NOT MY BEDROOM, YOU UNDERSTAND; but my robos'. No sooner had I thrown out their ukkie old Maltesers tube "bed" thenthey sitched to two tubes slotted into one: the next best thing for privacy and dark. These were clean yesterday: I checked. I pick up Itchy tonight and she stinks of hasmter urine. Their new bedrooms was so wet with it, literally it was sopping soft underneath. I don't know what they had been doing... (well, weeing: but how much..??) All very ukkie indeed. So I've made them a luxury treble-tube bathroom - oops! Freudian slip! - I meant bedroom with popout head-holes cut at intervals along the top. They look so funny when they use them. These doulbe as viewing windows for me. It gets awfully boring when they've stashed themselves away for the day to sleep (and they usually sem to sleep on all fours, which looks mighty uncomfortable), nibble at seeds and dry tomato bread or nit-pick the life out of poor Baby Itchy's coat. Sometimes she's so wet from these attentions that she looks like she's fresh out of the bath..!
I WAS THINKING OF GOING FOR A JOB AS A MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT. Liz reinforced the idea with a comment last night. There's something about the romance of the Palace of Westminster that's hard to explain but totally intoxicating. I think it's because most of the BBC's news and current affairs journalists are similarly intoxicated; the magic has rubbed off on me.
British politics are nowhere near as boring as their foreign counterparts. Not for us dullard egalitarian ampitheatre-shaped "assembleys". No. Tiny room. Two steep sides. Opponents face to furious face, full on shouting match commences! Excellent stuff!
My biggest problem (after first cleaning up this heroin habit) would be selecting which party to join. In this country we have a main choice of two. Or three if you really believe the Liberal Democrats form a feasable political party. I find many of the Lib Dem's policies objectionable, not least their proposal for a 50% top rate tax. Imagine when my memoirs have passed the ten million sales mark! I'm not giving away 15-20% in agent's fees plus 17.5% "value added" tax (the so-called sales tax is charged on artists including writers of books, though the books themselves are zero-rated at the till)... then after all that shelling out 50% of what's left! No thankyou! Thankfully the Lib Dems shall never get in power!
So we're down to Labour and Conservative. I could be rightwing Labour or a lefty Tory. To be honest, because I wouldn't be willing to represent a constituency outside London I'd have to go Labour, because outside Kensington and Chelsea I don't think the Conservatives have any urban seats the length and breadth of Britain. No! Only Essexy suburbanites and turnip farmers and grouse-shooting Range Rover drivers from £2 million Gloucestershire farmhouses vote for them. Now that the formerly Commie Labour party have gone all middle of the road we can all be champagne socialists without shelling out punitive taxes or leaving the country - how very civilized. My big truck with "New" Labour is their gradual, constant, determined erosion of civil liberties. Like they have no respect for individual rights. They even passed a law about "no protests within a mile radius of Parliament" just to get rid of a single loan man covered in badges and his cardboard-box of an anti-Iraq war stand!
Hmmm, well that's my political debate done and dusted for the night. If you were wondering what my reservations were about Tories, by the way; it's that they're all bastards*.
*The only Tories I like are Ann Widdecombe and Michael Portillo
My 2 favourite Labour MPs are Clare Short and Tony Benn (though "Lord" Benn has now retired).
Righty-ho! Got to go! Till tomorrow!
Video of the Day 1:
Jennifer Saunders as Vivienne Vyle - Chatshow Queen also starring Miranda Richardson.
Video 2:
Japanese Cat and Hamster
The good, the bad, and the stupid
The ward is in lockdown until Monday when the situation will be
re-assessed. No visitors. Big sigh.
As if that wasn't bad enough, this afternoon Wales ta...
11 minutes ago
*fingers in ears*
I don't do politics.
Hi Gleds ~~ Those hammies are keeping you busy providing homes and bedrooms and toilets for them. Sounds as though they need lots of rolls.
Thanks for your comments. I
know some people clean up before the cleaning lady, but I am not one of them. Take care, Regards, Merle.
Too bad I can't get these plastic "rolls" I have - they're the "spindles" for the lottery ticket paper and they'd be perfect for your furry friends.
No protesting within a mile....? What about the people's "right" to protest? This just sends the clear message that the Gov't. isn't interested in listening to what people have to say if they can't do it where it's most effective.
I meant get the plastic rolls "to you" tired, I'm going off track (again).
That cat and rat thing - love it!
VI VI: OK I don't blame you
MERLE: Yes they are very naughty swines, weeing all over their bed (why?!?!?)
DEBS: "New" Labour, as I kind of implied have naively stamped all over our civil liberties in the name of antiterror... if the people are suffering more than the terrorists, though, WHO HAS WON?
ANON: Yes it's a real clip, from all I can discern...
I think you should stand for parliament, Gleds. I was in London for the big fireworks show and parade and people are so much happier when fun things are going on there's no time to be going to war. So I think you could come up with lots of good ideas to make peopel happy.
Hello again... I was out of the blogosphere for a bit.. back now and trying to catch up.
Let's see... from assorted posts:
I'm not so into politics anymore... too crazy.
We've got 2 dogs/1 cat... so lots to clean up after daily. Ah, but they are so darling it's not so bad. Oh no, wait, my Greta cat... reGreta as I call her, is a bitch but she's here to stay so I deal with her and still give her many good treats. Someday she'll warm to me.
The Festival of Lights sounds wonderful. I would LOVE the Divali celebration one. We have fireworks here... you know, for the 4th of July and assorted sports events, etc. but I don't go out of my way to see any.
We're trying to get out of debt too and hope to start purchasing cash items at some point... better that way really.
OH NO... Diana calling out at the crash site.. too much to think about. I really liked her alot.
Your jewelry and card blog mentions were cool... love all that creative stuff!
The train I couldn't take because I have issues with motion, but I was always fascinated with the Orient Express.. especially the movie Murder On....
Morrocco I think would be very interesting as an aquantance of mine recently recounted a honeymoon trip she took there.
With all the gazillion books I have, you'de think Dr. Zhivago would be one but it's not, never read it. Glad you are enjoying it tho.
The shepherd's pie recipe looked interesting... not too into Rachael Ray but hubby loves her and he did just ask for beef stew with mashed taters on top, so I suppose this is similar enough to give a try.
That Doberman is a hero dog for sure!
The colorful seafront houses in Italy were .. WOW... would love to travel to the Amalfi coast and other spots someday.
Your house has some interesting comings and goings.
I love many classical pieces, including the Shostakovich waltz and Eyes Wide Shut.. interesting movie.
I really liked the photos from the indian backpacker, I'll have to add that to my bloglist.
Thanks for stopping by my page.. I'll be posting new stuff again soon.
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