Hey NOBODY commented on my EastEnders trailer: did nobody see it? Did nobody find it funny? It is highly entertaining. Bianca Jackson and her kids performing before some classic faces of Albert Square the Jackson Five's hit "I WANT YOU BACK"...
AS FOR MY TINY TROTTERS they are totally back to normal now. Everyone seems to miss the point: they NORMALLY run away from the human hand; that's what they do (unless you breed your own and hand-tame from weaned); only Itchy as I've said will countenance being picked up ... the others will, in a good mood, come up and sniff my hand, maybe even let me rub 'em between the shoulders. But they're a shy animal. Very fast and very pingy. Flighty galore. How they love to run around in sheer panick! And, moving house, they've had plenty of chance for that!
ERIC USA: I answered your point under where you made it... my apologies didn't get round to answering comments till today tho...
VIDEO: Thompson Twins: Doctor Doctor ~ Micky D 2007 remix... I'm pretty sure this was the first single my brother ever purchased for himself... In 1984 when it was first released not this 2007 remix ~ duh! The first record we ever bought was by Alexi Sayle... we got it for Mumzy on Mother's Day... if it's there it'll be herebelow...
ALEXEI SAYLE: ELLO JOHN, GOT A NEW MOTOR?... First record I ever bought (how distinguished!) The official promovid was nowhere to be found on Youtube so to save you having to watch the "artist" (a comedian) performing on Top of the Pops); have a look at this carcrashing video instead...
I only speak for myself now.
"Hey NOBODY commented on my EastEnders trailer: did nobody see it? Did nobody find it funny?".
I skip the movies as fast as I can because I don't like them and they make it longer for me to get to the content I really want to: Your scribbles :-)
Sorry I didn't comment but i'm not familiar with the East Enders and I can't see videos while at work (which is where I blog).
Vincent/Patti: ho-hummm... I was just hopin' someone from abroad would watch it and go ~~ ***WHAT IS THAT?!?!?!???!!***
Have a nice day y'all...!
Had difficulties getting myself up this morning as well.
I also didn't think I'd "get it" if I watched the East Ender video . . .
I've seen the eastenders trailer and telly and it is really good.
Sorry to hear you're so tired. Do you think you should see a doctor, you've been like that for a while now?
TutTut: oh go on and try!! Go on! Pur-lEEAZE!!
Akelamalu: seriously cannot be bothered with doctors... also was diagnosed with ME some years ago so absolutely no point in going back they'll just say it's that
(sad but all TOO TRUE!!)
Hey Gleds, long time no see. Sorry to hear you are down, hope it lifts soon.
I enjoyed looking at your London post. I lived there for 18 months in 1960, a long time ago. It was a fascinating city with so much to see and do. The theatre was my big indulgence. Nowhere in the world like it.
Take care.
Hello Gleds too knackered to blog but dropping in to say sorry you're not doing so good either. If you are exhausted just sleep and as for depression I wish I had the cure and could bottle it. Does it help chatting with your mates or seeing the hammies playing? I suppose the trouble with your mood could be attributed to heroin? Is that an incentive to kick it i.e might feel happy again. Oh Gleds how I wish I could rescue you but its tackling the enemy within. you get a lot of interest in your blog and loads of comments, that should tell you something good. People are interested in you and your life. Where are those books you are writing? You could be a reformed character. Keep yer pecker up. Keep going.
all the best
lostgirl x
Those pop up/down traffic bollards look like a nightmare *!*
Hi Gleds,
Good to hear from you. Sorry to hear that you're feeling down, hope it won't be too long before you're back on form. I've seen the Eastenders video, thought it was brill even though I don't watch Eastenders.I've been pretty busy lately and haven't done much to my blog.Must rectify that situation. Take care Gleds.
JMB: theatre is one of the big things I told myself I'd go for "when I moved down"... which I did of course about 12 years ago ... and have only been to TWO plays (one was Shakespeare: not Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest or one of the Great 4 Tragedies it was one of those boring inbetweeny plays and shockingly dull... been to the opera twice... the Magic Flute at the English National Opera was pretty good and I got seats for £2.50!!!
Lost: I don't have the inspiration to write. I know that's pathetic... or put another way very unprofessional you have to write whether you feel like it or not that is an utter GIVEN about professional writing (imagine if journalists acted that way ~ we'd never get the papers on Sunday... let alone the dailies!!) Many thanks 4 the message... hope you start feeling better soon.... can't they try you with another antidepressant... ever tried mirtazapine? It's drowsymaking to a degree so might help with nighttime anxiety too... also Prothiaden/dothiepin made me EXTREMELY drowsy... that might help you too esp. with that nasty anxiety you have spoken about ;->...
Bimbimbie: they are stupid things!
Angie: lurve the new portrait thingie, Angie! I bet you didn't get a dwarf African frog... you SHOULD you know they are only £2 or £3 each and so exceedingly entertaining! I know someone who lost one through its hopping out so mine was kept in under glass with an airpump aerating the water and ensuring the oxygen level was renewed (a water pump wouldn't have pushed new air in the same way...) I love fish would love to keep them... I don't know why I feel down. Every time I stop I do so I just try to keep going... many thanxx for the message ;->...
Those people aren't very good drivers are they! But I wouldn't be expecting great poles of metal to be thrusting up out of a road like that! Are there signs - what are they called?
Whenever I've had to go under general anesthesia, I always try and fight it. I focus on a certain object in the room (like the clock) and fix my gaze tight. As they inject the medicine, I can feel it creep up my arm and I just keep tellingmyself I can beat it this time. It hasn't ever worked so far, but that doesn't keep me from trying!
It's not a comment, it's an answer!
Insomniac...thats I AM! :)
There's another Sinhalese song for u in my blog hehe.
Your Bianca video has been yanked unfortunately, but the thompson Twins made me feel so meloncholy--in a good way. God, that song really brings me to a place that I cherish.
I know that feeling of needing for sleep, and no end to it. How did I ever support myself? I guess I kept loosing jobs.
Hi Gleds ~~ I hope you are feeling
better by now. It was a lot of effort for you moving so that would explain your tiredness and need to sleep. Get lots more rest and hopefully soon you will be fine again and get back to writing. I am so sorry it is still so darn cold in the UK for you, and hope
it soon warms up - even that would help you feel brighter. Do you like your new room now you are settled. I hope so. Take care of yourself.Thinking of you, Merle.
Anon: those things: automatic bollards. I would expect the people who got caught out weren't local, didn't see the signs and were not expecting bits of metal to prong out the road at them
Capt. L: you cannot beat the chemistry!
Keshi: cheers. my sleep is all over the place. (still)...
Mfiler: Bianca IS still there... surely that is not UK only ... if the BBC had put it there it would be in far better quality. Try it again, it worked for me just now. I got a proper Eastenders clip from 1986 it's classic but would probably mean nothing at all to you :->...
Merle: you're right it almost certainly is caused by moving. also i've failed to properly unpack yet so boxes, etc all over place. ukkh!!
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