Don't worry; it's not catching (not online, anyhow...)
From 1988: Wow, the hysteria! Pop stars love all that ~ the worship, the adoration... this is like one long Pepsi commercial (or Michael Jackson commercial) ... it's a good performance though ... see his nose was melting, even back then...
PS I won a chatty blogger award from Sally in Norfolk. See I can still chat. Even when dying haha!!
A Pong For Europe: Putrid German Pig Manure Whiffs Out Britain in North Sea Breeze Shocker
PPS: 21:59 hrs Am not that much into puddings; however! Just bought 6-pack of own brand chocolate mousses to pig out and cheer self up.
PPPS: On way out bumped into former heroin and crack dealer (who, unusually, was a user of both)... now clean, smiley, glasses-wearing and dreadlocked... he's totally turned his life around. Once the dealing dried up he had "no option" but to turn into a manic shoplifter with multiple convictions for theft + assault (not one to give security an easy ride)... been in prison endless times... life in chaos.... now he seems happy. And looks like an R&B musician. Wow!
I just got that award too and was thrilled. Of course I was a bit pouty that I'd been blogging for like 8 months and never gotten foofoo'd over but I twisted some arms and am now the proud owner of a lovely vintage pic on the sidebar. WooHoo.
Congrats on yours.
Feel better!
Feel better soon. Cold and flu is awful, I loath not being able to breathe properly. It's almost midnight here and we're about to pack it in and go to bed. Have a good weekend and don't do too much, rest to help your body recover. I was just reading your comment over on my blog and was wondering if you had a bit much cough syrup! (The whole sheep thing seemed like a funny LSD trip.)
Crystal: cheers
Nicole: no it was quite real. on channel five. well i think so (??!?)
Poor boy, so you have a red nose ! I hate Schnupfen too !
Oh sorry to hear you've got man flu (a cold);) Gleds, hope you feel better soon. x
Gattina: I don't usually suffer that much from being enrhume (isn't that the French? Sorry no accent aigu on this computer)... this time I have as Akelamalu vulgarly calls it "man flu" yeah ... maybe it IS bird flu~??!? I DID eat chicken last week...
Akelamalu:What are you talking about: man flu... "oh dear I mean the common cold"... ?!?
I am dying! of a common old cold!! OKAY~...!!?!
Hey, I wish I had a cold instead of the runs i've got!
Ooer the runs!
That's why I call my robbies the trotterovskis, since that D&V attack (re "put a cork in it" post) some months ago...
Hope you get well soon. I've got logorrhoea, not diarrhoea haha!!
Look on the bright side to having the cold you wouldn't have been able to smell that putrid smell from the German farmer. Unless you did and this is the result.
"Man flu" ...funny ;) Glad you still have the energy to chat and receive awards. True dedication *!*
O yeah I had some lovely "cold remedy" that made me way better (stopped me coughing all day...!)... you're right I didn't get a single whiff of said "putrid liquid pig manure" as described by The Sun newspaper...(!!)
You sure it isn't the BIRD flu!?! Although your lovely new remedy wouldn't fix that ;) I'm flying away for a week, so take care and see you when I fly home again Gledwood! Also CONGRATULATIONS!
Rest up. You have all your chickens home to roost, so to say, so just hunker down.
Alex and I are feeling the same way, except it ain’t the common cold that’s doing us in but the damned allergens in the Ohio River Valley.
Bless you, G.
Hi Gleds ~~ Congrats on the Award.
Sorry you are dying of a common cold, and hope this is an exaggeration on your part. Hope you are better very soon. Thank you so much for your comments, especially about Vicki and the news seems better with her. About the picture, Gleds, as you probably know they always post at the top, but you can press Enter a few times and type between, or post an item and then backspace the appropriate picture.
I hope that helps. If I can do it, it can't be very difficult. Take
good care of yourself. Love, Merle.
Thanks for your visit and thoughts for Vicki, its to be hoped she responds fully to the medication.
hello..and hye..
nice to know u..
btw,,the pictures were taken at Palymra,Syria..
it was a temple during 1000b.c..
u should come and visit.
the architecture was so amazing!!
Just dropping in to see how you're doing.....hope you get over that cold soon! Congrats on the award!
Gled...I've been suffering from the same, which explains my absence. Have had zero energy to blog with and have not been "making the rounds" to my usual stops.
Do you feel inspired by the sight of the old dealer? If he can do it, I KNOW you can...just keep his new image in your head as incentive. It can be done Gled...one step at a time.
Chocolate mousse should help cheer you up a bit. Well, gotta go catch up here and see what I've missed.
Take care my friend. ;)
Hope you feel better soon, Gleds. x
Hi Gleds, Sorry to hear your feeling so poorly with a heavy cold.. try to keep warm and have some warm lemon drinks. it helps...hope your feeling better soon take care
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