Most of these come from my
Random blog, which is an electronic scrapbook of stuff I thought I might like to view at some time or other. For those who want to view stuff on drugs I've collected the very best links here. Unless otherwise stated these are full-length features, usually an hour or more.
If you have a slow connexion and are unused to viewing multiscreen films on Youtube here's what to do: click the first one and play on mute, stopping and starting as it does. Then, when it's done, click on Repeat Play and you get the full entertainment without interruption. While you watch screen one, do the same to screens 2, 3 and so on. So as each bit finishes, the next part's ready and waiting.
Mexican Black Tar Heroin: "
Dark End"
Khun Sa, whose name meant Prince Prosperous, had been, before his death in the mid 2000s, the world's biggest dealer in China White Heroin: "
Lord of the Golden Triangle"
In-depth portrait of the Afghan heroin trade at its very height. Includes heroin-lab bust. "
Afghanistan's Fateful Harvest"
Classic miniseries whose title became a catchphrase for the misery of life in East Asian prison. Nicole Kidman plays a privileged middle-class girl set up to mule heroin through Thai customs with the inevitable consequences. This is so long it had to be posted in two parts. "
Bangkok Hilton 1" (first 2 hours or so); "
Bangkok Hilton 2" (last couple of hours).
Short film: from tapwater-clear H4 in the USA to murky black Afghan brown in Norway: "
Heroin Addicts Speak"
Before his untimely death this guy kept a video diary. Here's the hour-long highlights as broadcast on BBC TV: "
Ben: Diary of a Heroin Addict". Thanks to
Noah for the original link.
Some of the most entertaining scenes from Britain's top soap (as much for the poor research as anything else). Not even Phil Mitchell would go from nought to multi-hundred pound binges this fast: "
Phil Mitchell on Crack" (just over 5 minutes).
Scientist lady shows us how to cook up gear: "
How Much Citric?" Lucky cow: her brown is 70% purity! Oddly we never see her actually do her hit... maybe she got camera shy...
And lastly:
German documentary following a life from teenage addiction to untimely death before the age of 30. The decline in this girl's appearance is truly shocking. "
Süchtig: Protokoll einer Hilflosigkeit". Sorry no subtitles; this is here for anyone learning German who's after practice material a little more gripping than Lindenstraße!
They are great aren't they. Not that our American cousins would agree. I once saw a doco, David Attenborough I think about how wiley they are at breaking into things. Love their little burgler's mask.
Grew up around them, they'd run up the trees and sometimes, if you gave off the "right" air, they'd accept a piece of cheddar from you hand - sometimes swiss lol but watch those teeth, yikes. Another little furry creature you're addicted to eh? You'd never make it as a road-kill guy. It's a common practice in many parts of the USA - w/the way things are slipping downhill, it might be a viable food option. Hope that doesn't make you queasy? :-|
THANK YOU gledwood!!!!!!! i LOVE LOVE LOVE raccoons, that was so sweet of u to do furry friday with raccoons, here is the raccoon i took care of for a few weeks !!!!!
just copy/paste url and check out THE cutest raccoon baby ever!!!!
and ps
my moms dog Jake is a "goldipoo" its a mix between golden retreiver and standard poodle, since u asked what breed he was.
loves ya gledwood!!!!!! lol
We had a lot of raccoons at our cottage growing up - one continually got in the garbage bin regardless of how my Dad tied it down...he shot it - it was a new mother and you could hear the wee babies crying in a nearby tree.
And an old one chose to die in our yard years ago but I haven't seen any in the city since.
check out the now famous completely hairless raccoon, she is hanging around near my house in parkdale, soooo weird huh, check out the video
supposedly she lost all her hair due to some weird disease, and people have been asked to try to rescue her (there is a number to call the wildlife center so they can pick her up) since she will probably not be able to survive the winter without ANY fur!! freaky looking thing.
What an entertaining video. Cheeky little bugger and the cat wasn't quite sure what to do. I loved the look on the cat's face after the first foray by the raccoon. If it could speak, I reckon we'd have heard four letter words...
Baino: the swines!
Cathy: o yeah I'd eat a roadkill deer any day. Someone told me how to peel the fur off...
Sweden: you're welcome ;->...
Jeannie: what a horrible story
Sweden: OK I'm checking now
Pussinboots: o yeah! I think the cat quite liked the raccoon bc if it had gone full-on that rac' wouldn't have come anywhere near it
ps I don't want to think about dying raccoon babies in a tree. But I can't stop now
They have such sweet faces. I have only seen once a real racoon in liberty and that was in the States at my aunt's house. Otherwise I have seen them in zoos ! Not so a nice place for them.
Re letter boxes, it all depends where you live, there are a lot of houses where the letter boxes are in the house too. I think it is the same in the UK, because at my friend's house in Eastbourne the letter box is also standing at the end of their garden.
They can be vicious little critters at times. My husband was once chased by one when he was throwing out trash and inadvertently came across him.
Oh, they are pretty! Love that one of a baby on a hand.
Raccoons are cute until they break into your house. Then they aren't so fun. I had one get into my roof over my bathroom. That started a war in which I finally prevailed and convinced the raccoon to take up residence elsewhere.
They are very cute, I'd never seen one that hadn't been made into a coat before.
Yeah, their cute until they get into your house and kill your cats. It happen to a friend of mine, my mentor actually. She's still upset about the death of her two babies.
That's so weird, i just wrote about how mad I was last week when I saw four raccoons almost get hit by my house the other day. They're all over around VT/NH but I love them. They're so smart and crafty.
Cute pictures Gleds, except for the one where it's baring its teeth! LOL
I see you left comments on my post in Welsh - is that yet another language you're learning? :)
Great post and photos, my dear Gleddy.
Hope your weekend was good.
Gattina: I know what you're saying re letterboxes but (probably until fairly recently) nearly 100% of people have them. I really think it's an imposition having a hole directly into your home anyone can shove anything into... not nice (potentially!)
Hey I heard raccoons are wild or rather ferral in France... and slowly advancing north towards Calais and the Channel Tunnel ... along with those naughty chipmunks!
AnonymousDrifter: really? Their teeth look pretty heavy-duty to me...
Welshcakes: aye!
Molson: do you think it pinged around much inside ..?
LornaLilo: hadn't been made into a coat... UH?!?
Janice: KILL CATS?? NO!!
I have to say I looked at that raccoon vs cat and thought ~ well the cat could get that raccoon away if it really wanted to.
I also thought: that racoon could KILL that cat if it really wanted to, too!
So they ARE like foxes then. Foxes will e.g. sneak into a farm and slaughter an entire shedload of 100s of chickens in one night
supposedly in the natural order of things they'd return night after night to eat the rest of their kill... but it still sounds ridiculously excessive to me...
Nellie: aye ~ just like foxes again!!
Akelamalu: no but we had to do it at school. Because I went to 2ndary school in Wales. We all had compulsory Welsh lessons.
But if I'd not bought my own Teach Yourself Living Welsh tome I'd have been totally lost, the lazy way they taught the language over there.
The Welsh teachers, having picked the tongue up from the cradle, had never actually "learned" a language in their lives. Totally unlike our French and German teachers. And the difference really showed in INEPTITUDE!
SarcasticBastard: it was quite pukka, ta; apart from the nightmare I'll post tomorrow ... and yours..?
Awww you find the cutest fur babies Gleds*!*
Raccoons are cute, but very wild and dangerous, and they can get really really big.
Bimbimbie: aye-aye!!
Wat: I've never seen one in real life...
O I have seen a porcupine in India. That was fearsome!!
Awesome. Beautiful animal! That cat is a bit dumb. But the raccoon is also very smart how he takes the food with his front paws while keeping his head back!
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