SLIGHT LEA & PERRINS CRISIS... I've about 2 dashes left... and NONE of the local shops here seems to stock it... I didn't bother asking as didn't want to do through "it looks like soy sauce but comes in an orange bottle and doesn't taste like it" rigmarole with someone who grew up about 3000 miles away (Eastwards)...
I met Valium Marilyn today. About a year ago she had an operation on her eye. I'm not sure exactly what they did but she used to say it "looked like there's clingfilm over there"... and they "took it off"... now she has a great (not to see but to the touch) lump on the bridge of her nose and her eye... though not literally "black" looks red right round and under... as if she had a black eye 2 or 3 weeks ago. It looks infected. I said don't rub your eye and go to Moorfields (London's eye hospital) for antibiotics. Her own doctor sounds useless.
Talking of lumps. Someone sent me a marvellous link to an abscess being popped. (Click here to view.) It's absolutely glorious... even I felt slightly sick and I love watching a good abscess go (long as it's not MY pain in the process... hmmmm....) having said that and I'll try and cut a long story short I have quite a funky one myself. Totally unimpressive in the abscess scheme of things (because they can get 4 inches or more wide mine is nothing like that... the other day I injected in a "vein" I thought I saw on my left arm. Whatever happened it missed or blew and my arm went all swollen and quite painful. Then it seemed to be okay and on another vein hunt nearly a week later I shoved the needle in another thread that was right near the blow-out but I was convinced was running in the opposite direction. (Blood from veins runs TOWARDS the heart, but if the vein's tracking sideways you can't always tell which direction the blood's flowing ...) How wrong I was. The "hit" seemed to go in (with much pain)... and blew the arm up even more. Within a couple of hours it was mottled purple (not the hole arm, just a patch)... like raspberry ripple icecream... then a day or two later it blew up into a BLISTER like a burn. Of course a few days later (and I did NOT pick it ~ as a certain nurse accused me) the blister rubbed off just from changing clothes... now it's come up in a scab only about an inch or so by an inch or so but with swollen bright red inflamation all round it. My drugs worker insisted on showing it to the nurse "it's gone black!" I heard her exclaim when she thought I couldn't hear (it's not "black" it's just a bloody old scab! Anyway I was told I DO have an abscess there and have to be really careful not to "cross-infect" and go to my doctor (as if!) if nothing "improves" in 2 days... hmmm. Funky? Or not? You decide.
That's about all I have to say today. I was going to post something about an old b'stard who totally annoyed me the other night I am still stewing the girl in the local shop knows him and says in so many words don't even waist your time thinking about people like that ... she has a good point.
O yeah and I cleaned out my robos which made them go pinging supreme! They were rushing round and round like a mini horse race. Then Spherical got on the wheel which she seemed to believe would transport her to the restaurant at the end of the universe. Unfortunately Itchy's back leg was caught on the central spindle, her front leg on the outer wheel. It took nearly six revolutions to free herself (poor swine!) then I took Pingpong the Chinese hamster out for a "ping"... which made the robos really intrigued (when I introduced them. Without letting go of Pingpong). Akh! Now I HAVE to go my brains are too frazzled with thinking. And pus. (Maybe...)_¬
ps the illustration is NOT my arm but the nearest approximation I could find online...
(for one thing that arm has a massive bloody great vein running along it... nonscarred, noncollapsed... definitely not MY arm!!)
Father & Son
Saturday the weatherman had announced Sunshine and as usual he was wrong !
The sun was shi...
13 hours ago
I knew I shouldn't but I just couldn't help myself. Now I'm sorry I did - watch that video of the abcess! Your arm swelling up is trying to tell you something Gleds - don't inject.
Take (more) care of yourself - you're on my Distant Reiki list honey. x
Uhm....gross. Have you ever seen the film Requiem for a Dream? The abcess in that film is pretty nasty. I watched that film on a first date (which was rather uncomfortable to say the least) - i do not recommend it as a first date film. I don't know what to say...abcesses are NOT cool. Get better and don't let it go to the point where you will have to get your arm cut off.
Ew... seriously...eeewwwwww!
why did I click that link? Seriously ewww is right.
gled I'm scared about this stuff with you...go easy, alright (nag over)
You be more careful with the needles okay?
My veins blew out when I was in the hospital having my daughter; I got dehydrated and the nurses thought they'd re-hydrate me through my veins--pop! They got three before my husband got mad and told them to "get someone who knew what they were doing!!!"
Yay, that's my man!
Now here's something for you;
Give this heart ♥ to
every person you care about
including me if you care.
Try to collect 12 ♥
Its not easy so giving you this dare.
Nasty video - but I hope you a bit better soon.
Patti: pus? what's the fuss..?
Akelamalu: I know it is... I've not picked it but have given it a good squeeze... no squirty-pus joy though
Eileen: I would love to see Requiem for a Dream I've heard about that many times...
do you know what I still remember seeing/reading the original reviews of many films that turned out to be classics... all the reviewers can do (usually) is find something to pick holes in. which says so much more about film reviewers than the films they review
Vi: yummmm!!
Debs: I didn't realize how many people would click it... I do like the bit when it goes into closeup and a load more splurges out... me/needles... yeah I know...
Janice: OK I will try the heart thing...
they popped your veins with a rehydration drip? surely the veins they went in were too thin (as in minor veins) or they wanted to adjust the dripping to as low as possible ... eejuts!
Mutley: I slept like a dead log last night... woke up screaming from a dream about Satanic abuse colony situation...
EILEEN:... aark! how typical me missing your biggest point... I once accidentally went in an artery it was like having an elephant sit on my hand I really thought I was going to have to go A&E (ER) thankfully it started going down within an hour or two... my hand was white and dead looking like frozen meat so I see what you mean. I quite like having 2 arms... I know 2 people who've lost legs. I quite like having 2 legs, too...
Am sorry to hear about you vein troubles. I guess the only thing you can do about an abscess yourself is apply a hot-pack and then drain when ready. I would also recommend Tea Tree Oil from Australia, it's a fantastic disinfectant. I used it after my operation last year on a wound that was left open to heal itself on my bellybutton. I applied the Tea Tree Oil around the edges and very lightly on the wound with a cotton bud, it helped to keep it infection free and it dried it out so it healed faster. It's also pain and sting free (unlike alcohol and other antiseptic stuff).
Nicole: I used to have teatree soap... I SHOULD have the oil but despite boxes full of old rubbish most of the USEFUL stuff from my old house seems to have walkaboutied... my abscess thing isn't that bad it only looks like a really sore scab with red round it I'm sure if I picked it pus would come out but I'm grown up enough not to pick things now!!
TutTut: let me (try) to look at that again.. last time I attempted the computer went berzerk
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