"COME OUT YOU GREAT BIG FAT PINK NOSES! Come out you tubby gremliny swines!" I cooed into the teabox this afternoon...
I TOOK MY ROBOS FOR A PING in the bath today as I was drunk and waiting hours for my useless dealer to come. They were so entertaining zipping up and down like furry Scalextrix. I tried to get Bashful and Spherical to walk on my hands but they jumped off every time and ran to the taps side... Itchy was of course the only one who trusted me, because she is tame, and hopped on my hand and was all furry and cute....
... I did manage to scare her the other day, though, by saying "are you a furry morsel?!?" and then threatening to bite her. (I've had chicken nuggets that were bigger than her)... unforuntately she thought I really was eating her and jumped so vigorously she backflipped right across my two arms to a waiting pillow (because after her 150 ft tumble I know her tricks well now...)
MY EVIL DRUG DEALER GAVE ME FREE CRACK A COUPLE OF AFTERNOONS AGO, saying "pay me when you can" (is never OK?) and swanned off. Of course I accepted the bag and smoked it and mixed it in my "gear" and injected it. Heroin without coke is like tea without sugar. You can do it, you can accept it. But when you're as deadbeat an addict as I am the heroin basically does nearly nothing at all and that cocaine sweetness is practically all you feel from the hit. So I felt that by giving up crack I was making a real sacrifice. And now this bastard wants to jeapordize all that...
... I don't know what to say.
MY BOOK. I AM STILL SLOWLY WRITING. It alternately flows and stalls. Take it from one who knows: writing fiction is so much easier!! But I must not deviate from the truth. Although I have pretty mercilessly cut out old friends and events and compressed things into readable entertainment. It's not meant to be a story about the other people I've known: it's a story about me. So everyone else is thrown into fitting hazy gloom as well they're meant to be. All is true but it's MY truth and I have to abbreviate. Otherwise ~ trust me ~ this will turn into a 20157-volume bore-scapade... know what I mean?
So nobody found out what yesterday's marine bed bug was called in English, did they? And yes I think it did practically bite that man's gnarled pensioner toe off!
I'm so tired. I'm exhausted in fact. It is a quarter to six and of course pitch dark lit by streaking taillights of cars and mopshops and kebabberies and southern fried chicken ... and don't get me started about the Chinese and their intellectual curries!
Here are the first two blogs I ever came across in my fledgling career as "blogger".
1st: Mousie's blog (guess why... hmmmm???) http://plumpiemousie.blogspot.com
2nd: Ruth's Gardening blog... she was Mousie's friend and posts beautiful shubberies and flowers on a near-daily basis...
Nicole has moved from Amsterdam to Adelaide in Southern Australia. (I know I said this before)... but the pictures are good. She captures the things I would want to ... you know, the details of daily life that make your day in the new country. So come on everyone have a click at http://nicolemobile.blogspot.com !¬
In the News: Football-Sized Tubby Hedgehog weighs more than most babies ....
Goodnight everyone! (As they used to say at closing time, Welwyn Stores, before it was taken over by John Lewis's...) Goodnight!
Video of the Day:
Absolutely Fabulous: Season 1 Episode 1 "Fashion"
Night volcano pictures...
Do you want to read a really interesting unique book?
Libby Purves, presenter on BBC Radio 4's son was about 18/19 and on a gap year when he became psychotically depressed and killed himself.
Fortunately Libby at least knew about this and had spoken to his psychiatrists etc...
He left behind 35,000 words of diaries, poems etc...
She read one of the poems on BBC World Service's Outlook programme ... seriously it was really good.
Because the so-called "misery memoir" is so popular, she knew, having contacted established publishers that to publish her son's words she would be expected to interject a story of her own grief as well. The family didn't want this and so published his entire works themselves. If you want to find out more about his story, click here....
(The book is available on Amazon...)
Title: The Silence at the Song's End...
Here's an alternative Libby Purves link though it tells nothing about the book...
Here's the link to one of my favourite newsreaders, Corrie Corfield.. she even makes 10,000 people blown up in Rwanda somehow sound like good news with her professional "inflexions"...
My other favourite radio 4 newsreader is, of course, Charlotte Green... the gal retired seargeant majors still have wet dreams over... have a look at her site...
... I have to say I wish I hadn't clickedonthat now as she looks NOTHING like her radio voice would suggest!!!!
Building a house from scratch in South California!
(My only reprimand would be of using far too much flamable timber and not enough bricks!)
Hey! I have found out the name of yesterday's giant seabug!
It is called something like an isopod...
The good, the bad, and the stupid
The ward is in lockdown until Monday when the situation will be
re-assessed. No visitors. Big sigh.
As if that wasn't bad enough, this afternoon Wales ta...
28 minutes ago
C'mon, Gleds, battle it!!! We're willing you on, you know.
Lol! "You wanna 69?" Lol!
'Scuse me, still laughing at the Chinese joke! I shall use it at the first conceivable opportunity :)
Seriously, your Evil Drug Dealer ain't doing you any favours.
I know my drugs worker" told me that yesterday and I knew... anyway what kind of favour do you have to pay back unless you're into serious "office politicx"??
Dude, you found my Princess Tanya story a few weeks back (dunno how) and you put a link on your sidebar, under writers (which made me fall off my chair when I saw it!).
Reckon everybody in blogland knows Keshi. Lovely girl :)
O I see! I thought Princess Tanya was somehow familiar... but please forgive my failing powers of recollection I am royally alcoholically *****d
Hi Gleds,
Just wanted to say thanks for your comment on my blog.Have to say though that cycle lanes are all very well so long as us cyclists don't get forced off the roads! Think on that when you become an MP! Cheers,
Ps, Wish you could tell your dealer to do one. You're worth more than that, you know.Ok, tell me to mind my own business if you want.
When I'm elected.. well I was going to keep this secret but my cycle lanes were going to go up on the PAVEMENTS!!! Yes, wide pavements divided by a thick stripe pedestrians one side cyclists the other... why SHOULD cyclists have to risk their lives on the roads?
As for the dealer... yes I know...
Hey Gleds,
You should keep your mice away from KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) they may wind up as the meal. (I've heard the stories.)
Your story reminds me of Trainspotting. Have you read the book? Seen the movie?
Trainspotting the movie is SO FULL OF LIES... e.g. that heroin makes you fall to the floor in an MDMA-like sensual rush... RUBBISH!
The book was totally written in Scottish and I'm nowhere near middle class enough to give that kind of crap time of day... sorry I read in plain English or else a foreign language not pretentious guff...
my book will be a gerzillion times better! I can assure you of THAT in confidence as Trainspotting was so bad!
I know the film is good. It's just factually totally off the rails...
Hi Gleds, I was hoping you had found out what that creature from the deep was called ....still gets a ugghh reaction from me .... probably was a dealer in a previous life.
I have a question for you when you next visit *!*
Hi Gleds, I was hoping you had found out what that creature from the deep was called ....still gets a ugghh reaction from me .... probably was a dealer in a previous life.
I have a question for you when you next visit *!*
Dear Gledders,
I didn't say Hillary was unfolding chap, I said history itself is unfolding right before our very eyes!
I love the hippo-tortoise clip. It's so tender and sweet.
Bimbimbie: that bloody blogger has done that repetitious thing again... it does that 2me 2...
NEway... what about that animal... in English it is called a "giant isopod" and I've a link for it at the bottom (or v near) of my 2day's post out here... happy entertaining reading!
PS I think it DID clip that blokies toe off.... very innacurate for use as nailclippers then..!!
Wat: o! Sorry totally misread that then I thought you were talking about it being Curtains for Hilary... poor Hilary C!
"...I said history itself is unfolding right before our very eyes!..."
... o I SEE!!...
.... I didn't notice blogger had me stuttering again, why's it picking on me this week lol
Giant Isopod ...I'll go have a read, nice tourist attraction isn't it!
.... hope I don't stutter as I hit the send button *!*
I hope you are not insulted by this, but whenever you share about your active addiction, it grosses me out in such a visceral way-- a way that comes from experience. As I have said in the past I am glad you write about it, it helps me to keep it green, as they say in the rooms.
Love AB/FAB btw.
Hang in there, Gleds...you have friends downunder, too and we're for you!
Just passing through and saying hello! Have to go to bed now as it's past midnight and I must be up early to help my parents prepare home-made sausages that will be grilled for a Croatian Food & Wine Festival on Sunday.
bad dealer!
my blogs been set back to public.
Bimbimbie: maybe in ancient times they used them as nature's toenail clippers ...
Mfiler: no I'm not insulted... glad you like Ab Fab ... when I was in a mental hospital once it was the favourite TV prog of the week..(!)
Pussinboots: thank you!
Nicole: all the best with the sausages!
Naomi: good!
Glad you're still writing. I didn't know that about Libby Purves' son. You've got me missing Charlotte Green now.
Welshcakes: well have a good listen on my "how to do it" Radio 4 intellectual internet listener!!
After my dad killed himself, I went on a two-year binge, reading everything I could find about suicide. I read books by people whose loved ones chose to check out, people who tried and failed and, of course, some more scholarly works.
I'm sad for the lady who lost such a young son.
私の日本の良い一日をお友達に言えば!ブログにして画面に現れたのでかなりランダムと言うことでしょうかと思ってあいさつをして招待して自分のブログに面白いです。 http://gledwood2.blogspot.comは、その場所になっている。それが私の日常とオンライン告解の秘密の日記についてはどこに見つけることができたすべての私の奇妙な生活をします。すべての多幸をお祈り申し上げますよ!よりgledwood "Vol 2 " ... ;->...
يوم طيب لكم صديق الناطقه بالعربيه. مدونتك يبدو عشوائيا تماما امام اعين بلدي حتى ظننت أنني سوف اقول لكم اهلا وسهلا. طبعا انا بلوغر جدا. Http://gledwood2.blogspot.com هو مكانها في وقت لاحق. ان الطاءفيه هي بلدي على الانترنت وعنوان بلادي الحميمه السرية المفكرات اليوميه. وقد متعة قراءتها! كل خير لكم من... Gledwood "Vol 2"
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