scar.
Very interesting post, Gleddy.
Much love,
Wow, Gleds - you come up with the coolest, most interesting stuff!!
Hope you're having an awesome summer.
Bit different to the usual Furry Friday! I thought we had big ass hornets out here but that's a winner!
i want to throw up reading that YUCKY
Lovely, aren't they!!
ps doesn't that hornets' nest look just like the entrance to hell...
pps It's "differently politically incorrect" to say this... but wouldn't it be fun to dress in a space suit with industrial strength full-on "dance of death"-stylee cockroach spray at that "entrance to hell"... har har HAR!!
I'm not a hornet fan. I remember the Japanese hornets when I was a child. I didn't like getting stung.
you got stung by a Japanese hornet... yikes!
I have a natural immunity to wasp and bee stings, but I wouldn't want to be stung by one of those.
Yikes, they are huge!
what do you mean by immunity? you don't swell up?
i got stung by a normal wasp once, didn't swell either.
hey perhaps that means I'd be good at bee-keeping...
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