Yes! All three Roborovski furballs, having been poked out of the lightbulb box they call home, have set up house in their second-favourite pitch, a all three furries dozing, preening, washing, ears-up, entertaining in a tiny tubby row, each a-clambering over the other and so entertaining in open air in the top lefthand corner of their tank...
A half an hour later and I've treble robo-fur trundling like a tubby horse race upon their wheel.
Seriously, three furballs in a row ~ where they do attempt dustbaths in the chewed newspaper shreddings ~ they look more like tiny tubby trotty gremlins here than anything else.
Yesterday my three had a great hour-long dig in their upside down diggery dome. Not only are they hilarious the way one disappears tubby bum into a hole only for another and then the last to tubbily follow... but they eventually emerge from said diggery with fur softer and total all-over body-brushed and less greasy, more conditioned and sandy coloured than ever before...
They make me want to pick them up and SQUEEZE them because they're so beady-eyed, petal-eared and tiny tiny TINY!!
Take care and have a charming weekend everyone!
You know "furry boiled eggs" is a horrible thought; D
You know about the angry love! When something is so cute you get mad at how cute it is and want to squish it! Wow. So many people don't get it!
PS: I don't ACTUALLY squish em...I think about squishin them.
HAHHAHHAAA, I know you didn't really SQEEEEEZE them Gledwood! I wouldn't mind something like what the diggery does where I come out with, "fur softer and total all-over body-brushed and less greasy, more conditioned and sandy coloured than ever before"!
How many do you have, Gledwood?
Hope you're having a fair weekend as well. Hope you're feeling a bit better :)
*waving madly*
Sorry I haven't been around for awhile, been absolutely hectic. Hopefully I can catch up properly soon!
hope the furl balls make you feel better, they did help me a bit, thanks.
Damn sight cuter than the rodents living in my ceiling at the moment! But their days are numbered. Your furry boiled eggs made me smile on an otherwise 'blue' weekend. Thanks.
I’d so love to see a video of those Roborovski antics.
Hi Gled,
I know you ment that there just so cute there could just love them to death.
I hate to tell you this but I read your prior post on your adiction and couldn't finish it. The part about trying to find a spot to use make me ill, and I almost cried reading about how you became adicted.
I wish you could stop. Your dreaming your life away in useless drug induced state. You have so much to offer, and your are a good writer.
All I can offer you is a prayer,
I tagged ya!
Nessa:... o! I see what you mean, taking it literally. No! I meant "furry hen's egg sized and shaped critters"!!
Eileen: yeah man to SQUEEZE 'em hahaHA!!
Anon: don't stick your head in a bowl of sawdust though it probably WON't do the diggery trick (boo-hoo; haha!!)
Tea N Crumpet: USED to have 3 robos. now there are 2. BIG boohoo. :-<...
Nicole: cheers. was on pretty good form today. dunno why. maybe it's the sunny weather!
Vi: HI! I'll be by hopefully in about 10 mins from now
Arjan: the furballs are really entertaining...
Baino: that's cool. i'm comin' round in a sec
don't be blue. the sky is blue. blue and white and very breezy here today. and about 10C 50F, so fresh without being "bracing"...
Nick: I will try and find one of similar.
or make my own one day. aarkkh! but I've only got 2 now as bloody fat old swine Spherical has VANISHED on me
Janice: ooww. that addiction post. I know. I try to tear myself away from it can never resist the returning attraction over and over i've given up even attempting fathoming out WHY...
Edyta: aarghf! tag!! ok. gimme a day then i do it
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